Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 756 You know everything?

However, Zhao Mingan was unwilling to leave like this, and looked at Su Jin with a clear look: "Mrs. Qin, didn't Qin Lang tell you anything yesterday?"

Su Jin smiled but said: "I don't know what the prince Qian is referring to? My husband will never hide anything from me, he will naturally say what should be said, and he will never worry me about bad things. "

Zhao Ming'an was even more depressed, something bad? What does this mean?

So did he say it or not? If you say it, you don't hide it from her, and if you don't say it, it's not a good thing? Would it be a bad thing to regain such a noble status?

So, in fact, this woman is telling him that Qin Lang has already told her about this?

Zhao Ming'an glanced at the people and said coldly: "You all go outside the door, I have a few words to say to Mrs. Qin."

Gu Yunzheng, Wangchun, Bai Shao and others looked at Su Jin.

Su Jin smiled: "Go outside the door!"

"Master, Master told me that I can't leave Master's side." Gu Yunzheng said honestly. Especially when there are outsiders around, it is absolutely impossible to leave.

Su Jin nodded, and smiled at Zhao Ming'an: "This is the apprentice of my husband, there is nothing he shouldn't listen to. Prince Qian has something to say, but it doesn't matter."

Zhao Mingan smiled and didn't bother with her, watching her expression change: "Su Shi, since Qin Lang won't hide anything from you, then you should know his background, right?"

Master's background? Gu Yunzheng's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously glanced at Su Jin, secretly worried. From the tone of the son of Qian Wang, he subconsciously heard something not very good.

Su Jin glanced at Zhao Mingan and nodded: "Yes. He has already told me."

When Zhao Mingan asked this question, Su Jin thought in his heart what kind of tone and attitude he should use to answer, which seemed more appropriate.

Stir weak? What if the other party pushes forward and bullies others? Be strong? It doesn't seem so good to arouse the other party's vigilance and to pay attention to oneself.

In the end, Su Jin felt that it was good to have a compromise, and her tone was light, neither arrogant nor impatient, so that the other party could not figure out what kind of temperament she was.

Zhao Mingan had a good voice.

Ok? What does "um" mean? He already told you? Is your tone so flat?

Shouldn't it be jubilant and ecstatic? Isn't this woman a fool? Does she know what royal blood is? Do you know what it means for Qin Lang to recognize his ancestor and return to his clan?

These two are really not likable at all!

First he was disappointed by Qin Lang, but he didn't expect to be hit by Su Jin again. Zhao Mingan couldn't help wondering, when did the royal blood become so insignificant?

"Since you already know, you should know who I am!" Zhao Mingan's expression turned serious, and his eyes were as sharp as swords, staring at Su Jin.

Su Jin nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, I understand, Shizi."

Gu Yunzheng blinked and blinked, there was a question mark on his forehead, why didn't he seem to understand a sentence?

"It's good that you are clear, now I have a few words to ask you, you answer truthfully!"

"Okay, my lord."

Zhao Ming'an's expression slowed down a bit, and he gave Su Jin a look of "you are interested", and said coldly: "The spoils brought back by Qin Lang's attack on the Qingdi King City are still in the warehouse? They are used as a gift to meet the king for the first time. If it's suitable, you can tidy up your things and send them back to the post house."

Gu Yunzheng's complexion changed, and he was secretly annoyed: This is the guy who hits the wind! What about the son of the prince's mansion, who is not cheap enough!

Zhao Ming'an's behavior made Gu Yunzheng very disappointed, and at the same time, it also shattered the image of the royal family in Gu Yunzheng's heart!

What is the difference between the face of the prince and the son, and the face of the street rogue? Ask for money with one mouth. Tsk tsk, is this royal phoenix and dragon grandson so short of money and so poor? Don't you eat delicacies from mountains and seas every day, and wear silk and satin casually?

Gu Yunzheng felt that his three views really needed to be reshaped.

Su Jin sneered secretly in her heart, this person actually came to ask her for Qin Lang's spoils?

Although she didn't know whether he had asked Qin Lang, but if he asked her, she would definitely not give it. What a joke, Qin Lang's things are all hers, even his person is hers, what kind of gift to meet the father for the first time! His father didn't even give them a first meeting gift.

Besides, how many spoils did Qin Lang win in this battle? He dared to say this, but he really didn't regard himself as an outsider.

"This." Su Jin pretended to think for a while, and smiled apologetically at Zhao Mingan: "I don't know about this, my husband only gave me a few pieces of jewelry, and where did he keep it and how did he deal with me?" I don't know, why don't you go back and ask him yourself."

Zhao Ming'an's face, which had just calmed down, became tense again, and he sneered, "I don't know? Everyone in Wushui City knows that Vice General Qin's husband and wife are deeply in love with each other. Madam Qin, you don't know what he brought back?"

"I really don't know," Su Jin sighed, "I'm heavy now, and the most important thing is to settle down and raise a baby. I don't have the energy to take care of other trivial matters. Besides, I have never cared much about money at home, and I don't care too much about it. Knowing about these accounts and the like is just a little bit of medical skills and being able to see a doctor."

She is telling the truth, she really doesn't care about family money and property, but Qin Lang doesn't care much more than she does. As for the accounts, business and so on, Xu Rongyue is helping her manage it, she really doesn't understand it.

Zhao Mingan stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do with her for a while.

In fact, he had no doubts about Su Jin's words.

After all, Su Jin's background is there, what do you expect an orphan girl of unknown origin to know? It is right to know nothing.

He is just not reconciled.

"You don't know if the things are in the warehouse? Where's the housekeeper in your house? You don't need to worry about the other things, just lift the things out."

If it wasn't for the lack of money in the mansion, and he and his father had planned the use of this huge sum of money in advance, he wouldn't go all out to press him like this, he would be shameless.

Su Jin looked puzzled: "There are only a few people in our family. How can there be a housekeeper? The small family has nothing to do. As for what is in the warehouse, the husband knows better. I really don't know, the son of the world and my family. They are brothers. What is there to talk about between brothers? Wouldn’t it be more convenient for Shizi to tell him later? I am a woman and my knowledge is limited! Besides, I am married and follow my husband. No matter what happens in this family, I don’t care It's up to you."

Zhao Ming'an understood that the two of them were more slippery than the other.

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