Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 698 Killing Intent

Zheng Guanqing tried hard to control herself not to look back, she worked very hard.

He laughed at himself secretly, so he didn't know that patience was such an uncomfortable thing. He always thought that he possessed the self-control that would not change his face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, but it turned out that it was not so easy to achieve it!

When the last ray of afterglow shone down, everyone finally returned to Wushui City.

Duan Fu did not follow Qin Lang and others to meet him, but sent many people to search for the enemy and escort them along the way. Duan Fu greeted him personally outside the city gate.

Seeing from a distance, Qin Lang hesitated a little, rode forward and called Zheng Guanqing, "General, can you take a step to speak."

Zheng Guanqing nodded and got off the horse: "General Qin, please follow me."

Qin Lang didn't let Su Jin get off the horse, but let her wait on the spot, and he also got off the horse and walked towards Zheng Guanqing.

"General Zheng, my wife's distress must be related to the Luo family, and she will not let her go with the Luo family!"

Even if he is fettered by his status in the army, according to the rules, he is not allowed to interfere with local forces and make enemies of others. But since the Luo family not only did not remember the lesson, but provoked again and again, and almost killed Su Jin again, if he endured it any longer, he would be a man in vain.

Before doing it, he thought it would be better to say hello in front of General Zheng.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Guanqing nodded in agreement without much thought: "This Luo family is too outrageous. I really think that our military members are soft persimmons! If they are allowed to go on like this, the military will not respond at all. How will the family members of the generals live in the future? You can just attack the Luo family, but don't be too public, and don't reveal your identity to participate in it, and leave the rest to me."

Qin Lang was taken aback for a moment, and bowed slightly with his fists clasped: "Yes, the general understands, thank you general!"

It would be even better to have General Zheng as a guarantee.

Zheng Guanqing smiled and raised his hand to signal that he didn't need to be too polite, and said: "The Luo family's ability to dominate Wushui City for so many years is not just for fun, this time they must also know that you will not spare them easily, and will definitely do something .So, you have to act fast, don't give them time to react."

Qin Lang was eager to act quickly, and nodded: "Thank you, General, for your suggestion!"

Meeting with Duan Fu and others was a pleasant exchange.

It was inconvenient for Su Jin to mingle with these elders, and Qin Lang felt sorry for her exhaustion after suffering a lot these days, so he told Zheng Guanqing, Duan Fu, etc., and took Su Jin and the Qin family back first.

Someone from the Qin family had already gone back to report the letter, the door was opened, and Xu Rongyue, Wang Chun and others were all anxiously waiting at the door to welcome them.

Seeing Su Jin, Xu Rongyue flew over, holding Su Jin's hand tightly, her eyes were slightly red, but she had a smile on her face: "Ah Jin! You... finally came back!"

If something happens to her in order to save her, no need for Qin Lang to say anything, she will never have happiness in this life, and there will be endless regret and pain for the rest of her life.

Fortunately, she is back!

Su Jin shook Xu Rongyue's hand and smiled: "I'm relieved that sister Xu is fine, I won't do anything I'm not sure about, you have to trust me!"

Xu Rongyue smiled: "I believe it! I can't believe it any more!"


"Ma'am, you are finally back!"

Wang Chun waited for her to come up to salute with tears in her eyes, crying and laughing, crying and laughing, and surrounded her to go in.

Qin Lang frowned, the little girls were far behind Gu Yunzheng and the others, they were not at all sensible. What would he do when they surrounded his wife?

Qin Lang decisively stopped his daughter-in-law over: "I took Ah Jin to rest, she hasn't been able to sleep well for the past three days, what should you do, don't wait for us for dinner, prepare some in the kitchen Good digestible food."

Wang Chun and others quickly agreed, watching Qin Lang take him away.

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