Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 647: Step by Step

Seeing that she agreed, Madam Si showed some satisfaction on her face.

Mother Ma then smiled and said: "In my view, wouldn't it be better and more convenient to simply ask Qixing Building to help prepare all the ingredients needed for the birthday banquet?"

"This reminds me," Mrs. Si clapped her hands and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, you are better at running restaurants than us, and you can buy things with better quality and more suitable prices. I don't take Mrs. Outsiders, please leave this matter to Madam Qin, Madam Qin will not refuse, will she?"

Looking at the smiling Mrs. Si, Su Jin understood Mrs. Si's intentions somewhat.

Asking Qixing Building to send a cook is just an excuse, the real purpose is here, right? Let Qixing Building purchase ingredients for her birthday banquet——Thinking of the nature of Mrs. Si whom Amo inquired about, Su Jin couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

Purchasing is not a problem, the problem is who owns the money for purchasing ingredients?

Mrs. Si was as smooth as flowing water in doing such a thing, she would not finish her sentence at once, and would speak little by little, step by step. As long as she agreed to the first step, she would not be able to refuse the second step.

First of all, he asked Xiaoxing to come over to take charge of the cooking. With the popularity of Qixing Building's business, how could Xiaoxing leave?

I rejected her once, and when she proposed to call an ordinary cook, I couldn't refuse.

At this moment, he said that he would ask Qixing Building to help purchase ingredients.

Well, if I agreed, then the next step would probably be to ask myself to deposit the money first, and then pay the bill together later.

What's next? Naturally, there are requirements for the quantity, variety and quality of ingredients.

Spending other people's money, how can you be polite?

Besides, Mrs. Si mentioned it several times intentionally or unintentionally, implying that her husband is Qin Lang's boss. Based on this alone, I have to carefully consider and consider how to respond to her request.

It's not that Su Jin can't afford this amount of money, even if Mrs. Si opened her mouth wide and opened the birthday banquet according to the request of the superior banquet, she can afford it.

At most, it would only cost 20,000 to 30,000 silver. Although it is a huge sum for ordinary people, it is still very easy for her to take it out.

It's just that I'm not happy in my heart. Madam Si's narrow-mindedness towards her makes people feel very unhappy.

And if I promised her today, I'm afraid her appetite will be spoiled, and there will only be endless troubles in the future.

Unless she keeps agreeing to her excessive demands, otherwise, it will be a matter of time before she turns her face.

Since sooner or later she will turn her face, Su Jin doesn't care if it is sooner or later.

"This—I'm afraid it's not very good," Su Jin smiled, pretending not to understand Mrs. Si's meaning, and said very sincerely: "Mrs. The kitchen and purchasers in the mansion are all happy and happy together, how could the Qixing Building have the nerve to snatch it? Besides, the Qixing Building has just opened and has no experience in hosting big banquets, and none of them have enough experience. Seeing that the current affairs in hand still make mistakes from time to time, let alone touch Mrs. Si's birthday banquet! However, I can introduce a few places to buy goods to the family. The quality is sure to be no problem, and the price will be the best! Others can't help much, please don't blame Mrs. Si."

Mrs. Si's smile was as forced as if she had put a fake skin on her face. More than blame? I just want to open my mouth and curse, okay!

This Su family simply doesn't understand the world, how dare she refuse?

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have spoken recklessly and let Mrs. Qin see a joke!" Mrs. Si smiled, and her tone of enthusiasm was no longer the same as before: "If this is the case, there is no need to trouble Mrs. Qin!"

Su Jin doesn't care if she looks good or not, she just doesn't know: "Mrs. Si is serious, I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be! When the time comes, I will ask the cook of Qixing Building to come or not?"

Mrs. Si was depressed, she lowered her eyelids and said calmly, "If Qixing Building is busy, then there is no need to come! You can't delay your business at Qixing Building because of me, can you?"

Su Jin just didn't understand the sarcasm in her words, and nodded solemnly: "Madam Si is really too polite, so let's see the situation then."

I had a bad quarrel with Mrs. Si today, so Su Jin naturally didn't want his people to come back when the time came, as they would definitely be offended if they did.

As for Mrs. Si, she has already been offended anyway, and it doesn't matter if she offends a little more.

Mrs. Si was so angry with her that she didn't even bother to reply, she gave up with a soft "um" or "hum", picked up the tea cup and lowered her head to drink the tea without even lifting her eyelids.

Su Jin was very knowledgeable, and immediately stood up with a smile and said goodbye.

Mrs. Si smiled indifferently and said politely: "Come and sit down when you have time!" and ordered someone to see the guests off.

As soon as Su Jin left, Mrs. Si put the tea bowl in her hand on the tea table beside her with a "bang", her face stretched long.

Mama Momo turned her eyes away from the two little maids who were serving, and lightly patted Mrs. Si's shoulders, saying indignantly, "This Mrs. Qin is so ignorant! Madam praised her to entrust such an important matter to her, she Well, how dare she turn her face and refuse! I don't even think that her husband is still working under our general, but he is only a seventh-rank school lieutenant, and he is not worthy of carrying shoes for our general, why is she so frivolous!"

Mrs. Si snorted coldly, "As long as she is like this, it is conceivable that her lieutenant husband is not very good. When the general comes back, I have to talk to the general."

"That's right, let her know that the sky is high and the earth is thick! One day she will regret it, and when she asks Madam, she will know how wrong she is today."

Mrs. Si kept silent and nodded secretly, imagining that one day Su Jin would cry and beg to kneel down in front of her, and then Mrs. Si's mood eased a little.

After removing the salute brought by Su Jin, Mrs. Si frowned again.

Mother Ma also said indignantly: "This Mrs. Su really doesn't take Madam seriously, I don't know where the courage came from!"

Mrs. Si sneered: "There are people who don't know what to do, and they have to hit the south wall to feel the pain, so I have to let her!"

In fact, Su Jin's meeting gift was not impolite, it was a little more than 20% of the normal amount. But Mrs. Si has always been greedy, and besides, she is jealous of the good business of Qixing Building, and the Lin Family Medical Clinic, which has just opened not long ago. It is said that countless people come to seek medical treatment every day.

Then, for Su Jinguang to send such a small gift, it would naturally look very shabby in her eyes.

The expected value in her heart was at least three times that of the comparison.

Mrs. Si gritted her teeth secretly, this Su family is really unruly, just wait and see

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