Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 670 Hunting

And his time is more free, it is not difficult to go back and have a look and accompany Su Jin.

A few days later, Su Jin removed the thread of General Zheng Da's wound, and his wound has healed and recovered very well.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zheng Guanqing thanked her with a smile. Dr. Hu Jun and Dr. Liu Jun went to the Lin Family Clinic several times, and met Su Jin two or three times, and admired her even more.

Zheng Guanqing made an agreement with the Lin Family Medical Center to provide various medicinal materials to the barracks in the future, especially various wound medicines and Mafei powder.

The Lin family was naturally overjoyed. Using the military channel basically meant establishing a position in Wushui City, which would be of great benefit to future development.

Zheng Guanqing did this after deliberation. Even if there is a prescription of Ma Feisan in the Tai Hospital's hands, he is too lazy to ask.

This kind of question is asked to offend people.

Why should he do it?

Anyway, he is a rough man, he knows that the Lin family has them, and if he needs them, he buys them from the Lin family, which is perfectly normal. It's not his duty to report this kind of matter to the court, so he can ignore it.

Cui Jinglan became even more angry, thinking that what Zheng Guanqing did was clearly to help Su Jin. Even if he doesn't remember Su Jin's appearance, he is willing to help her, speaks to her so kindly, and smiles at her - even to himself, he has never felt so good!

Cui Jinglan invited Su Jin to go hunting: "Madam Qin has been suffering a lot in order to take care of my cousin. The result of the hunting is not important, the important thing is to relax! I really want to accompany Madam Qin, Besides, I'm going back to Beijing in a few days, and I just want to go out of the city to walk around, and I don't have any friends here, so please accompany me, Mrs. Qin, cousin."

Su Jin didn't want to go out with Cui Jinglan at all. Zheng Guanqing hesitated a little, but smiled at Su Jin and said, "If Mrs. Qin is free, you might as well go for a walk and relax. These days are really troublesome for Mrs. Qin! By the way, call General Qin to join us."

Zheng Guanqing opened his mouth, and offered to let Qin Lang accompany him, so Su Jin couldn't refuse anymore. After thinking about it, he nodded and smiled in agreement.

Cui Jinglan heard that General Qin was also accompanying her, but she frowned and was a little reluctant. After all, he was Su Jin's husband, and she saw that the man treated Su Jin very well, so there was such a person who followed , it is really not convenient.

But after thinking about it, what's the use of being just a general? It would be even better if they could kill both of them.

Cousin is already quite dissatisfied with her, these days she managed to get him to tolerate her a little bit, and she couldn't make trouble anymore, so she didn't object.

Not only did he not object, but seeing Su Jin agreeing to accompany him on the hunt, Haosheng was grateful, making Su Jin give her a strange look while agreeing.

Such clearly puzzled and perplexed eyes made Cui Jinglan very angry.

In fact, Zheng Guanqing was annoyed because Cui Jinglan broke her mind, and originally wanted to send her away immediately, but Cui Jinglan was flexible, crying in front of him and begging to admit her mistake, expressing that it was all her own wishful thinking. Since the general disagreed, Then I naturally stopped thinking. It's just that she came here with great difficulty, and he was injured because of her, at least let her stay for a few more days, and when he recovers from his injury, she will definitely go back and never dare to pester him again.

He also said that if he didn't call him "cousin", then it would be unfair to live in the general's mansion, and then it would really have a bad impact on her boudoir reputation. So doesn't he have to be responsible for himself?

Zheng Guanqing didn't care too much about these twists and turns, and it made sense to hear what Cui Jinglan said.

In any case, she came to visit her, and she was a weak woman, so where else could she live if she didn't live in the general's mansion? Wushui City is not as peaceful and safe as it appears on the surface, and if something happens to her here, she will not be able to get rid of it.

However, to let her live in the general's mansion, she must have a status, otherwise wouldn't it damage her reputation? At that time, if I don't want to be responsible, I have to be "responsible". To say the least, being a "cousin" is much better than being anonymous.

That's why Zheng Guanqing acquiesced in her calling her cousin.

Yesterday she asked to go hunting again and went back. Zheng Guanqing didn't want to talk to her at first, but this woman's skin is really thick. She begged again and again, but he was annoyed, so he agreed.

That's why she brought this up in front of Su Jin today.

How did Zheng Guanqing know? Cui Jinglan deliberately mentioned this in front of him, Su Jin must have misunderstood that he was very protective of this cousin, so naturally it was hard not to agree.

And Cui Jinglan had exactly this idea.

The weather was fine that day, Cui Jinglan took a dozen guards from the general's mansion, Su Jin, Qin Lang, Gu Yunzheng, etc., and a group of thirty people went out to hunt in a mighty way.

Along the way, Cui Jinglan and Su Jin were very close, not to mention following each other, almost inseparable.

Although Su Jin felt that she was abnormal and had nothing to say to her, but in front of all the guards in the general's mansion, it was hard not to give face to the cousin of the other man's mansion, so he had to be perfunctory with her .

The grassland is vast and sparsely populated, and it is the season of summer, the vegetation is flourishing, and all kinds of prey are quite abundant, and everyone will soon have a harvest.

Su Jin has some kung fu in boxing and kicking, but he is not good at bow and arrow, so he just watched the excitement. Cui Jinglan is worse than her, but the two complement each other perfectly.

The horse galloped on the grassland, and ran away without paying attention.

In the past half a day, the group of people has already run out of Wushui City 70 to 80 miles briskly with horseshoes, and they have gained a lot.

Seeing that it was time for lunch, everyone was about to stop, and Mr. Huo made some food.

Cui Jinglan asked the guards of the General's Mansion: "Is there any village or town nearby where I can rest my feet? I'm really tired after riding for half a day. It would be nice to have a place to rest!"

It's understandable that the girl's house is more delicate, and it happens that there is a small town called Wumo Town within three or five miles nearby, so everyone decided to go to the town.

I found an inn in Wumo Town, and handed over the prey to the inn kitchen. By the way, I asked for two rooms for Su Jin and Cui Jinglan to rest, and everyone sat in the lobby drinking tea and talking. The deserted inn suddenly became lively.

Qin Lang sent Su Jin back to the room, hugged her and stayed with her for a while, then Su Jin drove him out, "Go sit and talk with everyone!"


Ask for a ticket, congratulate someone for dying o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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