Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 662 Inexplicable Hostility

I couldn't wait for this kind of time, thinking that Su Jin had rescued the Mu family's eldest son before, someone proposed to invite her, General Duan Fu Duan agreed again, and everyone else naturally had no objection.

Anyway, when the sky fell, General Duan was holding it up.

Not to mention the cousin, who is not only regretful or afraid at the moment, but just crying there, no one pays any attention to her, and no one cares about her opinion.

If General Zheng is good, that's fine, if not, he must go to the court, and she can't run away and take responsibility.

Qin Lang is not happy, after all, this matter is risky. Even if Mu Dalang was cured at the beginning, at most the clinic would not open, and at most he would pay a large sum of money, but if something happened to General Zheng Dalang, it would not be a matter of compensation or not.

It's okay for Qin Lang not to be happy, the opinion of a small general is not important, and General Duan Fu has already spoken, who can object?

Qin Lang could only be reluctant, but had to hurry home to find Su Jin.

Since he was destined to take over this matter, naturally the sooner the better.

Su Jin asked a few words about General Zheng's current condition, and Qin Lang said: "It seems that he is in good spirits, the arrow has not been pulled out, but the military doctor stopped the bleeding for him, and the pill you gave me to replenish qi and blood after the military doctor checked it. He took two pills. Now it’s a matter of pulling out the arrow. The location is close to the heart. I’m afraid it’s not easy to handle. If you’re not sure, don’t force it. The military doctors don’t dare to mess with it, and you can’t blame anyone if you die.”

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, shook Qin Lang's hand and smiled at him: "Don't worry, if it's true as you said, it's not difficult. Just take out the arrow with a knife. I'll be careful, it won't hurt my heart of."

To her, this kind of surgery was not a delicate surgery, as long as she didn't suffer from bad luck for eight lifetimes, she would definitely not go wrong.

Qin Lang raised his eyebrows, doubtful: "Really?"

It's too easy for the daughter-in-law to say, right? Do you dare to believe that all those serious-looking military doctors are idiots?

Su Jin chuckled: "What did I lie to you for? It's just the two of us right now, so I still need to tell lies?"

Qin Lang smiled: "Military doctors are indeed too incompetent."

"That's not true." Su Jin distinguished one or two for them: "It's not difficult for the participants. I have a scalpel, but they don't. Even if there is a scalpel, there is no sputum!"

Maybe no military doctor thought of digging out the arrowhead with a knife, but if the arrowhead is very deep, General Zheng will definitely feel pain and severe pain. At that time, the muscles will tense and contract uncontrollably. It is hard to say whether it will affect the heart. up.

So they dare not do it easily.

But these problems do not exist for Su Jin.

However, Su Jin felt a little emotional at the thought of using Mafeisan.

In the end, this Mafeisan was the first to spread from her to the army.

The carriage soon arrived at the General's Mansion, Qin Lang carried Su Jin out of the carriage, put it down carefully, held her hand and comforted her softly: "Don't be nervous, I'm here."

Su Jin's heart warmed, and he nodded "Yes", Xiao Niao followed him by his side.

Coltsfoot Pinellia followed behind with a medicine box in their hands, calm and unmoved, the love between Master and Master is enough, why is Master nervous? Forgive them for their blindness, but they really didn't see it at all.

Qin Lang led them into the living room where General Zheng was resting at the moment. In the outer hall, Duan Fu and the others were waiting anxiously, and they all heaved a sigh of relief when they finally saw someone coming.

"I'm coming!"

"I hope Mrs. Qin can find a way."

"It might work?"

Qin Lang returned to his command, Su Jin saw everyone one by one, Duan Fu waved his hand: "Madam Qin, you don't need to be polite, you don't need to pay attention to these rules at the moment, Madam Qin, please go in and see General Zheng. Madam Qin, don't have any worries, can you Be sure to just tell the truth."

The gratitude in Su Jin's eyes flashed, and he saluted Duan Fu Fu: "Yes, General Duan."

"You—what are you doing here? She is the doctor you invited to treat my cousin's wounds?" Cui Jinglan, the cousin who had been sitting beside her with tears in her eyes, suddenly became agitated, and rushed over to question her in alarm.

Su Jin glanced at her inexplicably, and always felt that her reaction seemed a little too excited, and the way she looked at her seemed strange.

Although she has tried her best to hide it. But obviously her reaction was too much, and the cover-up was too obvious, and it seemed like she was trying to cover up.

Su Jin was speechless: Another Luo Ziyuan!

What the hell is her luck? Encountered another persecuted delusional disorder? She is a woman with a good husband, okay, the kind who is loyal, who will compete with them for General Zheng?

All the generals frowned.

The more straightforward ones made no secret of their dislike.

If she hadn't been reckless and willful, and wouldn't have caused the general to be so aggrieved and injured, what else would she do besides cry? Nothing!

When she asked for a doctor, she didn't care about anything and just sat there crying.

It's all right now, the doctor has invited her, and she jumped up to find trouble!

Duan Fu endured the disgust and curse in his heart and said lightly: "Yes, Mrs. Qin is very skilled in medicine, and she is the only one who can see the general. If Miss Cui is tired, why not go back to rest and visit the general later Bar."

"No, I don't agree." Cui Jinglan probably didn't listen to Duan Fu's words at all, and she refused flatly without thinking: "She is a woman, what kind of good medical skills can she have? Isn't this a joke! Have you seen the expression on the table?" Is it such a joke that brother is injured and has ulterior motives and deliberately doesn't want him to get better?"

Otherwise, how could he find such a so-called doctor who is unreliable at first sight?

Cui Jinglan felt that she had seen the truth, her eyes sharpened in vain, and she stared at Duan Fu vigilantly.

"Miss Cui, please be careful!" Duan Fu was so angry that his face turned black, and he said coldly: "Anyone of us hopes for General Zheng's recovery more than you, because we all know that Wushui City Barracks I can’t live without him! Ms. Cui’s words are so embarrassing, I can’t afford to be a general, so I ask Ms. Cui to say a few words less, and let’s talk about it after General Zheng recovers! Ms. Cui, don’t forget, why did General Zheng receive it? hurt!"

Cui Jinglan's words made it clear that Duan Fu wanted to plot and plot to kill Zheng Guanqing so that she could take over the position. Who would not be angry if they heard such words?

Su Jin was very speechless. She didn't know whether to say that this cousin had a low EQ or was really stupid.

This kind of words can also be said!

Cui Jinglan was a little embarrassed, her face was reddish, and she was very dissatisfied with Duan Fu's words. She felt that her guess was right, intrigues were everywhere, didn't Duan Fu want to replace her cousin? Don't want to pull my cousin off the horse? how is this possible!

She really wanted to refute Duan Fu's words, but was frightened by his cold and sharp expression and fierce tone, she dared not.

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