Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 748 Who Has Dismissed Who?

It's just that he came to Wushui City to inspect according to the imperial grandfather's oral order, and he took a concubine as soon as he came, and it's not good to say it out.

And he was wronged about this.

In front of Zheng Guanqing, people don't speak secretly. Although they can't say it too bluntly, everyone understands it. Zheng Guanqing also don't push him too fast, otherwise don't blame him for being rude.

He and his father managed to persuade the emperor's grandfather to let him come to Wushui City. If the reputation of concubines spreads as soon as he comes, will he still mess around?

Zheng Guanqing just disgusted him, so naturally he would not force him to lose face and get a bad reputation.

After all, he is the son and grandson of the phoenix. If he loses face and ruins his reputation, it is tantamount to embarrassing the entire royal family. If he knows that he is persecuting him, the emperor may not be happy. Why should he be so troublesome?

So he pushed the boat along and agreed, and let Zhao Ming'an take care of Cui Jinglan himself.

Anyway, everyone knows that Cui Jinglan has left Wushui City, as long as she doesn't show up, no one will know.

Duan Fu will never talk too much.

Zhao Mingan nodded naturally, he objected to Cui Jinglan's appearance more than anyone else. Cui Jinglan was under house arrest by him, and it was absolutely impossible for her to escape even half a step.

Zhao Ming'an got angry at Zheng Guanqing, and turned his attention to Qin Lang, sure to vent his anger on Qin Lang.

In his opinion, he is Qin Lang's savior. Qin Lang must obey him and be grateful to him. What's wrong with him taking his anger out on him?

Zhao Ming'an hasn't started his patrol yet, so he went to visit Qin's house first.

As Qin Lang was the main general who captured the Qingdi King City, Zhao Ming'an went to visit him to express the court's praise. Everyone was just envious, but didn't think much about it.

Qin Lang's heart sank when he heard the news. Zhao Ming'an will definitely say what purpose he has today.

Su Jin was also very surprised that Zhao Ming'an would come to the door in person, like Qin Lang wondering: "We met the prince Qian in Fancheng, he doesn't look like a corporal who knows how to be courteous, how could he come to the door in person?"

Qin Lang's eyes flickered, he hugged Su Jin and kissed him: "I'll just go see him, Ah Jin is pregnant, just rest in the house."

At this moment, Qin Lang was sincerely grateful to his child, and felt that this child was somewhat filial. With him around, his mother would not have to face someone like Zhao Mingan.

Don't think about that thing, it must have no good intentions!

Zhao Ming'an came to the door with a lot of ostentation and airs.

The confidant next to him, Lu Sheng, had an arrogant expression on his face, his chin was raised high, his eyes wished to grow on the top of his head, and he looked down on Qin Lang: "Vice General Qin, why don't you kneel down to pay your respects when you see Prince Qian?"

Qin Lang sneered in his heart, this Lu Sheng was like this in front of him in his previous life, and he is still like this now, it really hasn't changed at all!

He was a little dazed, the moment he saw Lu Sheng, he had a real feeling that he had really lived two lives.

This feeling is stronger than ever.

Kneel to say hello? This is really bullying him who doesn't understand anything!

Qin Lang glanced at Lu Sheng: "Does the fourth-rank deputy general need to kneel down to pay his respects when he sees the prince and son? When did I add such a new etiquette in Daqing? I will go to General Zheng or the magistrate for advice later! Or, go to the capital to ask for advice. The Ministry of Rites asks for advice!"

While speaking, Qin Lang knelt down towards Zhao Mingan.

Zhao Mingan cursed inwardly, hurriedly stepped forward to support Qin Lang, and laughed loudly: "This dog slave is talking nonsense, General Qin ignores him!"

Said that Bi Chong stared at Lu Sheng: "You dog slave, why are you so confused!"

Seeing this, Lu Sheng had no choice but to take the blame for his master, and quickly laughed with him: "Yes, it's the slave who is confused and talking nonsense. The slave deserves to die! Vice Admiral Qin Haihan please."

A slave is also worthy of his Haihan? Qin Lang didn't bother to pay attention to him, this is just a dog, after eating the steamed buns thrown by his master, he has to bite someone for his master, why is he bothering with him?

It's just that Zhao Ming'an wants to show him off!

"My wife is pregnant, and she is too heavy to move, so I can't come here. Please forgive me, Prince Qian." Qin Lang took a step back, cupped his hands at Zhao Ming'an, and calmly withdrew his arm from Zhao Ming'an's hand.

If he didn't pull it back, he was afraid that he couldn't help but beat him.

Seeing this face made me feel disgusted.

Zhao Ming'an naturally felt his sense of alienation and distance, and silently said "wait and see" in his heart, but he didn't bother with him, and smiled lightly: "It's okay, since Mrs. Qin is pregnant, naturally it is more important to take care of her body!"

Qin Lang nodded, and invited Zhao Mingan to enter and take a seat in the main hall.

Where can Zhao Mingan say what he wants to say in the hall? After a short exchange of greetings, he expressed that he had something to discuss, no matter how reluctant Qin Lang was, he had no choice but to invite him to the study.

The waiters were dismissed, and only Lu Sheng was left to serve.

Zhao Mingan took off all disguises, and looked at Qin Lang generously with a smile.

Qin Lang was extremely disgusted, "Your Majesty, is there something wrong with Feichen?"

"No," Zhao Ming'an laughed, "Alang, I have a very good thing to tell you, listen to me carefully, and be prepared in your heart! Don't worry, it's a good thing, a very good thing, I'm not afraid of you I was too happy to remind you. Look at this."

Zhao Mingan handed several folded papers to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang's heart sank, his arms were as heavy as a thousand weights, he looked at this stack of papers like a demon, and he didn't want to reach out to pick them up.

Because he had already guessed what it would be.

"It's ready, let's take a look! It's a good thing!" Zhao Mingan only pretended that he was nervous, smiled at him, and stuffed the stack of papers into his hands.

Qin Lang's hand tightened, and he opened it slowly.

My heart suddenly felt cold.

These are two testimonies, the testimony of the old woman next to his deceased biological mother, and the other is the process and conclusion of the investigation sent by Zhao Mingan.

The fact that these evidences and conclusions point to is that he is the bastard son of Qian Wangfu living outside.

And what he knew better than Zhao Ming'an was that he was not only a bastard living outside of Prince Qian's mansion, but also the product of Prince Qian's drunken night.

His biological mother had a half-palm-sized birthmark on her face, and she was very ugly. When King Qian was drunk, he occasionally saw her in the garden in a daze and pulled her to rape him. After waking up, he was very angry, as if he was the one who was raped. of.

The biological mother was originally a rough girl who did rough work in the garden, but she didn't fly on the branches and become a phoenix because of this, but suffered cynicism and deliberate humiliation.

Later she found out that she was pregnant, and King Qian did not hesitate to order her to kill her.

An old lady who had been helped by her accidentally overheard her master's words, and hurried to tell her, and the two of them escaped from Qian Wang's mansion.

In the previous life, Zhao Ming'an wanted to find himself as a pawn in order to fight against Prince Wu's Mansion. Although he avoided him in this life, perhaps there was a will in the dark, he still came to find him.

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