Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 768 Results

The second prince of Donghu retreated in a hurry with less than 10,000 remnants, and encountered an ambush by Qin Lang on the way, and lost most of them.

If it wasn't for bringing almost all the soldiers back to Wushui City to rescue Wushui City, the Second Prince Donghu and his cavalry would never have escaped.

Even so, it was a complete victory.

But this victory, neither Zheng Guanqing nor Qin Lang was happy.

The old man rescued by Qin Lang's attack on Qingdi King City before was actually one of the secret works scattered by the imperial court over the border and grasslands more than 30 years ago.

The emperor at that time was ambitious and wanted to wipe out the Hu and Di people in one fell swoop.

But the reality dealt him a great blow, a big battle, Daqing suffered a disastrous defeat. It also completely shattered the emperor's ambition.

From then on, Daqing took defense-oriented and tried to make friends with the tribes outside the pass, and the secret operations sent out also lost their effect.

To make matters worse, the emperor had forgotten about them. Without the emperor's edict, they could not leave the grassland. They could only bury their lives here, living and dying silently, and no one would even know their identities.

Later, Zheng Guanqing's father led troops to garrison the northwest, and they tried to contact him, but failed.

When Zheng Guanqing took over his father's garrison, the few old guys who were still alive saw his tough attitude towards the Hu people, and once divided the Hu people into Donghu and Xihu. For the former barbarians, hope was rekindled in their hearts.

But they didn't dare to act rashly, there had to be a perfect way to make sure that Zheng Guanqing would trust them before they dared to show up in front of him.

However, before they could take any action, there was news that the imperial court wanted to make a covenant with Donghu.

Their plan can only be aborted.

No one can defy the court's will, not even Zheng Guanqing.

Under such a premise, nothing needs to be said.

Perhaps, they really can only bring all kinds of materials collected through more than 30 years of hard work into the coffin silently together!

So what if they knew that Donghu people had evil intentions? No one will believe them!

It wasn't until Qin Lang led people to raid the Qingdi King City and killed the Qingdi people almost to the root in one fell swoop, that they cheered up again.

After all, there are still people in Daqing who are willing to fight.

From this incident, they also got a glimpse of the hidden thoughts deep in the emperor's heart.

It's not that the emperor didn't want to fight Dong Hu Qingdi, but he was afraid of endless troubles after losing the battle, so he might as well not fight.

If, like Qin Lang, he killed the other party as soon as he made a move, the emperor would not refuse to sell it.

The long-cooled blood in their hearts was rekindled by this battle. After all, they were unwilling to die in such a silent manner. They simply died as a living horse doctor, and the old man Wu Yun took the lead and managed to sneak into Qin Lang's side.

During those days when he lived in the Qin family, he carefully observed everyone in the Qin family, and his determination became more and more determined.

He believed that this time he was right.

If Donghu can really be wiped out in one fell swoop, and the emperor can remember them again, maybe they can return to Daqing and the Central Plains to spend their old age peacefully in their lifetime.

Even though they have lived in this place for more than 30 years and have already fully integrated into it, deep in their hearts, they still miss their hometown and look forward to returning to their roots one day.

Just at that time, they found out about Donghu's crisis, and they were even more taken aback. According to the plan, it wasn't time for a showdown with Qin Lang, but they had to bite the bullet.

This is a big crisis, but also a big opportunity.

If Donghu was really forced into a desperate situation by natural disasters and Daqing was defenseless, the result would be tragic. They are all compatriots, how can they bear it?

When Qin Lang saw the rusty iron plate representing their identities, one can imagine the shock in his heart, and this led to a series of conversations and arrangements with Zheng Guanqing.

Originally everything was well arranged, a big hole was dug and the Donghu people came to jump in, and by the way, they took over their lair.

But who would have thought that Vice General Jiang would treason the country and cause chaos in everything that should have gone smoothly.

After the war, the people of Wushui City were killed and injured countless times, and it was a mess. The cries that could be heard everywhere in the city, and the blood stains that could be seen everywhere made everyone feel very heavy.

After Vice General Jiang was exposed, he committed suicide in fear of crime. Zheng Guanqing was so angry that he almost dragged him out to whip his corpse.

This battle shocked the government and the public, the emperor was furious, and issued an order to reprimand Zheng Guanqing.

In any case, it was his negligence that caused all this.

King Wu's House and King Ning's House took the opportunity to stir up troubles, trying to put the main responsibility for this matter on Qin Lang's head. King Qian was so angry that he didn't mean to stand up for Qin Lang. It means: It is his ability to survive the past, if it is not possible, it is also his fate.

This operation stunned and admired Wuwangfu and Ningwangfu.

In this way, it's not easy for them to add insult to injury, otherwise it will be too ugly.

Zheng Guanqing, as the chief general, should take the main responsibility as a matter of course. Even if Qin Lang and other generals fight for him in their hearts, there is nothing to refute.

What's more, with Qin Lang's current position, unless the government has something to tell them to appeal, he won't even have a chance to win.

This matter can only wait for news from the DPRK and China, and nothing can be done for the time being.

Fortunately, the emperor was not too confused. Zheng Guanqing's final punishment was to balance merit and demerit. He ordered Wushui East and West Military Camps to be handed over to Duan Fu Yili, the general who protects the country. .

The other generals were rewarded and punished according to their merits and demerits in this war, but Qin Lang still had nothing, saying that he would talk about it after returning to Beijing.

This was considered a good result, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Lang is even more indifferent, even if the royal family said that they made a mistake at the moment, he has no objection that he is not the son of King Qian.

Zheng Guanqing knew the emperor's intentions better. The father and son had stayed in Wushui City for so many years, and their roots were already deep. The emperor was afraid of it, but he had no chance to do anything. And Wushui City cannot do without its own defense. He could only continue to tolerate it.

But now that Qing Di is gone, Dong Hu was first destroyed by a natural disaster, and then almost the entire army of 80,000 elites was wiped out. The foundation has also been seriously injured.

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