Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 766 Can't see clearly

Doesn't this mean exposing everything about yourself to them and letting them control everything including personal safety?

Qin Lang almost drew his sword and cut someone down.

Just these few slaves, still want to make him a puppet? Who gave them the guts?

If it weren't for the fact that there are children around, it would be too unlucky to kill someone at home, Qin Lang would really do it.

It's just right to go out and take them away this time. When the time comes, they will all be buried in the melee when they are attacked by the tribe.

The poor five people didn't know that their death was approaching, and when they saw Qin Lang going to train, he brought them all with him. This was clearly to let them integrate into the military camp, and push them to make meritorious deeds as soon as possible, and they were all secretly happy.

Unexpectedly, what awaited them was the butcher knife that had already been raised high!

After Qin Lang left, Su Jin accompanied his son every day, watching his son grow up little by little every day, his whole heart was full of love and love.

This child looks very healthy, his small arms and legs are very strong, his eyes are getting darker and brighter, they are watery and flexible, and they are full of vitality.

This is good, in the future I will go back to Qianwang Mansion in the capital city, the healthier and smarter the child is, the more reassuring it is. If the body tends to be weak, Su Jin doesn't know if he has the confidence to step into Qianwang Mansion.

After all, it's not his territory.

After Qin Lang left, Su Jin was free, and only then remembered the two women locked in the small courtyard behind.

It's not that kind of thing to keep people locked up like this. Su Jin asked Wang Chun to bring them here today.

If they are obsessed with obsession, she doesn't mind keeping them locked up, anyway, it's just a waste of space and a bowl of food, so she can afford to waste it.

If you are interested, find a place for them to send them out.

Bishi and Qingyuan had scars on their buttocks and back of their thighs. They looked at each other's scars, and touched the bumpy and uneven touch with their backhands, which made the two of them hug each other and cry several times.

The two had already given up their hearts, thinking that this would be the end of their lives, but who knew that Su Jin would see them again, and hope was born in their hearts immediately. Thinking that the second son is just a person who grew up in the countryside, maybe he is not so particular about them and won't dislike them? It's just that there are some scars behind them, but their faces are still so beautiful.

The two quickly dressed up and came to see Su Jin with lowered eyebrows.

Now that they know how powerful they are, the two of them have long since lost their arrogance and superiority in front of Su Jin. They finally understood, at least for now, in the second son's back house, Mrs. Su is the master of the house.

Without her consent, they wouldn't even be able to meet the Second Young Master, let alone anything else?

Su Jin didn't bother with them, and asked them straight to the point what their plans were for the future?

This is obviously a very simple question, but it confused the two of them.

The two of you sneaked a look at me and I sneaked a look at you. In the end, they stammered and faltered a lot of nonsense, which meant: We are now your wife, and everything is up to you. Madam, you can arrange it however you say.

Qing Yuan said all the things that she wanted to say to Su Jin, but never had the chance to say.

Of course, under the premise of going through this series of experiences and getting a painful price, Qing Yuan's words at this time are much more tactful and polite than she thought before.

But the meaning has not changed, that is, it is true that Su Jin is Mrs. Su now, but as the second son, Lord Qian will definitely find a suitable marriage for him, and marry a noble daughter in the capital as his first wife. Will become a thorn in the side of others.

And their sisters were from humble backgrounds and had no one to rely on, so they must be more unacceptable to noble girls than Mrs. Su.

Therefore, they are very happy to form an alliance with Mrs. Su and form a bond, but Mrs. Su will follow her lead, and will listen to Mrs. Su in everything from now on.

Su Jin thought it was amazing, even though she didn't believe a word of these words, she still listened to them calmly.

Prince Qian's son is actually not so useless, just look at the two people he found.

This mouth is really not something that any woman can match.

This is Su Jin. If she were a woman who was born and raised in this era, she might really be fooled by them.

After all, what they said was true.

My origin is unknown, my background is humble, I used to be the same as Qin Lang, no one can say that I have humiliated anyone, but now it is different.

Maybe he would really feel panic and panic, and then heeded their suggestion.

It's a pity that her inner core is completely different from what they thought, and such words have no effect on her at all.

Since they still don't give up, she doesn't need to make any arrangements for the time being, so let's close it for now.

When Qin Lang and Qin Lang leave Wushui City, they will be sent away completely.

"It seems that you haven't figured it out yet!" Su Jin smiled and asked people to take them down.

Bi Shi and Qing Yuan were in a hurry, they knew how rare it was to see Su Jin, they hurriedly yelled loudly in an attempt to persuade Su Jin, but were taken down by the two wives in a low voice.

Wang Chun resentfully said: "It's really something that doesn't know what is good or bad. I really don't know where I got the courage to say such things in front of Madam! Madam, please don't see them again in the future, they are not worthy!"

Su Jin rubbed his forehead, smiled lightly, and said, "You're right, I won't see them again from now on, let's settle it like this for now, and we'll get rid of them when we leave Wushui City."

Wang Chun replied "Yes", and couldn't help but said: "Madam will definitely go to the capital in the future, right? Will the Qian Palace be good to Madam?"

The words of Qing Yuan and the others sound reasonable, Wang Chun didn't think about it that much at first, even though he complained about them, he was actually a little terrified.

Su Jin's heart warmed up, and he smiled and said: "Of course I'm going to the capital, your master is here, as long as he treats us well, others don't need to care about it."

Wang Chun felt a little relieved, nodded and smiled and said, "It's because the maidservant is thinking about it, the master will naturally protect the madam!"

Bishi and Qingyuan didn't know what was wrong with them at all, and they were very angry when they were sent back to the small courtyard where they used to live, but this time they behaved well, and they didn't even dare to scold them. Complained a few words.

They were looking forward to it, but Mrs. Su was so narrow-minded and would not listen to persuasion, they really wanted to see what would happen to her in the future.

In the blink of an eye, autumn came, and Su Jin's little bun was already more than four months old, and he was chubby and very heavy to hold. Such a big child spends much less time sleeping than before. Once he wakes up with his eyes open, he will be babbling non-stop, dancing and dancing only if his mother is with him to be happy.

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