Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 714 Waiting

All of a sudden, the already booming business of the Qixing Building went up to a new level, and even the medicinal materials transactions of the pharmacy of the Lin Family Medical Hall went smoothly.

General Duan deeply felt that he had treated his wife and children badly these years. Although Mei Niang's birthday was not a whole birthday, it was the first good day worth celebrating after the reunion of the three of them. Moreover, the General Protector's Mansion hadn't been this lively for many years, so this time Meiniang's birthday banquet was held extraordinarily grandly.

This is also Zheng Guanqing's hint. After all, a little commotion in Wushui City attracts everyone's attention, which is good for Qin Lang and his party.

Su Jin also hadn't seen Mei Niang for some days, and left early this day after breakfast.

Mei Niang was very happy to see her, and specially called her son Duan Xiaomo to see her.

It didn't take long for the guests to come to the door one after another, and Su Jin helped to greet them together. All the female relatives were a little surprised to see that Mrs. Qin and Mrs. Duan were very familiar, and only then did they believe that the rumors in the market were not false.

No matter what you think in your heart, even the wife of the deputy general is more polite and warm towards Su Jin.

Before the banquet, Duan Xiaomo's playful children didn't know where to go in the garden. Mei Niang couldn't leave because she wanted to entertain guests, so Su Jin smiled and told her to bring Duan Xiaomo back.

Su Jin did not expect to meet Zheng Guanqing in the garden.

Zheng Guanqing was also obviously taken aback. He had just come out of Duan Fu's study, and Duan Fu was called by the housekeeper for a temporary business. He naturally didn't care about these trivial matters, so he let Duan Fu do the work and left by himself.

Knowing that there was a banquet for female guests in the backyard today, he purposely walked around the garden, not wanting to meet Su Jin by such a coincidence.

After recovering in an instant, Zheng Guanqing felt unreasonably happy about this accident. Ever since he came back from the snowy mountain to say goodbye, he had never seen Su Jin alone again, and maybe he would never see Su Jin alone again in the future, there was no suitable reason, and it was impossible.

Not to mention meeting alone, even when she was among many people, he would never dare to look at her, for he was afraid that someone with sharp eyes would see something.

If she keeps losing her memory like this and never thinks about the past again, he will never tell her anything about the past. It's over, and knowing the past will only increase the trouble.

He could see that she was very satisfied with her current life, and she was in harmony with Qin Lang. The identity of the prostitute of the Hou family was not that important to her.

Realizing this made him feel even more sad, but he would respect her choice.

Under all kinds of active and passive restrictions, Zheng Guanqing felt that he was very lucky to be able to meet once again like today.

Even though they were worried about avoiding suspicion and about being seen at any time, the two of them just greeted each other with a polite smile and walked away. Zheng Guanqing was still in a happy mood.

After saying hello and farewell, Su Jin found Duan Xiaomo in a small plum forest in the northeast of the garden, took him back to the banquet hall in front, and Zheng Guanqing also walked around the garden and left Duan's back house. Neither of them took it seriously, let alone expecting to cause an uproar.

After this day, Su Jin still lives in an orderly manner, occasionally going to Meiniang's or Mrs. Tang's, or going to the medical center to inspect and inspect various medicinal materials for purchase transactions, and give lessons and assessments to apprentices on time .

Without the unstable factor of the Luo family, it would be much easier to go to Shuanghe Ranch.

Mrs. Tang gave her some good horses, all of which were sent to the ranch.

In addition to the fact that my family has acquired them one after another, the ranch has also become quite large.

The most wonderful thing is that many vegetable plots have been opened up where the hot springs flow. Su Jin explained and gestured, and Guan Hong made a super large and very convenient waterwheel to draw water for irrigation, which is very convenient.

With this place, there is no need to worry about having no fresh vegetables to eat in winter. For the winter that is bound to come soon, Su Jin is finally much more at ease.

Qin Lang and the others still didn't come back during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Now, the family members more or less guessed what he should be doing, and the atmosphere in the house became a bit low without a sound. Everyone showed a bit of caution when facing Su Jin, which made Su Jin dumbfounded.

Why is she so sentimental and unable to control things? They really don't have to worry that she will be sad, worried, and depressed because he can't come back to accompany her during the Mid-Autumn Festival, okay? She knew it when he left!

This kind of feeling that people who know the truth are treated with care by people who don't know the truth is really—subtle!

The north is different from the south. If we were in Xiaohe Village, it would be the busiest autumn harvest time, and the sun was high in the sky, dazzlingly bright. Only when the autumn wind blows, the wind does not bring the feeling of being engulfed by fire, but it has a bit of refreshing and transparent, so that you can truly feel that the midsummer has passed and autumn has entered. But here, the chill in the air is already quite strong, especially in the morning and evening, the chill penetrates into the bones and makes people tremble.

The leaves of the two jujube trees in the yard have also begun to fall, and the vegetable garden in the backyard is no longer as green as it was in spring and summer. Only some hardy ones are still persisting, but it is expected that they will not last long.

This is a barren place in winter, don't even think about trying to grow anything. It is said that when it snows, it is really frozen three feet!

Qin Lang and his party still didn't come back, Su Jin, who had been calm all the time, was somewhat worried.

No matter how well prepared you are, there is no guarantee that nothing will go wrong.

Moreover, once entering the deep grassland, there are simply too many uncertainties to face. And the colder the weather goes, the worse it is for them.

Mei Niang took Duan Xiaomo to visit her twice, and invited Mrs. Tang and her daughter to come too, and the party was lively and lively.

She understood their kindness and appreciated it. But that's all, no matter how lively it is, it will calm down, and they have to go home.

Besides, even if they don't go home, they are not Qin Lang.

Su Jin can only try to comfort herself, try to make her heart calm, and then let go of her thoughts, as long as she waits peacefully for a day, even though this feeling is not good. But even if he was in a hurry, Qin Lang couldn't come back.

At the end of August, Qin Lang finally came back when he went out of the city and looked around and saw that the lush pastures turned withered and yellow.

He was wearing a clean lake blue robe and a soft armor. He had a handsome face with a clear outline, a high nose bridge, dark and deep eyes, a shallow smile on his thin lips, handsome brows and a radiant look. The look is totally out of place.

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