Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 855 Slander

Concubine Bai was fully thinking that she would have to teach her a few words when she came back, but who knew——

"You, what's the matter with you?" Concubine Bai's eyes widened.

"Auntie!" Bai Zhirui's tears rolled down again, her face flushed and the temperature has not been lowered. She was ashamed in the garden before, but now she is ashamed again in front of her aunt.

Concubine Bai also panicked, pulled her and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Tell me quickly! Who did this? Who is it?"

Concubine Bai was both shocked and angry, her heart went cold.

The one who dared to mess with his niece and daughter in the palace was either the prince or the king of Dingjun, but the king of Dingjun was not such a person, so it was difficult for the prince to say.

The prince. The moment Bai Zhirui was taken advantage of by the prince, Concubine Bai became even more annoyed. Their mother and son and the prince's mother and son were enemies. If Bai Zhirui followed the prince, what would this be?

Wouldn't it tear their Bai family into two?

Who is closer, the daughter or the younger sister? Can the Bai family still look after their mother and son in the future? Concubine Bai Fang made up a lot of facts that could be expected in the future, and she hated Prince Qian to the extreme in her heart.

Bai Zhirui cried, and was pressed for a long time before she stammered and said: "Yes, it's King Ding, woo woo."

"What!" Concubine Bai was stunned, surprised and delighted, and hurriedly said: "Don't cry, you have to tell me what's going on!"

It is often the first sentence that is embarrassing if you can't say the embarrassing words. After the first sentence is successfully uttered, the next one will be much smoother.

While sobbing, Bai Zhirui got Qin Lang drunk and wanted to bully herself in the garden, but was bumped into by the servants watching the night and left, she was ashamed and angry and had to come back and say it again.

Concubine Bai gradually calmed down, and after taking a look at her attire, she knew that she must have taken the initiative to plot against Qin Lang.

She didn't want to say this to herself because she was ashamed, but she had no doubts about what she said. The niece is beautiful, so she took the initiative to send it up. Qin Lang was drunk again, and would be seduced by her and want to mess around. This is normal.

Then Qin Lang is too hateful, he was discovered by the night watch maid, and he just left like that? what is this? How can you be so irresponsible!

Concubine Bai also thought that her speculation was reasonable, and she didn't ask whether Bai Zhirui took the initiative to seduce Qin Lang - it was a bit too embarrassing for a girl to say this.

She just stared at her attire and said bluntly, "Why did you go out dressed like this tonight?"

Bai Zhirui was at a loss for words immediately, her face flushed, "I"

She is the direct niece of Concubine Bai and a relative of Prince Qian's Mansion, so it is impossible for her to go out and walk around in this kind of maid's clothes. That's why the maids didn't recognize her.

If she doesn't have a reasonable reason to explain it, then it is clearly an intentional seduction. If she is so determined, even if Qin Lang accepts her, she will not be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life.

Concubine Bai sighed secretly, frowned and said: "Fortunately, it's dark and you can't see carefully, you can't admit this matter."

At night, the light was not good. At that time, she was pushed away by Qin Lang and fell into the bushes and flowers. The servants saw that the county prince had left and didn't want to meddle in other people's business, so they certainly didn't pay attention to her. So what if you take a closer look? She doesn't admit that she was dressed as a maid tonight, who would dare to stand up and testify against her?

Bai Zhirui's eyes lit up, and she quickly thanked her.

Concubine Bai frowned, "Hurry up and change your clothes, Mother Bai, go and find out who Zhirui met, beat them, don't let them talk nonsense if they shouldn't!"

Nanny Bai took the order and left. Concubine Bai asked the girl to put on a lantern again, and went out to find King Qian herself. She had to tell King Qian about this right now, and she couldn't wait until tomorrow.

After the Dragon Boat Festival today, King Qian will rest in the main courtyard. The side concubine Bai went straight to the main courtyard without hesitation.

King Qian didn't drink too much today, after all, his status is there, and he is a little older, who dares to drink his wine?

But the old man's physical fitness is not very good, and he felt very tired after returning home. When Concubine Bai came to see him, he was about to go to bed.

King Qian couldn't help being a little annoyed: What has to be said at this hour of the night? Can't we wait until tomorrow? Don't you know how exhausted it is to enter the palace for a banquet today?

Concubine Qian felt even more disgusted, did she come here on purpose to embarrass herself? With a calm face, he ordered: "Go out and tell Concubine Bai that it's getting late today, the prince has already rested, let her talk about something tomorrow!"

On weekdays, King Qian still gave Concubine Qian a lot of face, and would not easily refute her words. This is the dignity and majesty of being the hostess of Qian Wangfu.

When the mistress loses her dignity and majesty, how can she teach the servants to be convinced? How to housekeeper?

Besides, King Qian was a little annoyed by Concubine Bai's behavior, and wondered if he spoiled her a little too much on weekdays? So much so that she acted recklessly?

I don't want to, Qingmao went out to pass a message, and the expression on her back was indescribable: "Bai Fangfei said, if the prince rests, she wants to see the princess, it is really urgent, and the princess must see her."

Qing Nanny didn't even dare to look at Princess Qian's rapidly darkening face!

Concubine Qian was taken aback for a moment, but King Qian was aroused by curiosity and raised his eyebrows: "Then ask her to come in!"

Concubine Qian was stunned, unable to refute, she cast a gloomy glance at Qingmao with a sullen face: "Why don't you go soon?"

Was the prince seduced by that vixen?

Concubine Bai's complexion was not very good-looking, her eye sockets seemed to be a little red and swollen, she wondered if she had cried.

When she saw King Qian, she seemed to have forgotten that Mother Qing had just passed the word that King Qian had rested, and stepped forward to greet King Qian and Princess Qian.

Seeing her appearance, Princess Qian couldn't help getting angry, and waved her hands a little impatiently: "What's going on this big night? Tell me quickly! Don't delay the prince's rest!"

"Yes, Wangfei," Bai Choufei responded, and asked to screen back to the left and right.

It's a shame, Princess Qian kicked everyone out, "Let's talk now!"

"My lord, my concubine! Please my lord and my concubine make the decision for my concubine's niece Zhirui!" The side concubine Bai covered her mouth with a handkerchief and knelt down.

King Qian and Princess Qian were stunned: "What is the decision? What happened?"

"Yes, it's the king of Ding County," Bai Fangfei stammered: "I'm all to blame for this matter. I chatted with Zhirui and praised the gardenias in the garden. Come back and put the vase. No one knows what happened, but King Dingjun was also in the garden, Zhirui saw him and went up to say hello, King Dingjun just, just"

Concubine Bai covered her face at the right time and choked up twice with great sadness, before continuing: "Zhirui yelled in surprise, which attracted the servants who were watching the night, and King Dingjun dropped Zhirui and left when he saw that someone had discovered her. "

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