Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 666 Fiancee

They can get married only when she grows up and he returns to Beijing.

In his view, this is a matter of course and a matter of course.

He never thought about repenting his marriage, and neither did his parents.

He wouldn't look down on her just because she lost her parents.

Unexpectedly, three years—about three years ago, she would disappear! His whereabouts are still unknown.

He has always had his own charter and persistence in doing things. He felt that she should still be alive, and he would not make any decisions until he got definite news from her.

Cui Jinglan's parents deeply blamed and felt guilty for her disappearance at the beginning, and vowed that they would do their best and use all means to find someone.

He felt the same way, so he didn't care much about it.

But Cui Jinglan, how could she have such thoughts of replacing her? Since when did she have such thoughts? So, did the Cui family really look for her?

Zheng Guanqing felt that she was really belated.

He and his fiancée are distant cousins, and Cui Jinglan has always followed her to call her cousin, and she doesn't care about it.

But why is he so confused? She calls "cousin, cousin" on weekdays, which actually sounds really good.

Although he didn't know whether his fiancée was dead or alive, or whether he would be found, Zheng Guanqing knew very well that no matter what the outcome was, he would never marry Cui Jinglan.

Cui Jinglan and the Cui family are not worthy of the family status of Duke Min's mansion.

By the way, what's the name of his fiancée? Su Suqing? Su Jin? The memory is long and vague, and he has never paid much attention to it, so he really can't remember it for a while.

Su. Another face appeared in his mind, calm, wise, majestic and open-minded, not like a woman. The Mrs. Qin who fetched the arrow for him also seemed to be named Su, right?

Zheng Guanqing smiled unconsciously and shook her head with a light smile. How did you think of Mrs. Qin so well?

Perhaps, such a woman is too special, too unusual?

Back at her own home, seeing Qin Lang's gloomy eyes, Su Jin laughed instead, squeezed his face amusedly and said: "I'm sorry for you? Huh?"

Qin Lang grabbed her hand and sighed softly, and said in a moment: "If I had known this, I would not have let you go. I want to see if that Miss Cui will come to invite you personally!"

Doesn't she look like she can do anything for General Zheng? Let's see if she will kowtow a few times in front of Ah Jin.

Su Jin smiled: "That woman is a lunatic just like Luo Ziyuan, no, she is even more insane than Luo Ziyuan, I don't know as much as a lunatic!"

Qin Lang was also funny, and felt a little sympathetic to General Zheng: "General Zheng is so pitiful."

Haunted by two crazy women.

Su Jin smiled and said: "You men should be very proud of yourself? Some people are crazy about it!"

Qin Lang was a little terrified, and shook his head without thinking: "Proud? Only when you are crazy will you be proud! Fortunately, I only have Ah Jin!"

Su Jin laughed.

In the morning of the next day, Qin Lang accompanied Su Jin to General Zheng's Mansion for a review.

Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Ping stayed here last night. Although the wound was not a serious problem, given General Zheng's status, it was impossible for Su Jin to heal and leave yesterday.

Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Ping held the disciple ceremony, took her husband and wife in respectfully, and reported the situation last night by the way.

The wound was inflamed, and General Zheng had a high fever, but that was a normal reaction, and the situation was within controllable range. After taking antipyretics, General Zheng soon subsided the fever and fell asleep peacefully.

That's good, Su Jin nodded, then, it's fine for her to do a routine checkup.

Su Jin was a little surprised that he didn't see that Miss Cui at General Zheng's place.

But it's a good thing for her.

General Zheng Da looked much better than yesterday, his complexion improved a lot, and his eyes became brighter and sharper. When Su Jin entered, he leaned on the bed, and when he saw it was her, his eyes softened a little, and he rushed She smiled and nodded, "Mrs. Qin!"

"It seems that the general is recovering quite well." Su Jin smiled and did a routine examination for him. After looking at the wound, he said to the two military doctors with a smile: "Since last night passed safely, there will be no more accidents. I won't be here for a few days, and I'll come back when the stitches are about to be removed."

Doctor Hu and Doctor Liu nodded: "We will take good care of the general, and if there is any doubt, we will ask Mrs. Qin for advice."

"You two adults are polite!"

After exchanging a few pleasantries and explaining the matter, Su Jin said goodbye and left. Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Ping also went with her, they went back to rest and went to help in the clinic.

No, Su Jinhui was blocked by Cui Jinglan, and Cui Jinglan looked at her with complicated eyes. The degree of complexity and entanglement made Su Jin speechless.

So, what kind of enemy is this woman treating her like? Looking at her eyes can be complicated and tangled like this? The reason why she came into contact with General Zheng Da is only because she is a doctor, okay?

"Mrs. Qin, can I talk to you alone? Don't worry, it's next to the flower garden over there, and I won't go far."

"Okay," Su Jin gestured with his eyes to stop Qin Lang who was about to speak, and nodded with a smile: "Miss Cui, please."

Cui Jinglan had already prepared a plan to persuade her, but she didn't expect her to agree to her so easily, slightly surprised, her face darkened, and she walked over.

"Go and come back quickly, I'll wait for you here." Qin Lang patted her hand lightly.

Su Jin nodded and smiled at him.

Standing opposite Cui Jinglan, at least five steps away, this place is also very empty, such tricks as pushing and wrestling are expected to be impossible for normal people.

"I don't know what Miss Cui wants to say?"

Cui Jinglan remained silent, looking at Su Jin with calm, obscure, and meaningful eyes, wishing to stare at her face and peel off her skin.

Even though Su Jin's heart is strong enough, she also felt a little terrified by her strange and inexplicable gaze.

Raising her hand to touch her face, Su Jin smiled lightly: "Miss Cui, is there something wrong with my face?"

"Ah?" Cui Jinglan came back to her senses in shock, looked away, and actually slightly bowed to Su Jin and saluted: "I was rude yesterday, please Madam Qin don't care about me, I am too worried about my cousin."

Su Jin was taken aback.

Cui Jinglan continued on the other side: "It's all to protect my cousin that he was injured like that. Madam Qin, you don't know. The moment my cousin protected me and blocked the arrow for me, I was really scared! The last thing I want to hurt is He belongs to me, but he got hurt because of me. If something happens to him, how can I live! Yesterday I was in a daze, full of fear and worry in my heart, and my heart was in a mess. I don't know what I said and what I did. I shouldn't treat Mrs. Qin like that!"


Well, will I be beaten after writing this chapter o(╥﹏╥)o

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