Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 717 Behind the scenes

Hearing what Qin Lang said, he was all relieved.

No one wants to see any cracks between the two of them. The atmosphere in this family is very good, and everyone subconsciously has a kind of attachment. And if there is a rift between the two of them, the family will break up.

Gu Yunzheng, Wangchun, etc. were particularly angry, and Amo also asked if he wanted to investigate the source of the rumor?

Qin Lang sneered and said no need.

Want to check the source? He knew it.

Su Jin really didn't know anything at the beginning, and lived with Qin Lang every day at ease, comfort, and sweetness, she couldn't help but sigh when she thought about it afterwards, her husband really put in a hundred and twenty minutes of effort in front of her Pretend, it's clear that she is so familiar with him, but this time she didn't even notice the slightest clue.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, even though Qin Lang tried his best to stop the rumors outside from blowing into Su Jin's ears, Su Jin still knew about it unintentionally.

Even if he only knew a few words and realized something was wrong, when she asked, Qin Lang couldn't hide it from her anymore - even if he didn't say anything, wouldn't she know how to inquire by herself with her temperament?

The rumors that are spreading all over the city, if she really wants to inquire, can she still not hear it?

Qin Lang sighed, he had no choice but to hug her and sit on his lap, and said everything in a calm and indifferent tone as much as possible, interrupting from time to time to comfort her not to be angry.

But in fact, how could Su Jin not be angry?

Finally, she still remembered that she was still pregnant and should not get angry and tried hard to bear it again and again, but she was still angry.

"Who the hell is this, so vicious! Aaron, you—"

"I believe you," Qin Lang smiled softly: "I don't even know who my daughter-in-law is? Ah Jin only has me in his eyes, how could he be interested in others!"

Having said that, thinking of Zheng Guanqing, Qin Lang was actually a little unhappy deep in his heart. But it was not because of this matter, but because he had a vague feeling before that, since Xueshan came back that time, General Zheng seemed to pay too much attention to A Jin, intentionally or unintentionally. What he did was very secretive, but Qin Lang's heart was on Su Jin, and he could feel even the slightest idea of ​​the man next to him.

Men also have a sixth sense.

After all, this is related to the sovereignty of the daughter-in-law.

But his daughter-in-law didn't notice it, and General Zheng didn't act too much. Qin Lang didn't even feel sure about it. He was skeptical, so he didn't pay much attention.

But now when faced with those rumors, perhaps, he didn't care too much, General Zheng was really humming to his wife!

It's just that he is a gentleman, even if he really has any thoughts, they will always be just thoughts, and he will not tell anyone, and bury his thoughts deep in his heart.

Su Jin felt that after her pregnancy, her emotions became more delicate and sensitive, at least she became more easily moved.

Her husband's words moved her so much that she called out "Alang!" and her heart softened.

Qin Lang was in a light mood for a moment, hugged her with a smile, and said a lot of words.

"I guess, someone must be jealous of you and deliberately make trouble." Su Jin nestled in Qin Lang's arms, said his guess, and sneered: "Who in the army doesn't like you?"

Qin Lang guessed five or six points right when she heard her speak, lightly pecked the corner of her lips and sighed, and didn't hide it from her again, sneered: "There are not a few people who are jealous of my ability and that I have a good wife. Well, but for most of the people here, jealousy can only be jealousy, and no one can do anything about it! Those who really have the ability to know so many inside stories, have the guts to get involved with General Zheng, and even do it There are not many people who do not leave a tail without knowing it."

Su Jin almost guessed what he said, "Even if Luo's family was still there that day, he couldn't do it. This person is really courageous! Is it Vice General Jiang?"

Qin Lang smiled and praised her: "My daughter-in-law is smart! Who else can there be besides him? I heard that he has a good background in the capital, and he has never been very compatible with General Zheng. In addition to the matter of the Luo family, although there is no People make trouble for him, but it is true that he took the daughter of the Luo family as a concubine, I'm afraid he has a ghost in his heart. It's not surprising that he seized the opportunity to make trouble now! I asked someone to investigate secretly, and the matter was done very cleanly , there is no tail left, and only he has this ability!"

Su Jin glanced at him and sighed with a smile: "You can still praise me! This matter—what should I do?"

Qin Lang sneered and said: "Don't pay attention to the rumors, they will pass after a while. It is more important for a daughter-in-law to have a good pregnancy at home and take care of her health. If you don't hear it, just think it doesn't exist."

Su Jin didn't miss the cold light that flashed in his eyes, knowing that he probably had his arrangements, presumably because she was concerned that she was pregnant, and didn't want her to know those messy things, so she didn't say anything. After thinking about it, Su Jin felt relieved, as long as he believed in her, nothing else mattered! Now that he had an idea, she just waited.

Su Jin's body gradually relaxed, and she leaned into his arms and smiled slightly: "Well, I listen to you. Our child is more important than anything else, and I won't let any bad things affect him."

"Good daughter-in-law!" Qin Lang's eyes became gentle, and his big and generous palm lightly landed on her slightly protruding belly, and the two smiled at each other.

Qin Lang only asked people to put out two sentences. First, these rumors were mostly spread by the father and son of the Luo family who fled a certain tribe outside the pass with a grudge. They wanted to confuse people, disturb Wushui City and the east and west military camps of Wushui City, and everyone should not go to them The fooling of the father and son gave them the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to do evil.

The second is that he believes in his wife and General Zheng's character. After the child is born, everyone can go and see if he looks like him. He is sure that the child will look like him, after all, it is not uncommon to see such an outstanding and powerful father like him, and the genetics must be equally outstanding, powerful and powerful! So now, all keep your mouths shut!

It was only then that everyone in Wushui City realized that there was another Luo family father and son who were at large.

Mrs. Tang has a lot of property and contacts, so she quickly spread Qin Lang's words.

The father and son of the Luo family can be seen to be sinister and vicious. As soon as the rumors spread, there will be a rift between General Zheng and the capable General Qin, and because of this matter, General Zheng's image in the army will also be affected-the generals do not agree, The morale of the army is unstable, isn't it just giving those barbarians outside the pass an opportunity to take advantage of?

What kind of family is the Luo family? When he was in Wushui City before, he had been domineering and domineering. He even did such things as treason and collusion with the enemy. It was very possible to spread rumors and attempt to split.


It's a holiday on May 1st, I'm going out, it's pitiful to save manuscripts~~

It will be three o'clock today, and it will return to normal after that!

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