Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 692 Avalanche

Seeing her come down safely, Zheng Guanqing subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, "Mrs. Qin, go up to the lee and wait for a while. I'll deal with the sheep and we'll go back."

There is no water on the snow-capped mountains, but it doesn't matter. The freshly slaughtered wild sheep are skinned and wiped clean with clean white snow.

It is processed here, and only the required mutton is brought back, so that there will be almost no bloody smell near the snow cave.

Su Jin naturally had no objection.

I don't want to, but at this moment, I suddenly remembered a dull thunderous noise rumbling from above, the two of them were startled, and then they both looked up at the sky.

The sky is as high and blue as the finest silk, and the sun is so bright and peaceful that it has not changed in any way from before.

The two looked at each other, both puzzled.

Unexpectedly, the muffled sound of rolling thunder was getting closer, clearer and deafening. Zheng Guanqing raised his eyes slightly and his face changed drastically. Without even thinking about it, he grabbed Su Jin and quickly retreated: "Be careful!"

At this time, Su Jin also found out what was wrong, what an avalanche!

A gigantic snowball rolled down from the snow mountain above the cliff, and came quickly towards the bottom.

Rao Zheng Guanqing reacted quickly, caught Su Jin back in time, and narrowly avoided the frontal attack of the huge snowball, but was still hit by the air current caused by the falling snowball and fell down heavily on the ground.

Both of them groaned in pain when they were dizzy, dizzy, and stunned. Behind them was a thunderous roar, which exploded their eardrums, and their minds went blank. The overwhelming snow and ice splashed, falling on the body, face, and hands, which were cold and stinging.

This accident, which could be described as shaking the ground, came to an end, and the huge snowball continued to roll downwards.

After a long time, the two people who were almost stunned by the loud noise of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking came back to their senses, their eyes met, their eyes widened.

Zheng Guanqing suddenly realized that he was still holding Su Jin on her body at this moment, and couldn't help but blushed, extremely embarrassed! Even though he just wanted to protect her subconsciously before, so he held her like this, but now the posture of the two of them is really embarrassing no matter how you look at it.

The woman's soft body and the faint fragrance from her hair made him flustered inexplicably, as if something had lost control.

Zheng Guanqing became even more confused, feeling guilty for no reason, and stood there in a daze, motionless.

Su Jin also came back to her senses, her face flushed with embarrassment too. She could only pretend as if nothing had happened, and did not dare to move.

Every second of time is suffering, Su Jin is so stiff that she wants to hold her breath.

However, this General Zheng didn't know if he was frightened, and he didn't say to get up quickly.

Doesn't he know that the longer the time is delayed at this time, the more difficult it is to hide it?

"Oh!" Su Jin exclaimed, "Where's the wild sheep? I don't know if it's still there!"

Zheng Guanqing was taken aback, and subconsciously stood up, Su Jin also stood up sideways and exhaled deeply. There was nothing beside me, and at that moment, a sense of loss flashed across my heart inexplicably.

"I'm afraid it's gone, let's find out if there are other prey." Zheng Guanqing also forced to follow her words as if nothing had happened, and couldn't help but glance at her: "Is Mrs. Qin okay?"

Su Jin rubbed his head that was a little dizzy from the thunderous loud noise, smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, fortunately, I didn't get hurt, this is a blessing in misfortune, just rest for a while."

"Yeah." Zheng Guanqing smiled and nodded slightly.

The two rested for a while before regaining their strength.

I don't know if it's luck or what, the wild sheep is still there, but it's not in the original position. The huge snowball that rolled down did not engulf it together, perhaps it was the huge air flow that came first that knocked it aside, but avoided the snowball perfectly.

It is simply a surprise for the rest of the life after a catastrophe.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Zheng Guanqing got up to drag the wild sheep over, and suddenly saw a shiny jade pendant buried shallowly in the snow, so he picked it up and rubbed it: "Madam Qin, is this the jade pendant you dropped?"

As soon as the words fell, Zheng Guanqing's fingers rubbing the jade pendant froze, staring blankly at the intricate patterns on the jade pendant, his mind went blank, even worse than the avalanche just now.

this is

The clan emblem of the Zheng clan of Duke Min's Mansion was ingeniously embedded in the intricately carved patterns, he would not be mistaken!

What's more, how could he not be familiar with this jade pendant? He also has a piece that is exactly the same! It was given to his fiancée by the Duke's Mansion when they got engaged.

Su Jin!

He remembered that his fiancée's name was Su Jin, the only legitimate daughter of the Guangning Hou Mansion.

Those long, vague memories and images suddenly became extremely clear at this moment.

The little girl in my memory was gentle and peaceful, with a clear smile, a pair of beautiful black and white eyes and delicate eyebrows.

The eyebrows and eyes in memory gradually merged with the woman in front of him, and he could clearly see the outline of the past.

It turned out that it wasn't an illusion, the first time he saw her, he thought she looked vaguely familiar, so he had really seen her before!

It's just that the person in front of me is no longer the person in my memory, she is the same as her, yet different. In front of her, she has raised eyebrows and firm eyes, and her temperament is even more clear and tenacious. If you say she is gentle and quiet—maybe, she will be when she is facing General Qin?

General Qin.

Zheng Guanqing's heart suddenly felt dull and dull, she was already married!

Seeing that Zheng Guanqing was holding a piece of jade pendant in his hand, Su Jin subconsciously reached for it, but it was gone. So he hurriedly walked towards him, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Thank you, General Zheng!"

Ever since a fiancé appeared out of nowhere when he was in Xiaohe Village, Su Jin was shocked. It was only after that that she took out the jade pendant again.

Anyway, this is the only thing left by the original owner, maybe it is also related to the original owner's life experience?

She didn't really want to know the life experience of the original owner, but what if something harmful happened without her knowing anything about it? The origin of the original owner is a mystery, who knows how she appeared near Xiaohe Village? Are there any enemies? After all, the enemy must know her face. If someone plots against her when the enemy is in the dark, it will be called wronged.

Therefore, it is also a reassuring thing to clarify the mystery of this life experience.

Later, when she came to Wushui City from Xiaohe Village, she carried this jade pendant with her all the time, and she forgot to take it out afterwards. I didn't expect to be so unlucky today, I almost lost it, but fortunately, it was seen by General Zheng.

Su Jin was full of luck, but General Zheng was holding her jade pendant in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

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