Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 743 Deliberately Provoking

For a while, there was a lot of chatting, laughing and chatting, which was very lively.

Qin Lang's expression was indifferent, and he didn't eat much from the table.

If the reception banquet had been held at General Zheng's mansion, Qin Lang might not have been so wary, but it was in a post house, even if there must be eyeliner put by General Zheng here, even if Zhao Ming'an only stayed yesterday Come in, Qin Lang still can't rest assured.

No one knew better than him how insidious and despicable Zhao Mingan was.

Now that he was already suspicious, or in other words, he had already confirmed himself, he had to be more on guard.

Before coming to the banquet, he specially asked his wife to get some medicine in his bosom, and he also took a pill of antidote and hangover medicine beforehand, but even so, he tried not to eat these things as much as possible.

Zhao Mingan sat at the top of the middle, chatting and laughing with Zheng Guanqing and Duan Fu, and secretly glanced at Qin Lang from time to time. Seeing him chatting lively with the people around him, but the food and drink in front of him hardly touched his mouth, Zhao Mingan couldn't help but sneer slightly.

He was vigilant, it seemed that he should also understand that he recognized him.

So vigilant, do you think you will want his life? Then he underestimated his own value too much, how could he be willing to let him die? I wish his position could rise as high as possible!

Anyway, it's not a knife in your hand? The sharper the knife, the better it is, of course!

But why is he so afraid of himself? Zhao Ming'an was a little puzzled. He couldn't remember when he left such an impression on Qin Lang.

Zhao Ming'an thought about it, and it seemed that he had to go see him quickly and clarify the matter with him.

Zhao Mingan smiled, full of confidence.

As long as he tells Qin Lang's life experience, he believes that he will be very excited and grateful to himself.

From a worthless poor kid in the countryside, he suddenly became the son of Qian Wangfu, even if he is just a bastard, he is still the son of the phoenix and the grandson of the dragon, not comparable to the mud-legged people in the countryside.

This is tantamount to reaching the sky in one step.

And without himself, how could he have this chance to ascend to the sky, how could he recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors? Based on this alone, he must be grateful to himself and regard himself as the benefactor of the grace of regeneration.

Then, the more powerful and powerful he is in the army, the higher his status, wouldn't it be more beneficial to him?

Zhao Ming'an felt that he should show kindness to Qin Lang and win some goodwill, so when Qin Lang's eyes glanced over inadvertently, he smiled very kindly at Qin Lang.

Qin Lang almost choked out of fright! Without even thinking about it, I pretended not to see and retracted my gaze.

So fucking scary!

Why did that bastard Zhao Mingan laugh at him so disgustingly? It didn't look like a good idea at first glance!

Seeing that Qin Lang didn't accept his kindness, Zhao Ming'an turned his eyes away so obviously and unceremoniously, he couldn't help being angry, secretly angry: he really was a poor boy who grew up in a remote village and didn't know any rules. If he is recognized, it will take a lot of work to teach him to be obedient and to be able to appear on the stage.

Well, at that time, it is necessary to put a few more people around him!

Zhao Mingan thought about it.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone was half-drunk. I don't know who started it, and they took turns to toast Zhao Mingan.

Zhao Mingan didn't drink very well, but he was happy to express his friendliness in front of everyone, and he didn't refuse, but he only took a sip and took a small sip when they had a drink.

Even so, these rough men in the army were very satisfied and smiled, thinking that Prince Qian's son is really very good, and he has no airs at all.

You know, he is the son of the phoenix and the grandson of the dragon.

Qin Lang didn't go up to toast, anyway, there is no rule that he must go up to toast him, why did he take the initiative to run to him and bow his knees?

Zhao Ming'an was originally waiting for Qin Lang to come forward, so that he could say a few words with him to gain a good impression. Unexpectedly, Qin Lang lowered his head and didn't realize what was going on around him, and didn't know what he was thinking, and had no intention of going forward at all, Zhao Ming'an felt a little annoyed.

Vice General Jiang has also been staring at Qin Lang. Seeing this, he is not happy anymore. He smiled coldly and said to Qin Lang: "Vice General Qin, everyone is toasting the son of King Qian. Didn't Vice General Qin show any sign? Vice General Qin is so independent Special line, it seems inappropriate, right?"

Although Deputy General Jiang's voice was not deliberately raised, but his voice was already loud, and everyone did not speak so loudly, which made it seem particularly abrupt. Everyone looked at Qin Lang in unison, with different expressions.

Some took it for granted, thinking that what Vice General Jiang said was right, how could Vice General Qin be so ungrateful? Even if he has made great achievements and is excellent, he can be proud, but he can't be so proud!

Aren't you afraid that Prince Qian's son will hold grudges in his heart?

Alas, thinking about it carefully, there is really no need for him to be afraid. After all, he has made such great achievements and is General Zheng's confidant. How could Prince Qian hate him?

It's really infuriating to think about comparing people to people.

Some didn't take it seriously, thinking that Vice General Jiang was making too much of a fuss, and he deliberately wanted to embarrass Vice General Qin.

The toasting is all voluntary. Maybe there is any special reason for Vice General Qin? Even if there is no reason, so what if people just don't want to respect it?

As for shouting so much? This is not trying to find fault!

In the eyes of everyone looking over, Qin Lang's expression did not change, and he looked at Vice General Jiang lightly: "Prince Qian's son didn't say anything, and Vice General Jiang was in charge, and those who didn't know thought that Vice General Jiang was a servant of Prince Qian's mansion." Woolen cloth!"

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere in the huge hall stagnated.

Vice-General Jiang became furious: "Qin Lang, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Can he not be ashamed and angry? He had secretly communicated with Qian Wang's mansion a long time ago, so he was naturally equivalent to the servants of Qian Wang's mansion. Qin Lang's words can be said to be wrong, so who is not angry?

Qin Lang sneered with disdain, and his tone was still indifferent: "What nonsense did I say? I didn't say anything! It's just you, Deputy General Jiang, who are meddling!"


Zheng Guanqing coughed, cupped his hands and said with a smile to Prince Qian: "Please don't take offense, Prince Qian. Qin Lang has been taking care of his body since he returned from the battle in Qingdi King City. He especially avoids drinking alcohol on weekdays. If he didn't come here It's Prince Qian, he didn't know how to drink the wine before! It's not intentional to be independent, presumably Prince Qian won't care."

Why don't you care? Of course Zhao Mingan cared!

He has taken Qin Lang for granted as his subordinate and a knife in his hand. This subordinate should treat himself as the master, and obey him in everything, and absolutely do not allow unruly.

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