Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 736 Triumph

Vice General Jiang almost died of anger.

He was so angry that he couldn't come to the door to find trouble, so he could only swallow his anger and stop sending people to make troubles. I hate Qin Lang and Su Jin even more.

The army finally returned to the city, attracting countless people to watch and cheer like thunder.

Many people from the Qin family also went, Su Jin was pregnant and couldn't go out, so she could only wait for Qin Lang anxiously at home, and she, who was always calm, became a little restless.

Wang Chun waited to see her with a dark smile, and comforted her with a smile: "Madam, don't worry, as long as the master has free time, he will definitely come back to reunite with his wife as soon as possible! I'm afraid the master is even more anxious than the madam! It's just that on such a big day , I'm afraid the master won't come back for a while, Madam, you'd better rest at ease, I'm afraid it will be night when the master comes back!"

Su Jin laughed, sighed lightly and nodded: "You are right, I think so!"

After thinking for a while, he said: "Make some chicken soup, add lily, lotus seeds, wolfberry, and half a ganoderma lucidum, then prepare some fresh vegetables, roll out the noodles and save them, maybe he will eat some when he comes back at night. There is also hangover soup, too. Ask the kitchen to cook some."

When the army enters the city today, it is inevitable to set up a banquet to celebrate, but this kind of grand event is most suitable as an accompaniment to carnival drinking. Drinking wine at the banquet is definitely indispensable, but food to fill the stomach is hard to say.

At noon, the soldiers around Qin Lang came back first, met Su Jin, invited Ann, and handed her a big box as tall as five and a half people, saying that the general ordered him to bring it back, and said that the general had already gone to Zhengzhou. At the General's Mansion, I will be back after a short rest for the evening banquet, Madam, please rest assured.

Su Jin nodded with a smile, and asked a few words about whether the journey went well.

The affairs of the military should not be rumored, and the soldiers did not dare to talk nonsense, only that everything went well this time and the general was not injured. Su Jin calmed down, and didn't ask any more questions.

In her opinion, after such a big battle, it is impossible to say that everything went smoothly, and she must have suffered a lot, but Qin Lang would only suffer a little skin trauma at most, and that would be fine.

She smiled and ordered Wangchun to reward a group of soldiers with red envelopes, each of which contained one hundred taels of silver.

All the soldiers kowtowed to thank them, and after they went out, they took it apart and looked at it, and they were all happy.

Even though they made a huge windfall from Wushui City this time, the ordinary small money is no longer valued, but Madam's move is one hundred taels, which is still very pleasant.

Eyeing the dusk, Su Jin had just finished taking a bath and came out of the bathroom, and saw that Qin Lang had changed into the homely clothes he wore at home, and he had already returned. Heiliang eyes as deep as stars, tall nose bridge, broad shoulders and narrow waist, strong and long arms exuding strength, the smile on Jun's face is gentle and doting, he opened his arms to Su Jin: "Ah Jin! I'm back !"

Su Jin was dizzy for a while, his nose was sour, and his eyes suddenly became watery, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest with joy.

He's back, he's really back!

"Sister!" She smiled brightly, her face was radiant with a layer of soft light, she plunged into Qin Lang's arms and hugged him tightly. Qin Lang was also happy, his body froze, but he immediately stepped back.

"Watch out for your belly!"

Didn't he not see each other for more than two months? How did this belly get so big? Looking at it makes people can't help but worry, fearing that there will be some accident if they don't pay attention. She still ran over so fast and threw herself into his arms, really, really—how could this be so!

Su Jin gave a "puchi" smile, put his hands on his face and squeezed it in the middle, the corners of his lips were raised high, and the smile flowed coquettishly: "Why is it so delicate? It's too early to give birth!"

"Then be careful!" Qin Lang smiled, carefully embracing her, with joy shining in his eyes.

Qin Lang really didn't eat anything at the banquet, the cook quickly made the noodles with chicken soup and served them up.

The taste of the food at home is not the same as outside, even if it is not cooked by the daughter-in-law, it is her order to explain, and it has almost the same meaning as cooking by her own hands. What's more, it's great to have a daughter-in-law by my side.

Qin Lang ate the noodles contentedly, looked up from time to time to look at the smiling daughter-in-law beside him, fed her, and talked, feeling that the satisfaction of life was nothing more than that.

Not long after eating noodles, the two went back to their room to sleep. He had inquired before, that a pregnant wife should not stay up late, and it doesn't matter if she sleeps a little longer.

Su Jin saw that he didn't seem to drink much, so he didn't ask him to drink the hangover soup.

The two went back to the room and said they were going to sleep, how could they sleep in a while? I just feel like I have more to say.

Qin Lang didn't want his daughter-in-law to be distressed and worried, and he didn't mention the hardships and dangers he encountered along the way. The scene of entering the king's city was too tragic, involving countless lives, and he said it was ominous.

Then, the army set off to return.

The whole process seemed dry and without much content, the only thing that counted as news was that the Luo family and his son had escaped. Su Jin can't laugh or cry, isn't this guy too good at cutting off the head and tail? He also said that military secrets should not be revealed, hmph, really think she is stupid? Ask him if he was in danger when he attacked the city, and what happened to him is also a secret?

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