Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 712 Jealousy

Besides, so what if you believe he didn't mean it? The fact is that General Zheng almost died because of this, and he must pay for it whether he intended it or not.

At that time, his life will be over!

Vice-General Jiang was also a ruthless person. He sent his henchmen to stare at the Luo family decisively, took the opportunity to kill the members of the Luo family, and then killed Aunt Luo, declaring that Aunt Luo was too frightened to commit suicide.

At this time, General Zheng announced that the matter was temporarily closed, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is said to be temporary, once this kind of thing is put down, if you want to pick it up again, you don't know that it will be the year of the monkey.

After passing this hurdle, he turned his head to look at Qin Lang again, and his dissatisfaction increased day by day. In other words, this is venting anger.

Even though Aunt Luo is dead, and even if this turmoil did not affect him, it is a fact that Aunt Luo, a girl from the Luo family, is his concubine. When Qin Lang was dealing with this matter, no matter how ruthless he was, it was true that he didn't give him any face.

Although he wished that the Luo family would be wiped out in this incident, so that no one would find out that General Zheng was ambushed was related to him, but these are two different things.

In addition, Qin Lang's promotion speed is too fast, from obscurity to emerging, to attracting everyone's attention seems to be just overnight.

He is the only one who has no background and ordinary background to achieve this achievement.

Vice General Jiang absolutely refused to admit that this was also an aspect of his dislike for Qin Lang.

No one knows exactly where Qingdi King City is deep in the grassland, but the major tribes affiliated to Qingdi still know. After suffering such a big loss this time, Daqing naturally couldn't express anything - General Zheng, the commander of the first army, was almost killed by the opponent, and he still kept silent when he found out who did it. , the other party still has to die of complacency?

After disposing of the Luo family, Zheng Guanqing called several core generals to discuss the matter. Unexpectedly, but also as expected, Qin Lang also participated.

Ordinarily, the level of the general was not qualified enough, but Qin Lang participated in this matter from the beginning to the end, both active and passive. It is normal to call him here at this moment.

Vice-General Jiang was a little uncomfortable with it. Although he didn't say anything, he looked at Qin Lang with an expression of "I have a lot of opinions and disapproval".

Qin Lang naturally wouldn't be unaware, he just pretended he didn't see it.

As a result of the final discussion, both General Zheng and Duan Fu intended to let Qin Lang take charge of this mission and cut off one of Qingdi's arms.

Although this matter is a bit dangerous, as long as the planning is good and luck is not too bad, there is at least a 70% chance of success. And for these rough guys who lick blood at the knife edge, a 30% to 40% chance of success is enough to make them do it without hesitation.

Isn't that how military achievements come from? Don't want to fight, are afraid of bloodshed, and dare to fight when you are 100% sure you can win? What are you still doing in the barracks? Isn't that a joke?

Don't be too envious of Qin Lang, everyone, especially under the premise that there has been no battle for several years, this is a proper military achievement. As long as he succeeds this time, Qin Lang will not be a general but will soon be a deputy general.

The reason why I say "soon" is because the deputy general needs to ask the imperial court for a seal. I also know that General Zheng will definitely ask him to seal him, otherwise he wouldn't have done so many things.

Envy is envy, most people are still convinced. They have seen Qin Lang's strength before, and he may not be worse than any other lieutenant general, luck is good, and he has a good wife, who can compare with him?

Vice-General Jiang saw how Qin Lang acted like a villain, and felt very upset, so he couldn't help but speak out against it. The reason is that Qin Lang is young and has no actual combat experience. This matter is of great importance, and it is not appropriate for him to be responsible.

This is a real military exploit. There were many people who wanted to get a piece of the pie, but General Zheng and Duan had already expressed their views, and no one dared to be the leader. Now that there is Deputy General Jiang in the early stage, everyone is naturally not polite, secretly happy in their hearts, and want to agree.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Guanqing didn't give the generals a chance to speak at all. As soon as Vice General Jiang finished speaking, he couldn't help denying him, insisting on his original intention, and General Duan also nodded in agreement.

The hearts of the generals froze, and then they suddenly remembered that Su Jin had saved General Zheng's life, secretly thinking that it was a fluke.

It is understandable that General Zheng has such a little selfishness, no matter how big or powerful a military function is, can it be compared with life? What is the purpose of making military achievements? In order to achieve success, enjoy glory and wealth! If life is gone, then there is no need for Ai Rong behind him!

These people are the least afraid of death, and at the same time they are the ones who cherish their lives the most.

General Zheng's status is precious, and his life is naturally more valuable than theirs.

Therefore, General Zheng intends to promote General Qin, who would dare not accept it? He didn't force his promotion, but he just gave General Qin a chance, which is even more convincing. General Zheng has always done things fairly.

If this kind of thing happened to them, it would only be worse than what General Zheng did.

Thinking about it this way, come on, it's better not to be envious or jealous, who told me that I don't have a wife with such superb medical skills as Mrs. Qin.

Vice General Jiang couldn't believe it. General Zheng had never refuted anyone's face so categorically and neatly. He always gave the impression of being gentle. Unexpectedly, this first attack was directed at himself.

Especially in the current state, Vice General Jiang felt a little guilty because of the Luo family's affairs, everyone felt as if he was suspicious of himself, and a nerve in his heart was tense, and it would explode at the slightest touch.

Vice-General Jiang was furious, and he gave Qin Lang a hard look and dared not speak out.

When the meeting was over, Vice General Jiang deliberately walked to Qin Lang's side, and said in a nonchalant way: "Congratulations to General Qin, promotion is just around the corner, General Qin has a good wife, who works harder than others for ten years, it's really enviable ah!"

Qin Lang looked at Vice General Jiang: "Vice General Jiang, condolences."

"Huh?" Deputy General Jiang stared at him in a daze. He didn't understand what Qin Lang meant, but he also felt that it was not a good word.

Qin Lang said sincerely and sincerely: "Aunt Luo is just a concubine, she will go as soon as she goes, there is no need for Vice General Jiang to be too sad!"

"You!" Deputy General Jiang clenched his fists angrily and glared at Qin Lang viciously.

"Farewell!" Qin Lang smiled and walked away.

Vice-General Jiang was angry, staring at Qin Lang as he disappeared from sight, spat lightly, and left angrily.

What are you proud of? If something unexpected happened on the way, it would be good-looking.

Qingdi killed Zheng Guanqing in secret, and if Daqing wants to take revenge back, it is naturally impossible to blatantly pull away the troops and kill him.


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