Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 703 Donghu Mission

"This is the tone of asking someone to see a doctor? Donghu people are so well-bred!"

"Just with such an attitude, I wouldn't bother you if it were me! I really owe you!"

"That's why a barbarian is a barbarian who doesn't understand any rules or etiquette."

Several members of the Donghu mission were so angry that they glared at each other, and couldn't help roaring and cursing all the people. How can the common people let them drink and scold without answering their words? They fought back one after another.

There are a large number of people, and there are only five or six members of the Donghu Mission. Even if they are taller and louder, they still cannot escape the fate of "two fists are no match for four hands". Submerged in the spittle of all the people, he was mad with anger.

Su Jin was secretly amused, raised his voice to stop the shouting and criticism from the common people, glanced at the members of the Donghu mission and said indifferently: "You don't understand etiquette, but our Daqing is not, I will go to see the third prince of Donghu, you go back first Right! As for yesterday, I was unwell, overtired, and in poor condition, so I declined. I have to rest well and be in the best condition before I can see patients. Only in this way can I ensure that there are no mistakes. Is there anything wrong with that? Is it right? So that the embassy has so much resentment? If you are mentally ill and go to the doctor, if something goes wrong, please ask the embassy, ​​who will be responsible?"

Several members of the Donghu Mission were speechless.

The people in the audience nodded their heads in agreement, praising Miracle Doctor Su for his noble medicine, seriousness and responsibility, and meticulousness in his work. By the way, he stepped on the Donghu mission, arrogant and unreasonable.

The Donghu Mission was almost blown up.

Qin Lang smiled coldly, and glanced at them coldly: "Are you still doing something? If you're okay, get out of the way! Presumably you don't want to delay your third prince's diagnosis and treatment, do you?"

The leader glared at Qin Lang unkindly, his cheek muscles twitched fiercely, and finally waved his hand reluctantly, leading his subordinates back to the side.

"I really don't know what to say!" Qin Lang snorted coldly, "Daughter-in-law, even if you see the barbarian prince, it's best to make him suffer a little bit!"

A doctor who wants to quietly make his patients suffer more, this kind of thing should not be too simple and easy to operate, especially for people at Su Jin's level.

Immediately, his brows and eyes were bent, and he leaned into Qin Lang's arms and smiled: "That's natural, I hate this kind of guy who shows off his might the most! If he doesn't make him cry, I'm not Su Miracle Doctor!"

Qin Lang laughed loudly, and kissed his daughter-in-law's ruddy and soft lips, "Baby!"

Su Jin blushed, groaning coquettishly and buried her head in his arms, rubbing and rubbing, Qin Lang laughed happily, and embraced his precious wife.

After returning home, Su Jin took the medicine box and took a car with Qin Lang to General Zheng's Mansion without any haste.

On the way, Qin Lang roughly told her about the third prince of Donghu.

Donghu is one of the three most powerful prairie tribes outside the pass. It is ambitious and has a cavalry with extremely powerful combat effectiveness. It has always been used to bullying the weak by showing off its might.

But at least in the area of ​​Wushui City, they couldn't get anything good from the frontier generals headed by General Zheng Da. In the past two years, they kept testing the intentions of the Daqing court and intend to form an alliance.

The third prince Donghu's mission to the capital of Daqing was the most direct temptation.

The generals in Wushui City don't know the court's attitude, but no one knows better than them that Donghu is not dead. Therefore, on the territory of Wushui City, as long as people don't catch the real mistakes, it doesn't matter if they are a little arrogant to them.

Besides, King Donghu has many sons, and these three princes belong to the weaker kind, who are neither favored nor neglected, so there is no need to worry too much.

Seeing Su Jin again, Zheng Guanqing was able to face it calmly, at least on the surface.

As for Su Jin, it is even more impossible to have any thoughts about him. In front of him, she is the wife of a general, and it is good to meet her husband politely and respectfully.

As for the life-saving grace, Su Jinke never thought of relying on this relationship to put on airs in front of Zheng Guanqing to be complacent.

If Zheng Guanqing is serious, he will remember what she has done. If he is not, she will only remind him again and again, but it will only increase his resentment.

So the most important thing to be a human being is to be yourself.

Su Jin's behavior made Butler Zheng and the guards of the General's Mansion more respectful and polite.

Zheng Guanqing, Qin Lang, and the two lieutenants here accompanied Su Jin to treat the third prince Wu Kejin.

Zheng Guanqing couldn't help but comforted her and said, "Madam Qin doesn't need to be nervous, just make a diagnosis as usual."

Su Jin smiled and nodded: "Well, I will try my best."

That is, try your best.

Wu Kejin had obviously heard the complaint from his subordinate who was blocking the way, and seeing that Su Jin and others were very unkind, he stared coldly at Su Jin with sharp eyes.

But in an instant, Qin Lang stepped aside calmly, blocking his wife behind him.

Wu Kejin looked back with a sneer, glanced at everyone, and said with a smirk: "Why are you all here? Xiao Wang is really flattered!"

Zheng Guanqing smiled faintly: "The third prince is injured, as the host, we are really ashamed, we should care about it, so please ask Mrs. Qin to diagnose the third prince, how about it?"

Wu Kejin sneered, rolled his eyes and said in a strange way: "Okay!"

Su Jinchong nodded to Zheng Guanqing, stepped forward to take Wu Kejin's pulse, and checked the wound on his left leg and ankle.

Speaking of which, this is definitely Ukkin's dark history.

After encountering an ambush that day, Zheng Guanqing reacted very quickly, yelling for dispatch, and dispatched the most powerful force to protect Wu Kejin. Although the third prince of Donghu is very tasteless, he must not die in front of his eyes, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, although Ukkin was quite frightened, he was not injured. On the contrary, what was cheating was that during the rapid evacuation afterwards, he fell down and fell off the horse because of panic, and injured his left foot!

Until now, his left ankle is still red, swollen and bruised, and he can only lie on the bed and cannot move.

Thinking about how he would actually fall off his horse at that time, this definitely made him, who could ride a horse at the age of three, feel extremely aggrieved, angry and ashamed.

His entourage didn't know who was talented, but in order to please his master, he actually reassured him with embellishments, saying that it must be the Daqing soldiers who escorted him back to make trouble, which caused him to fall off his horse, otherwise he would rely on his riding skills , How could it be possible to fall off the horse?

Wu Kejin took this very seriously, and turned his anger on everyone, hating Zheng Guanqing's personal guards to death.

In the past few days, I have been looking for trouble in different ways. Until Zheng Guanqing came back, he suppressed neither soft nor hard, he dared to provoke others, but he had some scruples about Zheng Guanqing——


By the way, ask for a ticket o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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