Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 682 Xu Rongyue Comes

Xu Rongyue disagreed: "In this case, I will meet Zhao Tian and the others, discuss with them, and open a few more shops. I think the Lin family's caravan can be expanded in scale, and the towns passing along the way can also choose a few properties. Go down to the shop and firmly root this business line, and then we can continue to communicate with each other in the future."

"More importantly, we also have a fixed channel to pass information to each other and respond as soon as possible if something happens in the future."

That's what's more important.

Su Jin didn't take it very seriously at first, but he couldn't help but feel moved when he heard this.

To be honest, in this situation, she really doesn't know how many years Qin Lang needs to stay in Wushui City. So, it never hurts to be more prepared.

Unexpectedly, Su Jin smiled and said: "It's not too far from the capital, why don't you allow me to go to the capital to see if there are any opportunities when I go back. It would be nice if I could buy a shop or two in the capital. "

Capital city, it is not an easy task to open a shop in the capital city, stand firm and make money.

But who is Xu Rongyue? She loves challenges by nature. In the field she is confident and interested in, the more difficult it is, the more she wants to face it.

"Okay, since you're here, I'm going to have a look!" Xu Rongyue raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Su Jin would never have imagined how big a business empire Xu Rongyue would eventually create for her!

Xu Rongyue told Su Jin again that she was married again now, married to Song Qing whom Su Jin had met before.

Surprised and delighted, Su Jin smiled and congratulated her again and again. She has met Song Qing two or three times. He is a person with clear eyes, steady and gentle temperament, and it is easy to make people feel good about him.

The most important thing is that he and Xu Rongyue have known each other for a long time, and he knows Xu Rongyue's past, but he didn't dislike or despise her because of this.

In this era, for Xu Rongyue to meet such a man, it was God's compensation for her. This is the best result and what Su Jin would like to see.

With Xu Rongyue's current capital, I believe that there will be many people who are willing to marry her, but the purpose is certainly not pure, and it is even more difficult to say how their family members will view Xu Rongyue.

Song Qinglong had no parents, had severed ties with his unscrupulous uncle and aunt long ago, was never married, and had no children to encumber him. His interpersonal relationship was simple and worry-free.

In the past, Su Jin was secretly anxious for Xu Rongyue, for fear that she would ignore Song Qing, and Song Qing would not be able to wait for her to marry someone else. But she, the client, is not in a hurry, and it's useless for her to worry for her, so she can only stare aside.

Unexpectedly, they finally achieved a positive result. Su Jin couldn't be happier for her.

Otherwise, ahem, she is a widow alone who wholeheartedly earns money and works for herself, and she has Qin Lang by her side to make love and affection, no matter how I think about it, I feel a little guilty and sorry.

Xu Rongyue just said that to Su Jinyi casually. She never expected that Su Jin would be so happy for her from the bottom of her heart. She also said that she would make up for the congratulatory gifts and invite Xiaoxing to come back and cook a table of wonderful dishes. Xu Rongyue felt a little displeased. I am so embarrassed.

Su Jin couldn't help laughing and asked again: "Sister Xu, how did you figure it out? I'm really curious! I was worried about you before, for fear that Song Qing—ah no, brother-in-law would give up."

Xu Rongyue was startled, and smiled wryly. After all, she didn't hide it from Su Jin, she told her the truth.

It's one thing for her to be touched by Song Qing's devotion, and there is also the Lu family's tossing about it.

Lu Ziming is not a business material at all, otherwise, the Lu family's property would not be defeated again and again without any improvement in his hands.

If Lu Ziming hadn't married her and had her help, I'm afraid the Lu family's dyeing workshop would not be able to continue and had to be sold.

But she was forced by Mrs. Lu to make peace with Lu Ziming and leave the Lu family.

Lu Ziming was not such a material before, how could he suddenly become smart in a short period of time? Sooner or later, all the business of the Lu family will be destroyed in his hands. This point was clear to Xu Rongyue when she left.

Because of this, she had no intention of taking revenge on the Lu family at all. No matter how sorry the Lu family was to her, without Lu Ziming, she would not have been able to get through the most difficult days at the beginning, and there would be no her later.

The grievances and grievances between her and the Lu family can't be clearly stated in black and white, then, from now on, the relationship between the bridge and the bridge and the road to the road can be regarded as a relationship between each other.

But she didn't expect the Lu family to fall so quickly.

Mrs. Lu regretted it at the beginning, so she tried every means to entangle her, and even urged Lu Ziming to entangle her as well, wanting to return to the Lu family as the daughter-in-law of the Lu family.

I don't know where Madam Lu's self-confidence comes from, but she still swears that she will be a flat wife as soon as she enters the house, and Min Yurou has to call her "sister"! After a few years, let her be the head of the house, and Min Yurou has to listen to her.

Is she rare?

Those words just made her sick.

Unexpectedly, the mother and son didn't seem to understand. They stubbornly believed that she just couldn't save face and was angry in her heart. In fact, she still had the Lu family in her heart, and she still lingered on her without giving up at all.

This matter has caused a lot of trouble, not to mention that everyone knows it.

As a result, many people around her persuaded her.

After all, she is a woman, and she is still so young. Could it be possible to live like this for a lifetime? When I grow old, I don't even have a family, and in the future I don't even have any children or grandchildren.

If you want to remarry, where is the good marriage? Since the ex-husband's family is willing to accept her, isn't this a happy reunion and everyone's happiness?

She knew that the person who said these words really thought it was good for her, but she didn't need this kind of "thinking it was good for her". She had already seen through the true face of the Lu family. .

Unbearably annoyed and disturbed, Xu Rongyue went to find Song Qing.

Showdown with him frankly.

If he still wants to marry her, she will marry him. After marrying him, she will definitely be a perfect, virtuous and good wife.

As for feelings? Maybe not. She once loved Lu Ziming so wholeheartedly, but in the end she broke her heart, and even almost lost her own life. How could she easily fall in love with someone else again?

Maybe in the future, maybe never again.

Although she didn't say this, she believed that Song Qing could understand.

Song Qing hardly thought about it, so he nodded and accepted the marriage.

Soon, a matchmaker was invited to come to the door to talk about marriage and make an appointment.

Because it was the remarriage of the divorced woman, there were not so many details, and the marriage was quickly formed.

The Lu family was dumbfounded and half-dead with anger.

Mrs. Lu's mother and daughter began to speak ill of Xu Rongyue everywhere, making her shameless and dissolute.

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