Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 690: Top of the Snow Mountain

A fire was lit at the entrance of the cave, and with thick clothes, it was enough to survive the night.

The food was also ready-made bought from the village before, and it can be eaten after roasting on the fire, which saves a lot of trouble.

But in this place, there are basically no large beasts, and there are even fewer people. On the contrary, you can sleep peacefully at night without worrying about additional dangers.

Su Jin didn't delay, so under the light of fire and moonlight, he prepared an antidote for Zheng Guanqing to take.

In conjunction with the original antidote, take it once tonight, and tomorrow morning and noon, I will pick a newly bloomed snow lotus and a full-grown snow thistle, just take it once each.

All in all, they still have to stay on the snow mountain for a day and a night before going down the mountain the next morning.

After Zheng Guanqing took the antidote, he smiled at Su Jin: "I'm being lazy. Let's keep watch in the first half of the night. In the second half of the night, Mrs. Qin will watch the night. Mrs. Qin will take the time to get a good sleep first."

The vigil is naturally easier in the first half of the night than in the second half of the night, and the second half of the night is the time when you are most likely to feel sleepy and tired. On the surface, Zheng Guanqing's words did not seem to be inappropriate.

But after a day of tossing around today, plus the hard work of climbing mountains to find medicine, both of them are exhausted. Now that they have finally finished everything that needs to be done, who wouldn't want to take a rest? ?

At least Su Jin felt that he was at the end of his strength and was supported by willpower.

She originally wanted Zheng Guanqing to rest first. After all, he was an injured patient. He had just been detoxified and his body was the weakest, but she didn't expect him to say that first.

After a little hesitation, Su Jin did not refuse, nodded and smiled and said, "That's fine, since that's the case, I'll rest first, and I'll replace General Zheng in the middle of the night."

"it is good!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the breath that was holding on to his heart dissipated, and the tiredness swept in like waves, overwhelming the people, Su Jin covered his mouth and yawned twice, leaning against the snow cave for a while. Wall, soon fell into a deep sleep.

Zheng Guanqing was sitting opposite her, the moonlight shone on the snow, the monotonous and white color was glowing with a faint cold light, the orange-red flame was flickering and swaying, and everything was quiet in the bright and dark interlaced light and shadow.

The woman opposite had closed her eyes and was sleeping soundly and sweetly. Zheng Guanqing could clearly hear her even and long breathing. You can even feel her deep sleepiness from the even and long breathing.

For the first time, he was able to look at her appearance unscrupulously, a small face the size of a palm, small eyebrows and facial features, slender eyebrows that were exceptionally thick black, gently pursed thin lips with soft curves, tender red The color is inexplicably alluring. A strand of black hair was tossed by the wind, gently falling on her snow-white face, trembling slightly with her breathing. He couldn't help but have the urge to brush the broken hair aside for her, and silently grasped it with his outstretched fingers. Zheng Guanqing smiled lightly and looked away.

It was such a petite and delicate woman who protected herself and did the most dangerous thing, which made Zheng Guanqing very uncomfortable.

Guilt, but inexplicably, some indescribable joy arose in the guilt, he felt that he must be crazy.

He never thought that he and her would have such an intersection.

But so what?

Zheng Guanqing's chest froze, and his interest suddenly faded, as if he had lost something that he could no longer grasp.

Perhaps because she knew it was safe for the time being and there was no need to worry about it, Su Jin slept very soundly and sweetly this time, when she suddenly remembered in a daze that she was not alone, and there was someone more in need by her side. When the resting sick man suddenly came back to his senses and forced himself to wake up and open his eyes, the eastern sky was already gray and it was almost dawn.

"General Zheng, I'm so sorry that I overslept." Su Jin rubbed his eyes and his drowsy and swollen forehead, and smiled at Zheng Guanqing in embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, I've already taken some time to rest. But Mrs. Qin, you didn't catch the cold, did you?" Although you were wrapped in thick clothes and a fire was lit, it was on the top of a snow mountain after all, and this snow cave could keep out the cold wind , but it is impossible to be seamless. It is easier to catch cold when you are asleep. Su Jin is a woman again, needless to say that General Qin put her in the palm of his hand and pampered her, and had servants to serve her when she went in and out. If it wasn't because of herself, where would she have suffered this kind of suffering?

In fact, Su Jin felt a little dizzy when he woke up, and knew that he had caught a cold.

But it's not serious, and she didn't want to tell Zheng Guanqing, so she smiled and shook her head: "Fortunately, we bought thick clothes at the foot of the mountain! I'll watch the fire, General Zheng, please rest in peace! I have a chance to make up for it!"

The fire was burning very vigorously, it can be seen that Zheng Guanqing did not take the time to sleep as he said, and was probably watching the fire all night.

Since he didn't mention it, it's inconvenient for Su Jin to mention it again, but he feels very sorry in his heart.

Zheng Guanqing couldn't help laughing when she heard her say that, and nodded: "Alright, then Mrs. Lao Qin will be there."

After keeping watch all night, he was indeed extremely sleepy, he closed his eyes and fell asleep not long after.

Su Jin folded her hands on her knees, staring intently at the flickering flames, her mind wandering a little far away. She couldn't help but think of the time she spent the winter with Qin Lang when she just crossed over.

At that time, the family was poor and cold, and they really ate their last meal without a second meal, but the two of them were together in a down-to-earth and warm way. Whether it was to have fun in hardship, they were happy every day, unconsciously. The hardships are over.

At that time, she was thinking, together with Qin Lang, she will never suffer from the cold again, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

But I didn't expect that today, I suffered from the freezing weather again. Qin Lang wasn't by my side, but another man was by my side - I could barely say "accompany".

Su Jin couldn't help laughing at herself secretly, it's true that there are accidents everywhere in life. Well, I don't know how much credit I have done for saving General Zheng Da? Can you give her husband a promotion? If it is possible, she has no opinion at all. Even if others envy and hate her, I don’t care—who made you incapable of saving General Zheng?

While Su Jin was thinking wildly, the sky gradually became brighter, and the sun rose from the eastern sky. It was a big fiery red ball, which looked bright red, but it had no temperature.

After a long time, the big red ball suddenly burst into light.

The pure white snow suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and Su Jin quickly raised his hand to cover his eyes.


Tomorrow 4 more haha, okay?

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