Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 664: Sure enough

The rest of them also quickly retreated. Su Jin left the two military doctors behind, as well as Steward Zheng and Duan Fu. Otherwise, if there is something, it will not be clear.

Anyway, this bedroom is big enough, they are standing far away, and they are not as ignorant as Miss Cui, so it will not affect anything.

General Zheng's injury was nothing to Su Jin. As soon as she explained her treatment plan, the two military doctors shook their heads and gave her a contemptuous look.

Couldn't they have thought of such a simple solution? But it can't be done, with a knife to cut open the flesh and take such a deep arrowhead, the severe pain is not something that can be endured without being afraid of pain.

The only thing I can bear is not to scream.

The muscles will still be tense, which is very unfavorable for taking the arrow, and it is extremely easy to accidentally injure blood vessels or nerves if you are not careful. At that position, in case the tip of the knife deviates and injures the heart——

Reckless, self righteous! This is the evaluation of Su Jin in the hearts of the two military doctors.

Su Jin smiled slightly: "I know what the two adults are worried about, but it's not a problem, just boil it with sesame seeds, and the set of utensils I specially asked someone to make is also very delicate, which is suitable for this kind of work." It requires delicate surgery."



The two military doctors raised their voices dumbfounded, as if they had seen a ghost.

Not to mention them, even Zheng Guanqing was stunned.

Of course he also knew what it would mean to the army if there was something like Mafeisan.

"You—Ms. Qin's words are serious?"

Su Jin sighed inwardly, it seemed that the Mafeisan prescription presented by the Lin family had really been shelved in the capital, and no news had even come out.

"How can such a thing be faked?" Su Jin smiled calmly: "I am from Fangyin County, Fancheng, Huainan Road. The Lin family in Fancheng is a famous medical family in Huainan Road. They made this Mabosan last year. Coincidentally, the younger sister I recognized is the wife of the new generation head of the Lin family. So, maybe others don't have this Mabosan, but I have some in my hand."

Zheng Guanqing sighed softly, but the expressions of the two military doctors were not so good.

Doctor Liu: "So it's true! How can the Lin family hide such a thing that saves the world? Why didn't they report it to the court?"

It's okay to keep some common medicine as a secret recipe handed down from one's family, but Mafeisan is different from common medicine. The Lin family shouldn't be hiding it.

"Haven't the two adults heard of it?" Su Jin looked stunned: "This is wrong, my brother-in-law has clearly reported this to the Tai Hospital!"

Zheng Guanqing raised her eyebrows: "Really?"

Su Jin nodded and said seriously: "How can such a thing be faked?"

Of course, there is no need for Su Jin to tell lies, because such lies are meaningless, and Zheng Guanqing can find out as long as he uses a little relationship.

All three stopped talking.

The two military doctors felt a little unwilling and angry, thinking that the imperial court had forgotten them, but Zheng Guanqing knew better than them that the imperial court either forgot, or did not take the prescriptions offered by others seriously at all.

"General Zheng, if you don't have any comments, I'm going to start."

Zheng Guanqing said "Huh?" and nodded without thinking: "Thank you, Mrs. Qin."

"I'm a doctor, it's my job."

The two military doctors originally wanted to say something, but General Zheng Da had already spoken, and it was inconvenient for the two of them to speak, so they had to be silent and nervous in their hearts.

Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Ping had only been with her for a short time, so this time they were not allowed to do anything, but they were only allowed to observe carefully, while Coltsfoot and Pinellia helped her.

The two military doctors also stood aside, watching with wide eyes without blinking.

Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Ping were both excited and moved, and secretly said in their hearts that the master was so kind to them, and he never forgot to ask them to observe and emulate even the diagnosis and treatment of the general.

This is the Great General of the Erpinzhu Kingdom, or the eldest son of Duke Min's Mansion, how dare the master grows, the General is just a test piece in her eyes.

Su Jin's hands are very steady, and the coltsfoot and pinellia have already been experienced. Even if they are facing a general at the moment, once Su Jin says to start, they will be a sick number in their eyes.

The process went very smoothly.

Doctors Hu Jun and Liu Jun were stunned and amazed.

Even Zheng Guanqing himself thought this experience was amazing.

He was lying there flat, and he could see Su Jin stabbing him with knives and other tools, and she could see her using extremely delicate tweezers to pull out the three-edged barbed arrow from his flesh. Miraculously, he was completely No pain was felt.

In fact, there was still a little bit of pain, but that level of pain was nothing to him.

Mabosan, is this the effect of Mabosan? It's - it's amazing!

Zheng Guanqing's heart couldn't help but burn hot.

After suturing the wound neatly, applying medicine, and wrapping it with clean gauze, Su Jin smiled and said, "General Zheng is always in good health, so this wound is nothing, but it's best to rest in bed for three or four days, at least a month." Do not do too much strenuous exercise within the period, and stop dancing with knives and guns for the time being. Keep the wound away from water, change dressings on time, and eat lightly. The two adults must know better than me, so I won’t say more Yes. After about seven days, I will remove the thread from the general’s wound.”

Zheng Guanqing was lying down unable to get up, and nodded to her, with a rare three-point smile and—respect? "Madam Qin please, I will thank Madam Qin another day!"

"You are welcome, General!"

Doctor Hu, Doctor Liu, and Zheng Guanqing were all so eager and hot that they were breathing hard. As soon as the conversation was over, the two of them followed Su Jin with smiles on their faces and kept praising and complimenting her. dispersion, and this remedy.

Su Jin had nothing he couldn't tell them, he answered every question, and generously gave the two of them a small bottle of Mafeisan, and said with a smile that they could go to the Lin Family Medical Center if they wanted to discuss anything in the future. All the answers you need.

As for this set of tools, if they are interested, she can also give them the drawings. There are very detailed instructions on the drawings. As long as they can find skilled craftsmen, they can also make them.

Seeing her generosity, Dr. Hu Jun and Dr. Liu Jun couldn't say anything more. They thanked her happily and said with a smile that they would go back to visit.

Now is really not a good time to talk.

Su Jin smiled and agreed.

Xiao Mian, don’t think she didn’t see it, they wanted to keep her set of delicate tools to observe and observe, whether the set of tools can be returned to her in the end, or whether there will be something missing, she doesn’t care Give them a chance to speak.

Moreover, she doesn't like others to take away the things she is used to.

As soon as a few people left the door of the room, everyone surrounded them.

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