"I'm sorry," Su Jin looked apologetically at Vice-General Song, "I want to let go, but I also have my own difficulties. For a person who is plotting to frame me, once I let her go, who knows that she will What will she do? When the evidence is destroyed, it will be destroyed, she can deny it outright, and I really have no choice but to take the blame."

Vice-General Jiang: "You! Okay, tell me, if you're right, let's forget about it. Otherwise, no matter who you are, I will never let you go lightly!"

"General Jiang's words are exactly what I want." Su Jin recounted what happened before, and let them see the wound on Aunt Luo's palm.

Several lieutenant generals, generals, and generals stretched their heads for a glance, then showed strange faces, and some silently contemptuous.

It's not easy for those with low positions to say anything.

Vice General Jiang's own complexion has become quite ugly, and he couldn't help but glance at Aunt Luo.

Aunt Luo was already flushed with embarrassment and anger, but Vice President Jiang couldn't rescue her from Su Jin's hands. Crazy, he could only watch Su Jin let everyone see the wound on his palm.

"Lieutenant General Jiang, could this wound be an abrasion rather than a sharp weapon?"

Vice-General Jiang gasped for breath.

I'm going to scold Aunt Luo to death.

I think this woman is the Mrs. Qin that Aunt Luo has been nagging in her ear these days? Does she want the calculating person to be able to calculate decently? Such an obvious frame-up, what can he say?

Anyone who has been in the military camp for a few years and has some experience can identify ordinary wounds at a glance. The wound on Aunt Luo's palm is absolutely impossible to be caused by falling on the ground and rubbing against it. It must be caused by a sharp weapon. Moreover, it is very likely that it was done on purpose, otherwise the wound would not be so neat.

He can see it, can't others see it?

People don't say it's for his face!

But he is a dignified fourth-rank lieutenant general anyway, can he speak nonsense with his eyes open in front of so many people?

Even if you want to maintain it, you can't maintain it now.

Since the wound was not caused by friction, it means that Aunt Luo lied. Su Jin didn't push Aunt Luo to wrestle at all, it was a play written and directed by her.

This woman has no brains except for her face and the Luo family behind her!

Aunt Luo is also very wronged, how could she expect Su Jin to be so cunning?

Her hand bleeds so much, it is a fact that she was injured, and it is also a fact that Su Jin hurt her - that's the point, isn't it?

Who would have thought that Su Jin would play cards so unreasonably? How could she clasp her hand to show her wounds!

Before Su Jin wiped the blood from her wound, she was quite complacent, thinking that Su Jin was flattering her, but she had such an idea!

If she had known earlier, she would not have allowed her to approach her.

"Luo Shi, why are you so confused!" Deputy Jiang said with a look of hatred.

Aunt Luo knew that she was completely humiliated today, but fortunately, Vice General Jiang had a high position, so no one dared to laugh at herself even if she lost face.

Su, wait, she will definitely come back with revenge in the future.

"General," Aunt Luo burst into tears, so pitiful: "I know I'm wrong, I just annoy Madam Qin's arrogance and don't take me seriously, so I just want to teach her a lesson, There is no other meaning, woo woo woo."

Su Jin sneered in her heart, just wanted to teach her a lesson? No other meaning?

Aunt Luo wanted to be ruthless to make her indisputable, so she ruthlessly dealt with herself, which turned out to be self-defeating.

If she hadn't inadvertently noticed that Aunt Luo had a pair of little golden hairpins stuck in her bun, but only one was left, and the wound was bleeding a lot, she might not be able to wash it off by jumping into the Yellow River today.

She was just the wife of a seventh-rank school lieutenant who hurt the concubine of a fourth-rank lieutenant, and Aunt Luo refused to let her go. She might be raped and humiliated by her.

Not only did Aunt Luo speak lightly, but at this time, she still beat her up?

"If you don't take Mrs. Luo seriously, where do you say this? I don't seem to have seen Aunt Luo before, right?"

Aunt Luo seemed to have been prepared for her to say this, and immediately said: "Why not? I saw that you had no place to sit, so I kindly asked you to come and sit with me, but you didn't pay any attention to me!"

Su Jin: "Mrs. Luo, I'm afraid it's serious? My husband is a seventh-rank captain, so I naturally sit at the same table with the captain's wives. How can I sit with Mrs. Luo? Wouldn't that be ignorance of decency and identity?" ?"

"You!" Aunt Luo blushed with shame and anger, and looked at Vice General Jiang with tears in her eyes.

Among the female relatives who came to visit today, only Aunt Luo is a concubine, and the rest are all regular wives. Even if there are concubines or Tong Fang accompanying them, they are servant girls serving as regular wives.

Absolutely no concubine sits at the table and eats.

Aunt Luo is not only the concubine of the Luo family, but also favored by Vice General Jiang, and Vice General Jiang's wife is not here. She has always been used to being high-profile, and everyone dare not offend Vice General Jiang, so naturally they will not despise her in front of her. , As for what I think in my heart, it's hard to say.

Su Jin's words were obviously talking about herself, but in Aunt Luo's ears, every word was clearly mocking her.

This is her sore spot. No one has dared to say that in front of her. How can she bear it?

For a while, the scene was silent.

Deputy General Song couldn't help being speechless, and secretly glanced at Su Jin. This Mrs. Qin really dares to say anything!

Vice-General Jiang's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, he glanced at Su Jin coldly and said to Aunt Luo: "I think you are overthinking, Mrs. Qin didn't mean that, please stay with Mrs. Qin, this matter is over gone."

Aunt Luo looked at Su Jin aggrievedly, answered yes, and apologized aggrievedly to Su Jin.

Su Jin didn't hold back any longer, but accepted it calmly, and the matter was considered as a let-down.

Vice-General Jiang's face darkened even more, and he coldly left a few words on the scene, and left with Aunt Luo.

It was true that he asked Aunt Luo to apologize to Su Jin, but why would Su Jin, the wife of a seventh-rank school captain, dare to agree to it in a big way? Simply hateful!

Even if Luo Shi is just a concubine, she is also Jiang's concubine. How dare Su Shi not look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face?

In the carriage, Aunt Luo covered her face and cried again, "General, have you seen it? This Su family is too arrogant! She doesn't care about the general at all! She hates the Luo family. I also hate it, and if I have a chance, I will shame the general."

Vice-General Jiang sneered: "What is she! How dare you embarrass this General?"

She is that Qin Lang's wife? Very good, he also wants to see how capable Qin Lang is to have such a domineering wife.

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