Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 673 Warning

Cui Jinglan began to cry again: "Mrs. Qin, I—"

"Miss Cui, I'm very hungry right now, and I'm not in the mood to talk. Since I suffered two shocks today and almost got into an accident, please, Miss Cui, can you let me clean up first and rest?"

Cui Jinglan: "I—"

Everyone was speechless, this young lady was really clueless. Could she have anything urgent to say? It's not just those two sentences that come and go: "It's my fault, it's all my fault" and the like, not to mention Mrs. Qin is annoyed by hearing it, even they are all annoyed.

What is the meaning of such words?

Su Jin had asked someone to take two hundred taels of silver to pay the innkeeper, so even if a few rooms were burned down, the owner didn't care too much, and the food was served quickly from the kitchen.

Su Jin asked the waiter in the store to bring a dog, first fed the dog and tried various dishes, and after making sure there was no problem, everyone began to eat.

The waiter in the shop was not dissatisfied, there were so many accidents today, not to mention that this group of customers were careful, even they felt terrified.

After lunch, everyone was in no mood to hunt any more, and prepared to set off back to Wushui City.

Qin Lang was seriously injured, and there was another Gu Yunzheng. Although he could sit up and walk as usual, it was still a bit difficult for him to ride a horse.

So they got two carriages, one for Qin Lang, Gu Yunzheng, Su Jin, and one for Cui Jinglan.

Cui Jinglan tried her best to invite Su Jin to take a car with her, but Su Jin politely refused.

Cui Jinglan asked with an aggrieved face, "Madam Qin is blaming me? I didn't know that there would be so many accidents today. Fortunately, there were no dangers. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do! Qin Even if Madam blames me, she should."

Su Jin could hardly bear the swearing, tried her best to restrain her temper and smiled and said: "Miss Cui misunderstood, I don't trust my husband, so naturally I want to accompany him to take care of her. Miss Cui was also frightened by today's incident, and said It sounds like Ms. Cui is also a victim, why does Ms. Cui think that I will blame Ms. Cui?"

Everyone couldn't help but glance at Cui Jinglan when they heard the words, and they were all speechless.

Mrs. Qin is not such a stingy person at all, but you, Miss Cui, who are you showing such an attitude at all times?

The same is a woman, why is there such a big difference?

Cui Jinglan was at a loss for words for a moment, subconsciously avoiding Su Jinzhi's direct gaze, forced a smile and said: "I——if it wasn't because I proposed to hunt, these things wouldn't have happened. Speaking of which, I am responsible."

Su Jin's eyes flickered, so it makes sense.

Seeing that Su Jin answered these words silently, and looked at herself suspiciously, as if she was thinking about something, Cui Jinglan couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, regretting that she shouldn't have said more.

Co-author Because of what he said, Su Jin really suspects that he has something to do with this matter?

Cui Jinglan's mouth was bitter, she really shot herself in the foot!

No, nothing can make Su Jin doubt herself.

She was flustered, and hurriedly said: "I really didn't know that there would be so many accidents today! If I had known earlier, it would have been another day."

This seems to be wrong, Cui Jinglan lowered her voice, feeling more and more uneasy.

He hated Su Jin even more. This bitch is really tough!

After a while Su Jinfang smiled: "Miss Cui doesn't need to blame herself, this matter has nothing to do with Miss Cui."

"Madam Qin just don't blame me." Cui Jinglan hurriedly said with a smile, she was relieved, she didn't dare to talk anymore, and hurried into the carriage.

It was evening when we returned to Wushui City.

After entering the city, everyone separated and went back to their homes.

When the Qin family saw that the two masters and Gu Yunzheng had come back with minor or serious injuries, they were terrified and flustered.

It's not easy to tell the outside world, Su Jin and Qin Lang have already issued a gag order, and when everyone asked, it was just an accident.

In the middle of the night, Biao Lu came back first, carrying two middle-aged men in Tsing Yi who were tied up like rice dumplings and gagged.

It was the second of the three who shot cold arrows, and the other one was hit by Su Jin's poison dart, and he failed to detoxify in time, so he died.

They may not have imagined that one of the people brought by Lu Biao was a good tracker who came to seek refuge not long ago. He used to be a scout in the barracks. The people chased all the way to a horse farm in the Luo family.

It was after dark that he made a surprise move and captured the two of them.

Traveling with scouts today, Qin Lang was originally worried that some people would get lost during the hunt, so that it would be convenient to find people, but he didn't want to use it on this.

There is no need to ask any more questions, this matter must have been instigated by the Luo family.

These two men didn't know much, but their attitude was quite crazy. Seeing that they knew it was the hands of the Luo family, instead of begging for mercy, they threatened Su Jin Qin Lang and the others, "If you are sensible, let us go quickly, otherwise the Luo family I won't let you go!"

Qin Lang waved his hand and ordered the man to shut up and take him down to deal with it.

If this kind of person is not killed, why keep it?

Asking Su Jin to sleep first, Qin Lang went out with Lu Biaotou, A Mo and others, and came back after a long time.

Su Jin is not asleep yet, waiting for him.

He has injuries on his back, arms and legs. Although Su Jin's medicine is very effective, no matter how good the medicine is, it is impossible to have an immediate effect. Qin Lang is destined to not sleep well tonight.

Su Jin's heart ached so much that she accompanied him cautiously.

Early the next morning, Luo's servants opened the door and cleaned the door as usual.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he saw two corpses neatly placed at the gate.

The servant was stunned and screamed loudly in fright.

At this time, there were already many early-rising pedestrians scattered on the road. Hearing the screams full of fear and fear, they subconsciously ran over to watch the excitement.

As a result, when he came over and saw the dead man, he screamed in fright, and soon the news spread.

Housekeeper Luo was also taken aback when he got the news, and hurried to report to Master Luo himself, and ordered people to get two pieces of cloth to cover the two corpses first, and drove away the passers-by who gathered around to watch the excitement.

Those two corpses were dressed like Lian Jiazi who was doing the assassination. Didn't you see that their faces were covered with cloth scarves and their swords were beside them?

Naturally, the corpse couldn't be left at the gate of his house, Master Luo ordered someone to send it outside the city for disposal, and then in a rage he ordered his brothers, sons and nephews to be called to ask what happened?

Without his knowledge, did someone in the family bribe someone to kill someone? How could such a big matter not even talk to him?

Everyone was at a loss, there was no one paying for murder!

Luo Yanshu said angrily: "If our Luo family doesn't show their power, have you forgotten who is in control in Wushui City? How dare you make such a joke! Tell me to find out who it is and destroy his whole family!" "

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