Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 710 Nothing to say

"What did you say!" Luo Ziyuan was dumbfounded: "You, you said this, this is the dungeon in General Zheng's mansion?"

"Yeah!" The cell boss said angrily, "Wait!"

Luo Ziyuan's feet went limp, and she fell to the ground, holding the cold iron prison bars with both hands, as if she had been thrown into an ice hole, her whole body was completely chilled.

She trembled slightly, her eye sockets gradually became hot, tears fell drop by drop, her face was ashen and hopeless.

Is this actually General Zheng's Mansion? General Zheng, he, how could he lock her in the dungeon!

She adores him so much, she adores him as a god in her heart, how could he not know? Even because of her intentions, you can't treat her like this!

She is just a weak woman, where is there no place to put her under house arrest in this huge general's mansion? How could she escape? Why would he lock her up in this dark, dank dungeon with musty air!

This blow was simply devastating to Luo Ziyuan, she felt so painful that her heart seemed to be dead.

How could this be, how could this be.

No, General Zheng won't, he must not know, it must be arranged by Qin Lang! That's right, it must be that bitch Qin Lang, what can't he do to vent his anger on Su Jin? this is revenge

Luo Ziyuan's heart that had been so desperate just now was rekindled immediately, she hurriedly stood up and wiped away her tears, and had time to straighten her hair and clothes. It's a pity that there is no mirror here, and she can't see whether it is so proper or not.

When she sees General Zheng Da, she must talk to the general well, let the general take her away, and sue Qin Lang.

Zheng Guanqing listened to the prison chief's report that Luo Ziyuan wanted to see him and had something important to say, so naturally he didn't refuse, and soon came to the dungeon.

Luo Ziyuan's eyes lit up when he saw him, "General! General Zheng!"

Zheng Guanqing frowned, he really didn't like the way Luo Ziyuan looked at him and the tone of calling him.

He is not a person who cares much about his appearance, but Luo Ziyuan pretends to be shy and affectionate with such a bruised and dirty face, which is really disgusting to see.

"I heard you have something to say?"

Luo Ziyuan choked, his indifference was the same as before, she could bear it, but now she couldn't bear it anymore, she was very hurt, and now she needs tenderness and comfort.

"General Zheng, I don't want to stay here, can you give me another place. I promise, I won't run away!"

Zheng Guanqing hated her entanglement before, but he never gave her a chance to get close, and his personal guards were not vegetarian, she never got close to him, and he didn't take her seriously.

He didn't expect that the Luo family had fallen to this point, and she still had other plans in mind. What does this make him say?

It is rare for this person to have no self-knowledge to this point!

Moreover, why would she dare to make such a request to him?

Not to mention that he wouldn't agree to it according to common sense, but based on what she did to Su Jin, it was already very kind and generous for him not to order lynching.

"Miss Luo, please recognize your identity. The family members of sinners are not qualified to bargain. Do you have anything to say?" If not, don't waste his time.

Luo Ziyuan's face turned pale, and she gave Zheng Guanqing an aggrieved look, she was just a weak woman, she had already fallen to such a point, would he not be sympathetic to her at all?

With a thought in his heart, Luo Ziyuan thought of Su Jin again.

"Did that General Qin say something? And the Su family! General Zheng, I was wronged. The two of them have been against me all day long. Then General Qin will avenge himself and frame my Luo family. Please, General Zheng Make the decision for my Luo family! My father and my second uncle are all citizens of Daqing. Our Luo family has been operating in Wushui City for several generations, and we have a huge family business in Wushui City. No one can match it. How can my father and them Would you be so stupid as to do something like collaborating with the enemy and traitorous to the country?"

Zheng Guanqing said indifferently: "It's not surprising that you, an ignorant woman, don't know about this matter, and I don't need to explain it to you. I can only tell you that the evidence of your father and brother colluding with the enemy and betraying the country was found by the general. The evidence is as solid as a mountain. The order to arrest the Luo family and seize all the property of the Luo family was also issued by this general! If you know something useful, say it, if not, just stay here honestly!"

"What!" Luo Ziyuan seemed to have been stabbed in the heart, staring at Zheng Guanqing in disbelief: "General Zheng, you lied to me, right? You lied to me, right! How could it be you, how come--"

The handsome and majestic man she loved so much that she wanted to die was the main culprit who destroyed her home and her relatives? This is more uncomfortable than letting her admit that she is not as good as Su Jin, and being dealt with by Su Jin.

Zheng Guanqing was speechless, what was wrong with her betrayed by him?

Zheng Guanqing has never thought that there are women in the world who can be so disgusting!

"Miss Luo, tell the cell boss if you have anything to say in the future!" Zheng Guanqing didn't want to see her, turned around and walked away.

Luo Ziyuan was in a hurry, stretched out his hand across the cell and waved desperately, calling: "General Zheng, General Zheng! General Zheng, don't go, don't go!"

Zheng Guanqing turned a deaf ear to it, and he has never had much patience with people he dislikes.

Luo Ziyuan was desperate, her hatred surged, and she suddenly screamed viciously: "Su Jin, you bitch, I won't let you go! I won't let you go!"

Zheng Guanqing stopped abruptly and turned her head, staring at Luo Ziyuan with sharp eyes like a knife.

That gaze was as real as Luo Ziyuan shuddered, his throat tightened, and he opened his eyes wide in horror, realizing that this man is so terrifying.

Zheng Guanqing said slowly: "The general's savior is not you, the daughter of a sinner, who can utter evil words and humiliate you. I can't control your mouth. I don't mind cutting your tongue."

Luo Ziyuan's heart was burning with jealousy, and the turbulent energy and blood rushed straight to her forehead. The raging jealousy was like adding fuel to the fire, causing her internal organs to explode.

Daughter of a savior and a sinner! So in his heart, she and Su Jin are so different? How can this be! how so!

She was resentful and unwilling, and opened her mouth to say something, but Zheng Guanqing's cold and sharp gaze made her hold back.

She is afraid! She could see that he was not joking with her. If she still dares to say it, he will cut her tongue out, he will.

This man, this man, he never cared about her, not even a little bit!

Luo Ziyuan finally collapsed, and fell limply to the ground, crying loudly while covering her face.

When she raised her tear-stained face to look, General Zheng's figure had long since disappeared without a trace.

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