Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 722 Don't Dislike

It would be better to suffer more on weekdays than to lose your life when the incident happened.

Seeing this, Su Jin knew that the affairs in the military were kept secret, and it was for her own good that Qin Lang didn't tell her more, so he stopped asking and talked to him affectionately.

Even if he only came back for a short stay of two or three days, after all, it was the master who came back, and the whole house seemed lively and full of life.

Su Jin couldn't help but secretly sighed, the backbone of the backbone is not just talking about it, no matter how capable he is, in the eyes of everyone, the head of the family is Qin Lang.

As long as Qin Lang is around, no one will dare to take his own ideas lightly, except for the arrogant and domineering Luo family.

And once there is no Qin Lang, the past of Xiaohe Village is an example. God knows how many ghosts and monsters will appear again.

In the evening, Su Jin prepared all kinds of side dishes by himself, and made a small hot pot for two to eat together.

Fresh beef and mutton, soaked dried seafood, mushrooms, etc. are put into the pot together, and then served with fresh and green rapeseed, lettuce, coriander, and lettuce that has been peeled and cut into pieces, which is delicious and fragrant.

The food in the military camp is particularly rough in winter, even if Qin Lang is now a lieutenant general, the food is only a little bit better than that of ordinary soldiers. When I come back to eat this meal today, I feel that my whole appetite has been opened up.

Su Jin was also happy to see the sweetness of his food. From time to time, she prepared vegetables for him and listened to him praising her skills—in fact, she did not make the soup. She talked about the baby in her belly and the winter scenery of the Northland, enjoying the rare The warm reunion.

It's just that when I go back to my room at night, it's a bit unstoppable.

Qin Lang hesitated for a while, and said to Su Jin: "Well, you go to sleep, I will sleep in the ear room."

Su Jin's eyes widened immediately: "Why? Are you—are you despising me?"

Her vainly raised voice startled Qin Lang, and when he came back to his senses, Qin Lang quickly shook his head: "No, no, how could I despise Ah Jin! That is, well, if I accidentally touch your stomach, wouldn't it be that I heard It's the same in other families, the daughter-in-law sleeps separately when she's pregnant, be good, don't think about it. Otherwise, I can just sleep on the floor in this house."

All in all, you can't sleep together.

What he said before really shocked Su Jin, and he actually wanted to leave her and go to sleep alone in the ear room. As soon as those words fell into her ears, her heart was suddenly empty, inexplicably uncomfortable, and her emotions suddenly lost control up.

She never thought of being separated from him, and she never separated when she could be together, not even overnight.

He said that going to the ear room to sleep and listening to her ears was no different than leaving her behind.

Maybe he didn't expect his reaction to be so big and violent. Seeing him startled and then stuttering and explaining to himself in panic, Su Jin regretted that his nerves were too sensitive just now, and couldn't help feeling guilty, and hurriedly held his hand He said softly: "Although there is an earth dragon in the room to keep you warm, how can you sleep on the floor in this weather? You are not allowed to go to the side room, it is, it is here, just be careful! I won't let you go."

It was so easy to come back, of course she wanted him to accompany her.

Qin Lang was also secretly relieved when he saw that her mood had recovered. He had inquired about it on purpose. It was said that a woman's mood would be unstable after she became pregnant. Be more careful. It didn't scare him just now.

The daughter-in-law was reluctant to part with him, and he didn't really want to leave at first, so he didn't want to leave now. On the contrary, I felt relieved for a while, "Okay, of course I will be careful, we will not divide the room!"

"Yeah!" The two looked at each other and smiled.

The two lay down to sleep, Su Jin rubbed into the man's arms as usual, found a comfortable position in his arms and lay down, and sighed comfortably.

Qin Lang's body froze, but he was a little at a loss.

Su Jin was startled, buried her head in his arms and couldn't help giggling.

"A Jin!" Qin Lang was quite helpless.

"Don't be so nervous," Su Jin smiled enough and looked up at him, her beautiful eyes were moist and clear, and there was a sweet smile on the corner of her lips: "My belly has just started to show, and the fetal image is very good, no How is it. How can you sleep when you are so nervous? And I'm going to be nervous with you!"

"I—" Qin Lang was a little bit bitter and couldn't tell, so he smiled helplessly: "Okay, I understand, good boy, go to sleep."

He quietly moved back a little bit, and then a little bit, and when she fell asleep, the fire in his heart would naturally slowly subside.

When two people are together, how can Su Jin not feel it?

Immediately, I felt the little flame of dissatisfaction and unhappiness in my heart rushing up again. She stuck it up, grabbing his aggressive coquettishness: "Why are you backing away?"

"I didn't." The tone was obviously lower.

"Hmph, I can feel that you are still sophistrying." Su Jin's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Qin Lang full of doubts: "But you never avoided me before."

I used to wish I could stick to her, but now it's good, I even learned to back away quietly, I feel wronged thinking about it!

"I'm just afraid of running into children."

Su Jin: "Didn't I just say that, no way. I'm a doctor, you have to listen to me."

The child is still young at this month, and it is not a big belly of eight or nine months.

Qin Lang was helpless, "Okay" in the expectant eyes of his daughter-in-law, Qin Lang had no choice but to reach out and hug her gently.

Only then was Su Jin satisfied: "Sleep!"


Su Jin slept soundly that night, and Qin Lang suffered all night.

Su Jin didn't realize it, and it wasn't until the next night that the man couldn't help but reveal his words, that she came back to her senses in a daze.

Startled, Su Jin couldn't stop laughing, Qin Lang told her to laugh so embarrassingly that he hugged her and bit her lips hard twice, gritting his teeth: "A Jin, don't laugh!"

She still laughs.

Thinking that she was only half a year pregnant, Qin Lang felt even more hopeless.

"You idiot!" Su Jin sighed with a smile.

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