Zheng Guanqing also understands this truth, but it still feels very sour to see that the sword that he regards as his life will be used in this way one day.

After roasting, Su Jin quickly extinguished the fire, and the soil was tightly covered with several layers, and even a little bit of smoke disappeared, and then stopped.

The two ate the rabbit separately, and headed towards Yushan, which is far away on the horizon.

Fortunately, Su Jin's horse was in good physical condition, and it didn't take much effort to support the two of them.

At this time, all the defenses of men and women can only be left behind. Both of them looked calm, calm and natural, and didn't mention a word about embarrassing things.

Su Jin couldn't help but think of Qin Lang. At this moment, he should have gotten the news of his disappearance, right? He must be in a hurry, right? There is also General Zheng, the news of his disappearance will definitely not be widely announced, but everyone who should know must know about it, and teams of people must have been sent to look for it.

Perhaps, with the containment of those people, they will be safer.

In short, no matter what, he has been involved in this matter, so General Zheng's poison must be completely cured.

Suddenly thinking that this General Zheng listened to what he said without the slightest doubt, Su Jin couldn't help feeling a sense of joy and accomplishment in his heart—it was worthwhile for her to save her wholeheartedly regardless of the danger.

Su Jin was calm and calm, but Zheng Guanqing, who was standing in front of her, was stiff all the way and hardly dared to move. Even though she was separated by clothes, and she had tried her best not to touch him, she still had to hug his waist on the galloping horse.

The hot touch made him lose his mind.

He had never been in such intimate contact with a woman in his life, and he knew that he shouldn't have any wild thoughts at this moment, but his self-control that he was always proud of lost control, and his mind wandered.

A martial arts practitioner has extremely keen hearing, he can hear her breathing clearly, and her image can't help appearing in his mind, and his mood swings become more chaotic and uncontrollable, Zheng Guanqing feels that he is really going crazy.

He wished he could slap himself hard twice. Mrs. Qin was willing to take risks in order to save him without complaint, even risking her own reputation. What the hell was he thinking? Is he worthy of Mrs. Qin's good intentions, General Qin, and his honest heart?

Will he be able to confidently say that he is upright in the future?

After running for half a day, I finally arrived at the foot of Yushan Mountain.

"It's finally here! There will definitely be snow lotus and snow thistle on this mountain, don't worry, general!" Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the high snow mountain and said with a smile.

With a loose waist, Su Jin dismounted, "General, let's take a rest here before we go on our way."

After galloping for a long time, her whole back was sore and painful, but it was hard to show it in front of Zheng Guanqing.

Once again, she secretly missed her man with resentment. If only he was here, he would definitely hug her and massage her.

As soon as the waist was loosened, the scorching sensation disappeared instantly, and Zheng Guanqing's heart also subconsciously went blank, and he was slightly lost in thought.

He quickly came back to his senses, dismounted with a smile, looked around and said, "I've been to this place before. There should be a small village about three miles to the northeast. Let's go there first. Without food and warm clothes, we can't climb the mountain." .”

That's right, Su Jin looked up at the towering snow-white mountain, and nodded in agreement.

This small village was formed by the herdsmen of some small tribe grazing here. It is very simple, and it should not be a place to live for a long time. I think it will migrate in autumn.

There are not many herdsmen, about a dozen families, looking simple and enthusiastic.

The two bought some food and thick coats from the herdsmen.

Afterwards, the two did not stop much, and climbed up the snow mountain.

Not far away, Su Jin suddenly asked: "Is General Zheng familiar with this area?"

Zheng Guanqing thought for a while and said, "It's pretty familiar, I've been here three or four times."

"Small villages like that, how many are there around here?"

"On that one, the pasture here is not very lush, and it can't support more herdsmen. There will be other villages at least twenty or thirty miles away."

"That's good!" Su Jin said with a smile: "If someone is really waiting for a rabbit, I don't think they will miss this village. Just ask a little bit, and they will know that we have been there. Since we are waiting to be found by them, how about What do you think of General Zheng who treats you with ease?"

Zheng Guanqing: "You mean, we took the initiative to lure them to show up?"

"Yes," Su Jin nodded: "Otherwise, it will be more troublesome to go up the snow mountain. Since General Zheng is somewhat familiar with this place, why don't you see where it is convenient to do it."

Zheng Guanqing thought for a while, "Okay, follow me!"

The place he chose was a place covered by trees and huge rocks strewn here and there.

Zheng Guanqing pointed out that Su Jin moved some hands and feet along the way, leaving some half-covered traces, as long as the other party came, he would definitely find them.

Afterwards, the two hid in the grass behind a boulder. Zheng Guanqing relaxed his mind, and immediately showed a bit of lethargy and weakness.

He was ambushed yesterday, the incident happened too suddenly, the opponents made it clear that they were targeting him, all of them were ruthless people with good skills, no matter how powerful he was, it was inevitable that he would suffer serious injuries.

That is him, if it were someone else, I am afraid that he would not be able to support it anymore.

And his will is far stronger than ordinary people, and after taking the pills given by Su Jin, he has a little more energy, but he hasn't got a good rest and rest after all, so he must be mentally weak. At this moment, he deliberately vented that spirit, and he looked much paler and weaker.

Knowing that he did it on purpose, but seeing this, Su Jin still felt his heart twitch.

Su Jin settled him down, and after a while, he got up and left alone, walking towards the snow mountain step by step.

Zheng Guanqing was so "injured" that he urgently needed to be detoxified, but he had no strength to support him to continue climbing, and that small village was not suitable for resting, because it was too easy to be exposed, so they found such a hidden place to hide, and then It's just right.

Su Jin is a doctor, and her husband is Zheng Guanqing's general. Therefore, in this situation where there are only two people, whether she wants to or not, she has to climb the snow mountain to find an antidote for Zheng Guanqing.

At least she has to give it a try, whether she succeeds or not is another matter.

At this moment, the behavior of the two of them seemed very reasonable.

Zheng Guanqing glanced at Su Jin with some concern, wondering if it was right for me to listen to her idea and let her take risks alone.

Su Jin turned around suddenly, blinked and smiled at him.

Zheng Guanqing smiled slightly and nodded slightly.

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