Su Jin ordered Ban Xia and Bai Shao to take care of their son who was still sleeping, and took Ziwei and Qiangwei to the main courtyard where Princess Qian lived.

Thanks to Qin Lang and the two who lived in Shuanghe Ranch with their children for a few months, the little guy changed his temper a bit, and he was not so clingy to her mother, otherwise, if the little guy woke up and didn't see her, he wouldn't know how to cry How earth-shattering is it.

I didn't expect to meet Concubine Bai on the way.

Zhao Mingqi is so good at pretending to be obedient and coquettish, so he must be a master at it.

What Su Jin hates most is this kind of white lotus that is in the same way in the obvious and the other in the back. Originally, he wanted to avoid it until the white side concubine went far away before leaving.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Bai stopped her steps and waited for her with a smile when she saw her. Seeing this, Su Jin sighed secretly and had no choice but to step forward.

"Bai Fangfei!" Su Jin smiled and nodded at Bai Fangfei, without bowing his knees.

Qin Lang is a concubine, and Concubine Bai is a concubine. Qin Lang is half a class higher than Concubine Bai. After all, even if Qin Lang is a concubine, he is of the blood of the Tian family, and he will be the king of the county in the future.

Moreover, Qin Lang still has military merits, even King Qian and his son Zhao Ming'an dare not underestimate him, and Concubine Bai can't compare with him.

As Qin Lang's wife, if the tide rises, so what?

Displeasure flashed across Concubine Bai's eyes, but she didn't say anything to Su Jin, and said with a smile: "After traveling for so many days and bringing a child with me, the journey must be hard, right? It's hard for you to pay for it today It's really not easy so early!"

Su Jin naturally refused to talk to her, and smiled with downcast eyes: "It's not hard to have servants to serve you, besides, it's necessary to pay respects to the mother and concubine, not to mention it's not easy."

"That's true, but I like you as soon as I saw you. I can't help but feel a little distressed. I said the wrong thing." Bai Fangfei laughed, "Let's go, let's go quickly, the princess knows that the second young lady is so filial, I don't know How happy!"

Su Jin smiled and pretended to be embarrassed, and said nothing.

Seeing this, Concubine Bai couldn't say anything more, so she laughed and walked with Su Jin.

When the two arrived at the main courtyard, Princess Qian had already woken up.

How could the mistress, especially the mistress of the palace, live a leisurely life? Especially now that Qin Lang is back, the house has to be busy for a while, with banquets, social visits, socializing with visitors, etc., there will be no idle time.

Speaking of which, Su Jin was quite lucky to meet Concubine Bai on the way. Originally, if she was the only one who came, Princess Qian might have to let her go and give her a blow. But with Concubine Bai, Princess Qian couldn't do this.

You can't invite Concubine Bai to sit in and let Su Jin stand at the door, right?

Then her concubine's measurement is too narrow, if she speaks out, I'm afraid it will be pointed out as a joke.

Side Concubine Bai's son is in his teens, and he has always been favored, so he hangs out with Concubine Bai for no reason? She's not stupid enough to do such a thing.

After inviting Ann and saying a few words that were neither salty nor bland, Princess Qian glanced at Concubine Bai.

Concubine Bai knew that she wanted to leave Su Jin to talk alone, and she didn't dare to argue with Princess Qian, so she stood up and said goodbye with a smile.

Seeing this, Su Jin also said to leave, but Princess Qian smiled at her: "Su Shi, wait a moment, I have a few words to ask you."

Su Jin expected this to happen, so she wasn't too surprised, she answered "Yes" and sat down again, smiling: "Princess, if you have anything to say, it's okay to ask, my daughter-in-law is a little tired from the journey recently, it wouldn't be impolite to answer while sitting, right? "

Concubine Qian was a little worried when she heard this, and forced a smile: "What is there to mention? You are too careful!"

Princess Qian didn't have anything special to ask, and everything she said here and there was commonplace.

First ask her how it feels to be back with Qin Lang? Are you used to living here yesterday? Are you satisfied with the arrangement of the yard and house? Are the maids and women still obedient?

Gradually, I asked whether the journey was smooth? Is it hard? How is life in Wushui City? I heard that the climate is harsh and the living conditions are extremely difficult in that place, so why did she want to go there in the first place?

When Princess Qian asked something, Su Jin answered honestly, without saying a word that was superfluous or extended. Concubine Qian was really tired, she thought she would not be able to ask any more questions, and lost interest, she sent her away with a few insipid words.

Princess Qian's gaze sank, and she said to Nanny Xi: "Mommy, what do you think of this Su family?"

Nanny Xi had been observing Su Jin quietly just now, or she had been observing Su Jin since she saw Su Jin yesterday. After hearing what Princess Qian said, she smiled and said, "It's a bit unexpected, but it's also It's not too much of a surprise, after all, the Second Young Master's temperament and style. I believe the princess has also seen some real signs. This Su family can catch his eyes, how can it be a fuel-efficient lamp? In front of the princess, he is polite and impeccable. , almost Miss Qianjin can’t compare to her. It’s a pity I don’t know her background, but it’s not too bad if I think about it.”

Princess Qian nodded, then sneered slightly, and said disdainfully: "If you don't know the origin, you have no birth, but you are just an orphan girl with no father, no mother, and no roots. Although the second son is a bastard, this kind of woman is not worthy. That's all, Let her hang out first, let’s talk about it later! Ask someone to tell her, let her have a good rest for a while, and don’t have to come over to say hello.”

"Yes, princess." Nanny Xi smiled and bowed. Princess Qian is good at this, she is very patient, she never makes a move easily, but almost never fails to achieve her goal once she makes a move.

It's a pity that the son of the world is far behind the princess in this point, and he is too impulsive.

Su Jin got the news that Princess Qian told her not to go to pay her respects and have a good rest, but she didn't know what Princess Qian meant.

However, she would love to not let her go.

To be honest, the tossing and tossing all the way is really tiring, and it will be even more tiring if you have to deal with Princess Qian at this moment. Princess Qian asked her to recharge her energy, so naturally she would not be kind.

As she expected, Qin Lang was really busy.

Busy going out with King Qian or Zhao Mingan to socialize, visiting various people, hosting banquets at this house, banquets at that house, and banquets at Prince Qian's house, anyway, go out every morning and often come back at night.

There were two nights when he came back late, Su Jin had already fallen asleep.

For breakfast this day, Su Jin couldn't help laughing when he saw that what was delivered was more manageable than yesterday: white porridge, a few steamed buns, and two plates of ugly pickles.

It seems that I have a really good temper.

She wanted to see what step they could do, but she hadn't said anything for the past few days, so she became more courageous.

Guessing that the masters everywhere have already used their breakfast, it is time for the servants to use it, so Su Jin asked people to put these things in the food box intact, and ordered Qiangwei, Ziwei and other five or six people to eat them. The maids in the courtyard followed, so did Mother Yu, and Qin Jiu and Qin Shi soon came to the big kitchen.

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