Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 676: Exploration

For some reason, Zheng Guanqing always felt that the woman in front of her seemed to have seen it somewhere, but where exactly? No matter how much he thought, he couldn't remember it.

That inexplicable, deja vu feeling made him feel a little lost and uneasy.

Zheng Guanqing's body recovered very well. Su Jin kept him to test Cui Jinglan, but since he stayed, he still seriously examined him.

"The general is recovering well and there is nothing amiss."

Zheng Guanqing nodded with a smile: "Thank you."

When Zheng Guanqing left, Su Jin warmly invited Cui Jinglan to stay with her again.

"I just want to have a good talk with Miss Cui, why don't Miss Cui leave after lunch?"

Where is Cui Jinglan willing? But Zheng Guanqing said: "In that case, you can stay and talk to Mrs. Qin."

Cui Jinglan didn't dare not listen to Zheng Guanqing, so she had to swallow her breath and agree.

Su Jin smiled kindly at her, and Cui Jinglan smiled back angrily. She really didn't understand what this man wanted to do with her.

Su Jin is now fully focused on Qin Lang's injury, but how can he really care about other things? But Cui Jinglan must take care of her.

After returning, Su Jin and Qin Lang analyzed it. No matter how capable Luo Ziyuan was, it was impossible to know their hunting route, let alone where they would rest at noon.

Qin Lang and the others are all good at martial arts. If they hadn't received information in advance and made arrangements, it would be absolutely impossible for someone to do this under their noses and not be noticed by them.

Who will the traitor be? Is there even a question?

Everyone in the Qin family naturally wouldn't. Others didn't know, but Su Jin knew it. Cui Jinglan hated her, the kind that hated her deeply. Although she has been wondering, do not understand why.

Besides, in Cui Jinglan's room afterwards, if Cui Jinglan hadn't been dizzy and she got up to help her, she would have been negligent at that moment and couldn't take care of other things, and she wouldn't have been beaten so easily without even having time to scream.

Although Cui Jinglan was also "comatose" after the incident, she was quickly rescued and almost unharmed.

And her? If her family, Alang, hadn't made a decisive decision and rushed into the sea of ​​fire to save her without even thinking about it, I'm afraid she would be disfigured even if she didn't die.

Just thinking about it, Su Jin's teeth itch with hatred.

Cui Jinglan and Luo Ziyuan, these two sluts, sooner or later, she will have to pay them back for this debt.

"Fortunately, Mrs. Qin is fine. Otherwise, I really don't know what to think. It's all my fault. If I didn't invite you, it wouldn't be like this."

Seeing Cui Jinglan's face, Su Jin wanted to give her a slap, and then smiled slightly: "I'm a lucky man, and what I'm good at is turning bad luck into good luck. How could the accident hurt me? Miss Cui is overthinking!"

Cui Jinglan glared at Su Jin in disbelief, and was so angry that she was breathing heavily. Does this woman want to lose face? She can say such shameless words!

Villain framed? What villain? Why did she have the illusion that Su Jin was talking about her?

Cui Jinglan managed to force a smile on her stiff face: "Ms. Qin is really lucky."

Isn't it just luck? It's all like this and it's not dead yet.

Su Jin smiled: "I'm actually quite strange. In this Wushui City, I have never offended anyone. How could someone target me so cruelly? Countless calculations will definitely put me to death. Ms. Cui He looks like a smart man, help me think about it, why is that?"

Cui Jinglan had no choice but to perfunctorily say: "Mrs. Qin is too flattering to me, how do I know that? My days in Wushui City are even shorter, and I know nothing about it."

"I think of someone," Su Jin exclaimed suddenly with a look of sudden awakening: "I see, it's the Luo family, Luo Ziyuan!"

Cui Jinglan's heart trembled when she exposed her words so suddenly, her expression changed slightly uncontrollably: "This—"

Su Jin had a panoramic view of her reaction, sneered secretly, and said beyond doubt: "It must be her! Luo Ziyuan is vicious, domineering and narrow-minded, and it's not just once or twice that he targets me. This time, it must be her." It's her! That's right, I should have thought about it a long time ago, except for the Luo family, who has the motivation, courage, and ability to do this?"

"The day of our hunting has not been publicized to the outside world. Besides, it was decided on that day, and the trip will take place within two days. Except for the Luo family, who has the ability to find out the news? There is also the hunting route and the place where we rest at noon. Who can know, and there is advance notice The arrangement? Ms. Cui, tell me, does my inference make sense?"

Cui Jinglan was in a state of confusion and inexplicable panic at the moment, and her back was covered in cold sweat. She was even more flustered when she heard Su Jin asking, "Huh?"

After thinking for a while, he said: "Maybe, maybe it's Mrs. Qin, you think too much? How can Luo Ziyuan, a domineering lady, have such ability? How can the Luo family dare to act rashly?"

Su Jin smiled: "This matter is obviously aimed at me. It will not be the work of the Luo family, but only Luo Ziyuan. If it is the Luo family, it will not be targeting me, but my husband. Only Luo Ziyuan, she hates me. She is vicious and narrow-minded, relying on the family's capital, what kind of willful things can't be done? This woman usually looks like a dog, she is not a thing at all!"

Cui Jinglan only felt that her face was hot, and she always had the illusion that Su Jin was scolding her, but she couldn't refute it, so she could only endure her sulking.

"Miss Cui, tell me, is there some truth to what I said? Even if you can't be sure that it's Luo Ziyuan, she is still very suspicious, right?"

Cui Jinglan was so persecuted by her that she could hardly resist, and she was born to be angry, so when she got angry, wouldn't she want to cover it up and show that she had a ghost?

Not only can she not be angry, but she also has to act calm and down-to-earth and has nothing to do with her.

Then, Su Jin's inference, she really couldn't say it was unreasonable.

Cui Jinglan nodded stiffly: "This, this is true, Luo Ziyuan is indeed suspected."

"I said that Ms. Cui is smart, and that's true!" Su Jin clapped her hands and smiled, and said through gritted teeth: "Luo Ziyuan is not only suspected, but also a serious suspect. I can't let her go so easily!"

Cui Jinglan's heart skipped a beat, and her head became a little dizzy. She really wanted to accuse Su Jin of wrongdoing, how could she be so arrogant and unreasonable? With a little bit of suspicion, you can't let him go easily? Do you still have the face to say that people are domineering? Don't you too?

"Yes, but after all, it's just a suspicion, so we have to deal with her, isn't it a little bit?"

Su Jin smiled coldly: "If there is real evidence in hand, then it's not that she won't let her go easily, but an eye for an eye! Miss Cui, can you do me a favor?"

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