There was a sharp pain in the neck and suffocation, I was going to die! Su Jin secretly groaned!

Dying in such a place in this way is not grand and meaningless at all, it can even be said to be aggrieved, Su Jin is unconvinced, but at this moment, he can only smile bitterly and despair.

This man's movements were so fast, even his hands had already pinched her neck, and she realized that it was not good.

It was too late for her to cast the hidden weapon and stab him with a dagger, her breath was suffocated, her mind was in chaos, she didn't even have time to think about anything, the only thing she had time to think of was the thought of death.

"You Mrs. Qin?" I don't want to, the shadow of death has not completely shrouded Su Jin, but he was stunned by this surprised and unexpected voice.

She rubbed her painful neck, raised her eyes subconsciously, and her eyes suddenly widened: "Zheng, General Zheng, why are you here!"

"It's really you," Zheng Guanqing smiled wryly, and waved his hand weakly: "It's a long story, I didn't expect to meet Mrs. Qin here, just now, ahem, really, I'm sorry."

Fortunately, he saw that it was her at the moment when he hurt the killer, otherwise she would really be a corpse at this moment.

After the catastrophe, Su Jin was somewhat happy, at least she was not alone.

"It's nothing, it's just a misunderstanding. In fact, hehe, my thoughts just now are the same as yours, but my skills are not as good as others."

Su Jin was a little embarrassed, picked up the dagger, and carefully put it in his arms.

Zheng Guanqing smiled, frowned, and his face twitched in pain a few times.

"You're injured!" Su Jin was surprised, grabbed Zheng Guanqing's wrist, and then looked at his expression: "You've also been poisoned!"

Zheng Guanqing nodded with a wry smile, and wrote lightly: "I encountered a little accident and was ambushed. My personal guards were probably dead. too symptomatic"

There are many poisons in the world, and there are also many antidotes. Even if the antidote can cure all poisons, it may not be able to cure all poisons.

It is normal that the antidote carried by Zheng Guanqing cannot completely detoxify the poison.

At this time, he should rush back to the barracks as soon as possible, the military doctor will naturally diagnose and treat the symptoms, but living here, he can only hold on.

Su Jin took out two small porcelain bottles from his bosom, poured out a pill each and handed them to Zheng Guanqing: "One pill for detoxification and one pill for replenishing qi and blood. If General Zheng doesn't mind taking it first, let's see how it works. I'll give it to you again. Bandage the wound. It's too dark right now, so I can't see the wound clearly for examination, and I'll take a look at it for General Zheng tomorrow."

Zheng Guanqing took the pill and nodded with a chuckle: "Thank you."

Zheng Guanqing took the pills given by Su Jin, and he really felt much better. He silently watched her carefully clean and bandage his wound again, and he felt a little inexplicable for a while.

"By the way, why is Mrs. Qin here?"

Su Jin paused, gritted his teeth and said, "Accompanies my sister to go out to play in the city, but was intercepted and killed. My sister doesn't know martial arts, and has no self-defense. She even learned how to ride a horse recently. Where have I seen such a scene?" I can't let her be implicated and victimized by me, so I had no choice but to gallop away first, but was chased by those people, finally got rid of them, and got here, lost!"

Zheng Guanqing was a little surprised, but also admiring, and sighed with a smile: "Mrs. Qin is really kind and righteous, which is admirable. You are not injured, are you?"

Su Jin shook his head and said with a wry smile: "General Zheng, don't praise me, I just want peace of mind. If sister Xu really had an accident because of me, I will not have a good time in this life."

Zheng Guanqing smiled, and the two were silent for a while.

"Did someone from the Luo family do it again?"

"Huh?" Su Jin didn't expect Zheng Guanqing to ask himself this out of the blue. After thinking about it, he didn't hide his thoughts: "I don't dare to assert without evidence, but in Wushui City, I hate you so much. It seems that there is no other family besides the Luo family who started the murder this time. Maybe there are those who are dissatisfied with me. If you think of me this way, I dare to say that at least there is no other family in Wushui City! Those who are capable of doing it again and again, Let alone do what he thinks!"

Women are paranoid and insane. Su Jin complained silently in her heart. That Luo Ziyuan is a lunatic.

Thinking that the reason why she was hated so deeply by Luo Ziyuan was that the person next to her was the culprit, Su Jin's mood became subtle for a moment.

How dare she say that?

"The Luo family," Zheng Guanqing said in a cold tone, "It's indeed too shameful! Wushui City is not the territory of their Luo family, so they can't help being so presumptuous. They have gone too far in the past two or three years."

It is a taboo for the generals in the army not to interfere in local affairs, and it has nothing to do with him. Therefore, although Zheng Guanqing has long disliked the Luo family, he has never done anything.

However, the repeated murder of Su Jin by the Luo family made his dissatisfaction greatly deepened and he became quite angry.

He couldn't tell why he thought so, maybe it was because Su Jin had saved him. Just because of this, he couldn't easily spare the Luo family.

Su Jin's eyes lit up, her thick eyelashes flickered, and she subconsciously raised her eyes to look at Zheng Guanqing.

Zheng Guanqing was also looking at her.

The four eyes met, Zheng Guanqing's heart was slightly rippling, but Su Jin felt a little embarrassed, coughed twice and forced to look away as if nothing had happened, "Ahem, that, General Zheng is right, the Luo family is too hateful, When I go back this time, I will definitely ask them clearly!"

Asking is a waste of time, and there will be no results. What is important is that she swears that no matter what, she will destroy Luo Ziyuan first when she goes back this time.

Does that lunatic really think that with the help of the Luo family, he can do whatever he wants again and again?

Now that General Zheng made his statement, Su Jin felt more at ease. At least there won't be a situation like the last time, like Vice General Jiang, using the topic to attack Qin Lang.

The two talked for a while and then rested.

If you don’t have enough energy, how can you go at dawn?

Seeing that Su Jin was very cold, Zheng Guanqing took off the cloak and gave it to her: "If Mrs. Qin falls ill, with my current strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to bring Mrs. Qin back to Wushui City safely. The night is cool, so please put on Mrs. Qin."

"But General, you are injured."

"A little injury, it's okay, I can hold it."

Su Jin thought that he was a martial arts practitioner, and he had practiced in the army for many years, and his physical fitness did not know how much better he was. Zheng Guanqing's cloak.

Wrapped in warmth, the body subconsciously relaxed, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and soon fell asleep again.

Although there is a companion by my side, I can sleep more securely and at ease, but at this moment I am still fleeing, how can I really let go and sleep? At dawn, Su Jin woke up.

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