Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 771 Disposal

The weather will be quite warm in late February, so you can start your journey by then.

Calculate the time is running out, there are still many things to deal with.

Qin Lang has always maintained one hundred and twenty points of vigilance and guard against Qian Wangfu. He had already suffered a loss in his previous life, and he paid the price of his life for this. If he repeats the same mistakes in this life, he will be stupid.

Just looking at Zhao Ming'an, Su Jin didn't have a good impression of the Qian Palace, so it was necessary to be vigilant, but seeing Qin Lang's attitude towards the Qian Palace still surprised her.

She originally thought that he was a little bit happy in his heart, and even looked forward to his envy. After all, this was tantamount to reaching the sky in one step. He transformed from a struggling commoner at the bottom overnight into the most noble blood descendant in the world. If the drop of going straight to Qingyun Nine Heavens falls on anyone, he will be crazy about it, right?

Well, no matter how calm you are, there is always something happy about it, right?

But in this matter, she couldn't feel any positive emotion from Qin Lang. On the contrary, the faint hostility and resistance were quite obvious.

Although Su Jin was a little puzzled, she didn't think deeply about it. That family would not welcome them in the first place. There is no doubt about it. Qin Lang's reaction in this way is tantamount to being of one mind with herself. She should be happy.

The two discussed that the capital would definitely go back, but Wushui City could not be lost either.

In fact, when Qin Lang first came to Wushui City, he planned ahead and prepared for this day. Therefore, from the very beginning, he intentionally or unintentionally managed his own power here and cultivated his own troops in the army.

In case one day, I still have some influence and bargaining chips, so I won't be too passive; if that day never comes, that's even better. Anyway, be prepared.

Now this day, in the end is here!

Wushui City is his backing support, and he will not give up.

To put it bluntly, this is at least a way out for him.

Duan Fu has now taken over the two camps of Wushui City. Qin Lang hinted at him a few words, Duan Fu pretended not to know anything, and let Qin Lang do all kinds of small tricks behind his back, tacitly knowing each other.

Zheng Guanqing had talked with Duan Fu in private. In fact, even if Zheng Guanqing didn't say anything, how could it be possible that Duan Fu was able to get to his current position because of force and no brains?

Whether he is willing or not, the relationship between Qin Lang Su Jin and his family is there.

Qin Lang was able to stand out in the first place, all because of the opportunity he gave quietly. Although he didn't see anything at the time, as long as he had a little brain, looking back now, he fully understood that what he did was to promote Qin Lang.

And his most cherished wife and son were all rescued by Su Jin. Without Su Jin, there would be no them.

Can you just say no to the grace of saving your life? Unless he had the heart to kill his wife and children, no one would believe him even if he put on a ruthless appearance.

Since the relationship between the two families has long been intimate in the eyes of others, why doesn't he turn a blind eye and close one eye to make things easier for Qin Lang?

The better Qin Lang gets along in Beijing, the better it will be for him.

In case of bad luck for him in the future, since I have nothing to do with him on the surface, I am not afraid of being involved.

Not to mention Mrs. Tang, she is comparable to Sister Su Jin, and the two businesses also have a lot of close cooperation. Mrs. Tang will spare no effort to help Su Jin.

Su Jin doesn't know much about business, so he just discussed with her and asked her to help him see if it was suitable to buy more pastures, and he would buy them near Wushui City.

If you have other cooperation matters, please contact Xu Rongyue.

Now that the East Hu is unlucky and shrunk away, many tribes have spotted their pastures and moved to occupy the territory one after another. There is a vacancy in the territory here. It is very appropriate to buy the pasture at this time.

His own business is still open here. Amo and Xiaoxing will not go to the capital, but will still stay here to operate.

There are also Zhao Tian and Guan Qi, who are in charge of the business here as the first and second shopkeepers, while Amo is in charge of the Shuanghe Ranch, responsible for domesticating horses, inquiring about news and training manpower part-time on weekdays.

Guan Hong will also move to Shuanghe Ranch at that time, and recruit more craftsmen to be responsible for making weapons and hidden weapons.

Qin Lang intends to build an elite team based on Shuanghe Ranch.

He has no other ideas, just self-defense.

Su Jin thought of the special forces special forces team, so he told Qin Lang casually, suggesting that he build such a team. The number of people does not need to be too many, but it should be controlled at about 100 people, but undoubtedly all must be carefully selected, and the best ones should be selected as much as possible .

These one hundred people must have extremely powerful physical fitness and reaction ability, clear and calm minds that are not afraid of danger, proficient in fighting and capture, assassination, stealth and hiding, long-range sniping, riding and shooting, climbing cliffs, swimming across long rivers and rapids, survival in the wild, and possessing tracking and analysis skills. Intelligence, identification of various poisons and drugs, strong ability to adapt to the environment, etc. She also roughly talked about how she knew how to train them for Qin Lang's reference.

Qin Lang's eyes sparkled, he listened intently, and was amazed. After careful questioning, he laughed and said that many of what his wife said, even he couldn't do it. If anyone in this world can do it, it must be invincible The presence.

If anyone has such an opponent, not many, just one or two are enough to make people sleepless.

Qin Lang was very moved by Su Jin's proposal, and immediately began to prepare for the arrangement. At that time, Amo, Qin Daqin Er and Lu Sandao will be responsible for all of them.

In fact, he wanted to keep Gu Yunzheng more, but after weighing it, he decided to take Gu Yunzheng to the capital. Su Jin and the child were more at ease with Gu Yunzheng by their side.

Since they are going to Beijing, there is no need for Lu Biaotou and his party to follow.

Su Jin then had a frank and honest talk with Lu Escort. If they wanted to return to the Escort Bureau, they could go back with them after a while after the people from the Lin family in Fancheng came to deliver the goods, or they could go back by themselves. If you don't want to return to the Escort, you can also go to the capital with them, but in this case you will leave the Escort.

No matter which option they choose, they are free to choose, she will not interfere, and the treatment that should be given to them will not change.

Su Jin also mentioned a few words about the marriage between Wangchun and Lu Biaotou. If Lu Biaotou really wanted to marry Wangchun, Wangchun could only be a wife and never a concubine. She would return the deed of sale to Wangchun. Lu Biao headed back to Fancheng, and Wangchun could also follow her. If she wanted to, she could work in the Qin family's property in Fancheng.

Naturally, if Chief Lu is willing to go to the capital, that would be great.

Although Su Jin is very reluctant to give up on looking forward to Chun, she will eventually get married when she reaches her age. She can't do it and keep someone selfish by her side until she is twenty-five or six, and then give her a manager or something, and continue to work for herself.

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