Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 762 Production

Little did she know that Mrs. Wen was also angry. She had never seen a woman who gave birth as the head of the family made such troubles.

Which woman gives birth, why should she be a family member? At most, they were waiting outside the delivery room—even if there were not many of them, it was not like him, waiting outside was not counted, and they wanted to break into the delivery room.

Is this delivery room a man's family should enter? How can there be such a mess!

If he wasn't the general, she would have lost her face a long time ago.

Fortunately, Mrs. Qin is a sensible person, calm enough, unlike other young wives and young wives from rich families, the movement of giving birth for the first time was really earth-shattering. After all, she is a doctor, and she is different from ordinary women.

It's not that Su Jin doesn't have pain, since the dawn, the real pain of contractions came, and she realized that this kind of pain can never be described without personal experience, and it is absolutely impossible to empathize with it.

There is no other kind of pain that can be compared with this kind of pain. The pain makes the whole person blurred, as if the soul is separated from the body, floating up and down in the raging waves, drifting with the current, powerless, and there is no strength to resist at all.

Su Jin is just a doctor and understands that it is useless to yell and scream at this time, so he has to grit his teeth and bear it, until his forehead is covered with cold sweat, sweat wets his temples, his face is pale and haggard, but his lips are bitten red Bloody.

She could only keep telling herself, just treat herself as dead, just treat her as a dead person right now.

Don't think about anything, don't need to think about anything, just remember one word: tolerance. Endure a second is a second, no matter how slowly the time passes, the present will become the past bit by bit. With every passing point, the distance from childbirth is a little closer, and the pain that needs to be endured is also a little less.

Just a little bit, a little bit, and a little bit, adding up, this ordeal will pass sooner or later.

Finally, in the afternoon, a stable woman peeped under her, and said with a pleasant smile: "Okay, the cervix is ​​fully opened, Madam, if you work harder, the baby will be born soon!"

The other steady lady hurriedly asked her to take the cut ginseng slices for her to suck, and the two said some words of encouragement, asking Su Jin to listen to their orders and use their strength as they said.

Then she praised silently in her heart: she is worthy of being a miracle doctor Su, who really saves people trouble, and is much better than other pregnant women! Many pregnant women are in a mess at this moment. They only know how to yell and cry, and they don't listen to Mrs. Wen's words at all. How to use force.

I have never seen such a worry-free pregnant woman as Mrs. Qin.

According to Mrs. Wen's instructions, the whole process from the full opening of the cervix to the birth of the child took only three to five minutes. When she felt something breaking through the barrier of her body and rushing out of her body, Su Jin felt completely exhausted physically and mentally. With a cry of "I'm finally free!" the childish cat-like cries of a child rang out in the delivery room.

"Congratulations! You are a young master!"

"Congratulations madam! Congratulations madam!"

Hearing the childish cries like a kitten, Su Jin's heart suddenly surged with heat, and his heart was so warm and soft that he wanted to cry!

This is her son, she and Qin Lang have a child.

Wen Po hurriedly went out to announce the good news, but there was no need for her to announce it, Qin Lang had already heard the cry of the baby coming from the delivery room, and grinned so much that his mouth reached to the base of his ears.

Hearing that he was a son, a stone fell from the bottom of my heart. Now there is really no need to regenerate! Even in Prince Qian's mansion, no one can use this as an excuse to do anything.

During the delivery, Yin Zhu and Bai Shao were both unmarried girls, and they were also invited out by Wen Po. At this moment, the two of them ran out to tell everyone with smiles on their faces, and the whole Qin family suddenly became lively and joyful.

Everyone came over to congratulate.

Wangchun was busy sending the eggs he had already prepared to report the good news everywhere.

It was so lively here that the two wives who delivered lunch to Bishi and Qingyuan specially told them the good news when they brought them lunch at noon. When the two froze, they felt uncomfortable.

Even though it was doomed that they would never be able to compete with Su Jin again in this life, and they would never even see Su Jin again, the news was still very shocking.

Bi Shi was about to scold, but was stopped by Qing Yuan.

Now these two women are the only ones responsible for delivering food to them, and they are the only ones they can see. If they offend them again, do something about the food—you don’t need to do anything else, just give them dinner Sending it away for half an hour, and then sending it back after it has cooled down is enough for them to complain. If there is anything else, just stop living.

In the bedroom, the room has been tidied up, Su Jin also put on dry and clean clothes, and recombed her hair. The stomach was unloaded, and the sticky feeling caused by the pain was gone. It was refreshing and relaxed, and the whole person felt like he was alive again.

At this moment, she was leaning against the bed, with her forehead tied and her forehead was being wiped, holding the newborn child in her arms, Qin Lang was by her side, she was leaning on him, Su Jin was full of joy. It's so small and soft, it makes people's hearts melt just looking at it.

"Our child is so pretty, look at the little eyebrows, how pretty!" Su Jin laughed happily.

Qin Lang didn't see how beautiful the little doll with its flushed face and closed eyes was, but it was his own son after all, and he would not dislike it. And the daughter-in-law said that good-looking must be good-looking, so she smiled and boasted: "Ah Jin's child is of course the best-looking!"

"Well, isn't it!" Su Jin liked it more and more, and asked Qin Lang with a smile: "What should the baby's name be? It's time to decide!"

The two had discussed this issue countless times before when they were fine, but they just couldn't make a decision. I always feel that no matter what kind of name it is, it is not worthy of my child. In addition, the child has not yet been born, so there is no need to worry, so it has been delayed. Now that the child is born, there is no way to delay it any longer.

Qin Lang smiled and said: "That's true, let's think about it later."

Now that Zhao Ming'an has publicly announced Qin Lang's identity, it's hard to say whether Qin Lang will be given another name, but his son's name should naturally be Zhao, Qi's generation. Choosing a name is much easier than before. You only need to think about one word enough.

The child's body was still too soft to hold for too long, and soon Su Jin carefully placed him beside her. She plans to feed this child by herself. If there is not enough milk, goat milk and milk are available here, which are easy to get, and even the wet nurse is saved.

She had already told Qin Lang that she didn't want a nanny. His own child was raised by another woman, and she had to call her "mother". No matter how Su Jin thought about it, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, so Qin Lang just let her go.

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