Lu Zhanfu sneered "Oh!", and raised his eyebrows provocatively at Su Jin, to find the place by himself? He wants to see how she finds it!

Su Jin lightly ordered: "Give them a beating, and Mr. Lu won't need it. I think he must have been lured by some ignorant subordinates to develop such a temper. You have to find the source of your mistakes!"

To be honest, Su Jin really didn't dare to beat up Lu Zhanfu. Of course, if he had the opportunity to trick him in the future, he could, but now he couldn't in broad daylight and under the eyes of everyone.

After all, it's just a war of words.

Beating up a few of his subordinates, even General Lu has nothing to say. Who told their master to be cheap? It is normal and reasonable in this era for the master to make a mistake and let others take the blame.

Gu Yunzheng and others were already full of anger. Hearing Su Jin's order, he was eager to rush towards Lu Zhanfu's followers fiercely.

Naturally, Lu Zhanfu's entourage is not a vegetarian master, so why would they be willing to arrest Gu Yunzheng when they fight him?

For a while, the two sides fought in a ball, and the people screamed and fled in all directions.

Although the people around Lu Zhanfu were good at skills, but because no one dared to provoke him in the capital, these people naturally had no problem dealing with ordinary people. The eyes are more precious than the eyeballs, and the people who are chosen by Su Jin's side are all experts in a thousand miles, and Gu Yunzheng is even more powerful than his true biography. No matter how powerful Lu Zhanfu's people are, how can they be their opponents?

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the people around Lu Zhanfu were knocked to the ground, moaning and gasping for breath.

Lu Zhanfu's face changed drastically: "You——"

Gu Yunzheng gave him a cold and provocative smile, with a slight mockery on his face.

The meaning couldn't be more clear: if you have the ability, come and do it yourself!

Mistress said not to hit him, but if he took the initiative to hit him, it wouldn't be wrong to fight back, right?

Unfortunately, Gu Yunzheng was disappointed, and Lu Zhanfu didn't dare to make a move.

His father used to fight on the battlefield and was busy making meritorious deeds, how could he have the time to teach him? By the time his father became famous, he was already in his teens, and it was too late to talk about practicing martial arts. Besides, he was an only child, and carrying on the family line was the biggest task. How could his father be willing to make him suffer?

But he really didn't know what to say, his health was not good enough, he was twenty-six or seven years old, and he didn't even have a child.

Su Jin glanced at him lightly, and said coldly: "This is a lesson for you, who dares to humiliate my husband in front of me, this is an example! Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he put down the curtain of the carriage, Gu Yunzheng and others responded in unison, protected the carriage and drove away, leaving the ground in chaos.

"Idiots! They are all idiots! What's the use of each of you!" Lu Zhanfu cursed angrily, ignored all his subordinates, and left angrily.

All the subordinates endured the pain, supported each other and hurriedly followed.

Like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, no one dared to say anything, but everyone was shocked in their hearts.

That Second Young Master of Qian Wang's Mansion is really, really capable, none of these people are vegetarians! Although they underestimated the enemy a little at the beginning, they knew very well in their hearts that even if they did not underestimate the enemy, they were not opponents

In the distance from the crowd, an old man in a bamboo green cloth saw the excitement from beginning to end, smiled lightly, shook his head slightly, and walked slowly with leisurely steps.

When Su Jin returned home, he carefully hugged his son and put him on the couch to sleep peacefully. This kid is really calm enough, he fell asleep in the carriage, and the noise outside did not wake him up, and he is still sleeping soundly at this moment, well, he looks like a general.

I don't know if Qin Lang will come back for dinner, but Su Jin still ordered the kitchen to cook some of Qin Lang's favorite dishes.

Thinking about Lu Zhanfu's words, Su Jin felt a little uneasy and distressed. Her A-Lang has gone through many dangers to get to where she is today, and she shouldn't be talked about in such a contemptuous and disdainful tone.

Whether he just went to the bottom of the Wushui military camp, or went out on missions again and again, although he was the winner every time, it didn't mean that the process didn't go through hardships and dangers.

On the contrary, every time something goes wrong, the price he has to pay is his life!

Everything he owns now has been brought back in a down-to-earth manner, magnanimous, indomitable, and able to withstand any test.

What is Lu Zhanfu? Why do you say that about him?

If he has the ability, he will try it himself! I'm afraid staying in Wushui City for a whole winter and doing nothing is enough to make him complain.

In the evening, when Qin Lang came back, Su Jin greeted him with a gentle smile, "You're back!"

Qin Lang was startled, nodded and smiled: "Yeah."

Su Jin hugged his arm affectionately: "I happened to order the kitchen to cook the dishes you like, and I have lived up to my heart!"

Qin Lang turned his head to look at her and said with a smile: "How can Ah Jin live up to his husband's heart? Even if he has eaten outside, he can still eat it!"

Su Jin "puchi" smiled.

Qin Lang changed his robe and hugged Su Jin: "What's wrong? Huh?"

Su Jin laughed in astonishment: "No! Why do you ask like that?"

"Really?" Qin Lang looked at her a little strangely: "A Jin seems to be a little different from usual."

Seeing Su Jin looking at him, waiting for him to say something was different, he continued: "It just seems to be much gentler than usual."

Qin Lang noticed the small eyes, the gentle smile on the face, and the tone that was so gentle that water dripped out when he spoke.

Su Jin couldn't help laughing, and annoyed him: "Be gentler than usual? Am I not gentle enough?"

"No, no, no! It's, it's just different! No, no, it's not, anyway." Qin Lang shook his head quickly, and suddenly he didn't know what to say. Anyway, it feels like that, but it definitely doesn't mean that the daughter-in-law is not gentle on weekdays.

He was so anxious that he didn't know how to describe and express it accurately. Su Jin covered his mouth and giggled, and said amusedly: "I'm not joking with you! I'm fine, let's eat first!"

Qin Lang smiled: "Okay!" Secretly heaved a sigh of relief, the daughter-in-law is really reasonable, she doesn't hold back, really, how could he say that?

Xiao Zhen'er sat on the baby chair that Su Jin asked someone to sit on, and the family of three ate together.

There was also a bowl and spoon in front of the little guy, but it was mostly for playing, so don't expect such a big little guy to be able to feed himself. Su Jin took time to feed him while eating, and occasionally talked to Qin Lang, the family Three mouths, exceptionally harmonious.

Taking the children for a walk in the yard after dinner, Su Jin finally told the story of meeting Lu Zhanfu lightly.

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