Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 706: Feeling sorry for my daughter-in-law

Ukkin's shrill and ghostly screams almost spread throughout the entire General's Mansion, and everyone in the General's Mansion was satisfied, happy, looking at each other and laughing gloatingly.

Ba Neng and the others looked at each other with ashen-colored faces, and their scalps exploded with Ukkin's screams.

This, this, this—does it really hurt this much? What kind of pain does this have to make a strong and fearless man like the third prince howl like this.

You must know that when the third prince was nine years old, a piece of flesh was torn off his shoulder by a wolf's paw, and he didn't call it like this.

Two quarters of an hour of treatment passed, and after the needles were withdrawn, Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Ping followed Su Jin's instructions to wipe Wu Kejin's body, change his clothes and apply medicine. Lying there motionless except for gasping for breath, his eyes were stunned.

Ba Neng subconsciously glanced at Su Jin with some fear, and subconsciously spoke a little cautiously: "Miraculous doctor Su, our third prince—"

Su Jin smiled, like the spring breeze warming the sun, "The third prince is very brave, and the treatment process went smoothly. There will be another treatment tonight, and two times tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. It will definitely heal."

Ba Neng was taken aback, "Do you still want this treatment?"

His ears are still rumbling and buzzing with the screams of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Yes," Su Jin smiled more gently, "Three days! Didn't I make it clear at the beginning?"

Baneng: "."

Co-author Su Miracle Doctor's words are not a joke.

Zheng Guanqing, Duan Fu, etc. all held back their smiles, but they still showed concern on their faces. They visited Ukjin, who was like a dead fish, and left contentedly, letting him have a good rest.

Su Jin also bid farewell to Qin Lang and left, and came back in the afternoon for treatment.

On the carriage, Qin Lang hugged his daughter-in-law in his arms and laughed non-stop, fighting with his daughter-in-law, that third prince Donghu is really a fool!

Qin Lang thoughtfully rubbed his wrist for his daughter-in-law, "Are your hands tired?"

Su Jin raised a smile on his lips, and leaned lazily in Qin Lang's arms: "Well, my hands are sore and tired! That guy has rough skin and thick flesh, and it's not easy to give needles!"

"That bastard is really not a thing! I'll rub it for you!" Qin Lang felt even more distressed.

In the study room, Zheng Guanqing couldn't help laughing, she really surprised him, and he knew that she must have moved her hands and feet, otherwise Wu Kejin couldn't be in such pain.

So, don't offend the doctor if you offend anyone.

The woman's playful and pretty face flashed in front of her eyes, Zheng Guanqing sighed silently, and the smile on the corner of her lips gradually became a bit sad, but it's a pity that no matter how good it is, it has nothing to do with him after all!

After a while, Zheng Guanqing calmed down and ordered people to find Steward Zheng.

This is the housekeeper who has been by his side to serve and help with various trivial matters since he entered the mountain gate to learn as a teacher, and he is even a confidant in his heart.

Zheng Guanqing gave Steward Zheng an inexplicable order: secretly send a few reliable and tight-lipped people to Xiaohe Village, Fangyin County, Huainan Road, to thoroughly investigate everything about Qin Lang and Su Jin, and not to miss anything. clues.

Butler Zheng always obeyed his little master's orders, but he was a little shocked when he heard this order, and he responded respectfully, but he gave Zheng Guanqing a look for some inexplicable reasons, and hesitated to speak.

General Qin and Mrs. Qin. Is there something wrong? But according to his decades of experience in knowing people and judging people, it's impossible. He didn't believe that he was so stupid that he couldn't understand people clearly.

General Qin didn't know him very well, but Mrs. Su had seen him several times, so she didn't look like a villain at all.

He hesitated whether to persuade the little master.

Zheng Guanqing smiled and shook her head: "It's not what you think, Uncle Zheng. Just ask someone to investigate, and I will tell you when the time is right. Remember, this must be done in secret and no one should be alarmed! Also, go to Those who investigate must keep their mouths tight."

Steward Zheng became more cautious when he saw this, "Yes, General!"

In the afternoon, Su Jin and Qin Lang arrived as scheduled.

Wu Kejin saw that Su Jin was shaking and his expression changed. Su Jin smiled decently and calmly said, "Third Prince, now we are going to start the second acupuncture."

The third prince's lips moved, the fear in his eyes was forced to be suppressed slowly, he gritted his teeth and made a cold face and snorted.

Seeing Qin Lang staring at him unkindly, the third prince couldn't help but get angry secretly. He was the one who suffered the crime, but he still looked at him with the kind of eyes that blame him for being troublesome?

As a result, the general's mansion resounded again with all kinds of screams and screams of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

How painful it must be to be able to call a big man like this!

After two quarters of an hour, Qin Lang and Su Jin left, and Wu Kejin became a dying fish again.

"No, it won't be cured! I will never, never, cure it again!"

Ukkin's dying cry.

Ba Neng and the others looked at each other with bitter faces and dared not answer these words. This, this, this beginning, where can you stop if you say stop, what if you become disabled and can no longer get out of bed? They can't afford the consequences.

Within three days, it was enough to make Wu Kejin instinctively panic when he saw Su Jin. He swore that he would never try it again in his life.

As a result, the Donghu mission stopped and stopped looking for trouble. The general's residence felt much more relaxed, and everyone was grateful to Miracle Doctor Su.

Su Miracle Physician is amazing, look at this ability, with a silver needle, the entire Donghu mission is honest!

Finally, after three days, Ukkin played tricks again, trying to lie on the bed and insist that he couldn't get up and was not cured.

Thinking of how much suffering he had suffered in the past three days, he hated him so much that he wanted to chop off Su Jin's hands no matter what.

How could Su Jin not know his little thoughts? He sneered secretly in his heart, he didn't bother to use silver needles, and casually got some medicine powder on him, Wu Kejin was numb and itchy, jumped up and ran around on the ground, repeatedly asking someone to prepare hot water for him to bathe and change clothes .

Walking on the ground with both feet as usual, Miracle Doctor Su is Miracle Doctor Su, and there is no adulteration in a word.

It was only now that Wu Kejin came to his senses that he had been played by Su Jin again, and he was so angry that his seven orifices smoked.

What made him even more fuming was yet to come. As soon as his leg injury healed, Su Jin asked him in black and white to ask him for a thousand sheep.

Zheng Guanqing, as a middleman, naturally had to say a few words "fairly, strictly, and impartially".

Originally, Wu Kejin wanted to stay in Wushui City for a longer time, to inquire about the situation in Wushui City. It would be even better if he could get some information about Wushui East and West Military Camps.

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