Qin Lang is more than ten years younger than General Si Shen, and this astonishing promotion speed is not comparable to General Si Shen.

Maybe it won't be long before Qin Lang will become the boss of the General Secretary?

As well as this mission, the strength shown by Qin Lang, even if General Secretary Jiang and Vice General Jiang wanted to be picky, he would not be able to pick it up.

The strength beats the face, and the barbarian can't bar it.

Under such circumstances, how could Mrs. Si still be so majestic in front of Su Jin?

Not only will she lose her prestige, but Mrs. Si will be worried about whether Su Jin will settle accounts with her.

Sure enough, seeing Mrs. Si and the housekeeper, the servant girl, welcoming her at the gate, Su Jin knew that she had guessed right.

"Sister Su is here! It can be seen that I still have such a thin face!" Mrs. Si giggled, stepped forward to hold Su Jin's hand affectionately, as if nothing had happened before .

Su Jin didn't show any complacency in front of her, and was as polite as before with a three-point alienation.

In fact, ever since Madam Si greeted Su Jin affectionately and with a smile on her face, she has been nervously wringing her heart and secretly scrutinizing Su Jin's reaction.

She can't help it, this old face has to be peeled off, even if people hold grudges in their hearts and want to throw her peeled off face on the ground and stomp it hard, she can only recognize it.

This man, how do you know which cloud in the sky will rain? This somersault made her fall too hard!

Who knew that Qin Lang had such good luck? It was clearly a mission that everyone disliked, and it was a mission blessed by gods and Buddhas to get out of the body and return safely. He managed to carve out a golden avenue of promotion from it, and plated it with real gold. What else could others do but stare blankly?

For this reason, her husband complained to her a while ago, saying that she has a small belly, doesn't know what to do, and adds trouble to her if she has nothing to do, is short-sighted, and has a woman's view.

Okay now? He has suddenly become his equal colleague, and anyone with eyes can see that he has a bright future!

From now on, can you not blame yourself, can you not take revenge?

Her jealousy and shortness are really killing herself.

Mrs. Si was depressed, annoyed and unwilling - this person is really incomparable! Don't be angry, it's useless.

After finally waiting for Su Jin to come back, why don't she hurry up and invite her to come over as a guest—this time it's a real guest.

In fact, neither Mrs. Si nor Su Jin could see it more clearly than Qin Lang himself. The two women were a little out of sorts, feeling that they had hurt their husbands.

However, Qin Lang is very clear that even without Mrs. Si's appearance, he has hindered the eyes of countless people, and it will be a matter of time before he is targeted.

In fact, the sooner this kind of thing comes, the better.

Therefore, General Si Shen deliberately gave himself small shoes to wear, so why was it just to vent his anger on Mrs. Si? It just happened to catch up and made him more "justifiable" against himself.

Mrs. Si didn't have a good husband who really loved and cared for her, so she was reprimanded and scolded by her husband afterwards, and she took the blame for her husband in a daze.

Qin Lang felt sorry for Su Jin, and explained the reason clearly. Su Jin got rid of his heart disease, and became more and more affectionate with him.

At this moment, Mrs. Si saw that Su Jin was still treating her as usual, she finally secretly breathed a sigh of relief, her smile became more cordial and bright, and she invited her in.

Mrs. Si said good things in a roundabout way to apologize, she said so cryptically, if you didn't listen carefully, you might not really understand what she meant. Su Jin wanted to laugh, but she had to apologize because she wanted to save face. Mrs. Si really worked hard.

Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted. Mrs. Si is sensible and takes the initiative to apologize and show her kindness. Whether she is willing or not, as long as she is sensible and sensible, that's enough.

Su Jin reconciled with her generously.

Only then did Mrs. Si feel relieved.

After talking about this matter, Su Jin and her had nothing else to say, so they sat down for a while and got up to leave.

Mrs. Si warmly offered to leave a meal, but Su Jin declined.

Although she won't take revenge on Mrs. Si, it's a bit too embarrassing for her to have no grudges in her heart right now. At least she couldn't.

Facing Mrs. Si, she felt that no matter what she ate, it would be tasteless.

Mrs. Si couldn't force her to stay, so she gave her a generous gift and sent her out personally.

Su Jin didn't want to accept her gift, but Mrs. Si wanted to give it whatever she wanted, and she almost begged in the end.

Su Jin suddenly understood that Mrs. Si didn't really believe that she really let her go. If she didn't accept this gift, she would be even more worried.

"Since that's the case, then it's better to be respectful than to obey!"

Mrs. Si really showed a somewhat relaxed expression, and waved her hands repeatedly with a smile and said, "Don't dare, you should!"

After getting into the carriage, Bai Shao and You Rongyan smiled and said: "My Madam is proud today, and the servants feel that it is easy to relieve their hatred! Our master is very powerful, Madam is very lucky!"

Su Jin hooked her lips, thinking of Qin Lang, she felt quite honored in her heart.

When I got home and opened Mrs. Si's gift, it was a set of very beautiful and exotic gold tiaras.

The shape of curly flowers and leaves is wrapped around branches, and there are birds that spread their wings to fly or sing their necks, inlaid with many beautiful gems, the small ones are the size of soybeans, the big ones are as big as a thumb, red, blue, green, There are pink ones, as well as brown and transparent gemstones, all of which are extremely pure in color, exquisite and priceless.

With the Si family's financial resources, they definitely couldn't afford such a thing. General Si Shen must have got it from some tribe, maybe it was a spoil of war, or maybe it was obtained by chance.

But such a beautiful and valuable thing must be Mrs. Si's favorite treasure, and with the position of a general, there will never be many such things on hand.

It's just good luck to have this one.

Mrs. Si really spent a lot of money.

Su Jin smiled lightly.

If Mrs. Si gave two or three hundred silver or jewelry, cloth, jade, etc. worth several hundred taels, Su Jin would accept it, but it would be inappropriate for her to accept such things .

Mrs. Si sent it away reluctantly and unwillingly. When I think about it afterwards, I will only feel more distressed and more unwilling, and there is no guarantee that nothing will happen again.

But she can't give her back, and Mrs. Si must think that she still has a grudge against her and refuses to forgive her, and she will also cause trouble.

Su Jin had no choice but to let Amo go to the jewelry store in the city to buy a set of head and face jewelry worth about three thousand taels, and gave it back to Mrs. Si as a gift.

He conveniently gave her a recipe for mutton soup.

The winter in the Northland is long and cold, and the steaming hot mutton soup is very popular, especially after the weather turns cold.

Su Jin tasted the mutton soup from many shops, and always felt that something was missing. Later, he realized that it was licorice.


Today is the fourth update, what, please ask for a ticket

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