What did she say? She had nothing to say, she just wanted to get up and leave.

"I'm not in the mood to talk about this yet," Su Jin smiled wryly and shook her head: "I don't know when my husband will come back, but when I think of him, I feel uneasy. I don't have time to think about other things, and Madam Si will laugh at me."

While asking General Si Shen to deliberately embarrass Qin Lang, at the same time envious of Qixinglou and wishful thinking, Su Jin is really strange, where does she have such a thick skin?

And why do you think that if she opens her mouth, she will definitely agree?

Mrs. Si was somewhat embarrassed by Su Jin's words, so she could only pretend to be ignorant and smiled to comfort her: "Lieutenant Qin is young and promising, and our general has praised his abilities. You don't have to worry, he will come back safely. Speaking of which, the expenses needed in the army are not small. To be honest, the higher you go, the more you need! Mrs. Qin has time to worry about this, so she might as well earn more money so that he can take care of his worries. Does Mrs. Qin really not consider my proposal?"

As if she was afraid that Su Jin wouldn't understand her hint, Madam Si added: "We will become our own people in the future, and we can take care of each other more. Naturally, our general will not treat Xiaowei Qin badly!"

A faint mockery flashed across Su Jin's eyes.

Won't you treat me badly?

I'm afraid it's true that the appetite will grow bigger and bigger, right?

"Then I thank Mrs. Si first, but I really don't have the heart to think about it right now, sorry!"

Mrs. Si saw that she had exhausted her words and tongues, and Su Jin still didn't let go. She couldn't help being angry, and she lowered her face and sneered slightly, "In that case, then I won't say more, Mrs. Qin should go back and think about it, Mrs. Qin will do it in the end Are you caring about Colonel Qin or are you holding back! I think Mrs. Qin is my own person to say these things, thinking that everyone has money to make money together, and work together to do a good job in the Qixing Building business! Otherwise, I have money to do something bad , have to invest in Qixing Building? Aren’t you willing to help you for the sake of your own people?”

After hearing these heart-wrenching words, Su Jin felt that her smile was very sincere and sincere: "Well, I will think about it carefully! Madam Si, thank you very much."

Mrs. Si hit a wall without being soft or hard, and asked Su Jin to be sent out with a dark face.

"This Su family really loves money like his life! Hmph, I'm afraid that asking for so much money may not be enough money in the end!"

After all, Mrs. Si was not reconciled, and then invited Su Jin over. After all, her husband's position was either low or high, and it was really not easy for her to take advantage of something to earn some money. Because most of the families that she can afford are not having a good life. In comparison, Su Jin's family is a proper fat sheep.

Aunt Luo's words moved her very much, as long as she holds the Qixing Building in her hands, what worries will she have in the future?

After passing this village, there will be no such shop

Su Jin was so annoyed that she ignored her. Let the door directly reply that I went out to collect medicine, so I can relax.

And Qin Lang finally came back safe and sound.

Seeing the man walking towards him in the morning light, his tall body, deep and bright eyes, and the gentle smile on his handsome face appeared in his eyes, at that moment, Su Jin only wondered if he was hallucinating.

Then, the eye sockets became moist.

"Are you back? Are you all right? Are you injured?" Su Jin threw herself into the arms of the man who was running over, and before she had time to hug him, she hurriedly pulled him up and down to check.

Qin Lang was taken aback.

Clutching her shoulders with both hands, his eyes suddenly locked on her, Qin Lang looked down at her: "I'm fine, nothing happened! Who told you what?"


"Really, look, isn't this good? Or, why don't you try it yourself now, and you will never let Ah Jin down as a husband!" Qin Lang smiled helplessly and ambiguously.

Su Jin's face was slightly red, but he was relieved, and said angrily: "I'm worried to death, you are not serious!"

Qin Lang smiled: "Who said that? That's the most serious thing!"

Su Jin smiled, he raised his eyes and embraced her.

The two had been sweet for a while, Qin Lang sat down, hugged her in his arms, and repeated the old saying: "Who told you what?"

Su Jin coughed and turned to look at him with a half-smile, "Well, what do you think? Who should say something to me?"

He couldn't inform her in advance of any urgent mission he was about to undertake, so he should ask someone to send him a letter. She doesn't need to know the confidential things, as long as he hints a few words, it can reassure her.

The province is messed up by irrelevant people in a few words.

The smile on Qin Lang's face froze, and he smiled wryly: "I'm afraid that if you are worried, you will think wildly."


"Which bastard is talking too much?" Qin Lang gritted his teeth.

"Auntie Luo from Vice General Jiang's family," Su Jin told him exactly what Auntie Luo said, and finally asked him, "Is this all true?"

Qin Lang's eyes were unsurprisingly cold, and he sneered, "What she said is generally correct, but so what?"

He hugged her and kissed her deeply on her face, staring at her with dark and deep eyes, raised his eyebrows and smiled at her: "I was just about to tell Ah Jin that your man has been promoted again, and this task has been completed well , saved the lives of about ten people including General Lu, and brought a bunch of horse bandits by the way, and now your man is already a fifth-rank general!"

Although the fifth-rank ginseng is one level lower than the fourth-rank deputy general, in fact, the importance is almost the same.

At least, a fourth-rank deputy general is not qualified to decide the disposition of a fifth-rank general. He must report to the general who protects the country and let the general protect the country to decide.

And among the two big camps in the east and west of Wushui City, Duan Fu is the only general who protects the country.

Let Duan Fu decide what to do with Qin Lang. Unless Qin Lang treacherously surrenders to the enemy, Duan Fu will have a way to save him.

Hearing Qin Lang explain this in detail, Su Jin was both surprised and happy, and laughed triumphantly: "If Mrs. Si and Aunt Luo know that they are self-defeating, their noses must be crooked! Hahahaha, I really want to see it now Judging by Mrs. Si's expression, maybe she's regretting it right now? My husband is really amazing!"

Laughing proudly enough, Su Jin suddenly hugged Qin Lang and looked up at him, and said seriously: "There is nothing better than your safe return, you promise me, no matter what the situation is, the most important thing is to take care of yourself. A Lang, I am very happy Selfish, I just want to have a good time with you, the two of you have been living like this, and you have to think about this and me first if there is any conflict with this! If—"

Su Jin's eyes suddenly became hot, he forced a smile, and said in a relaxed tone: "I don't want to worry about you anymore, never again."

For example, when he disappeared in Xiaohe Village, she never wanted to experience that kind of despair again.

"Okay, don't worry!" Qin Lang held her into his arms forcefully, and the two couldn't help but hug and kiss together.

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