Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 862 Beating

She stared at Qin Lang in disbelief, trembling so much that she almost fell to the ground!

Sterilization pills! Sterilization pills!

She knew that he was ruthless to her, but she never expected to be so cold and cruel.

A concubine who has also taken sterilization drugs will never be able to have children of her own in this life, so what hope is there for living? Impossible!

Although my aunt said that she will definitely help her in the future and make her a side concubine, she also understands that if a concubine of the county king wants to become a side concubine, it is absolutely impossible to rely solely on the "favor" of the county king, and she has to be meritorious. .

What else can it do for her? Isn't it just that it is more expensive to have children and mothers depend on children?

How can a concubine who can't bear children be promoted?

Qin Lang made it clear that he wanted to ruin her life.

She is naturally not happy.

But if she disobeyed him today, what will she do if she enters the door tomorrow? Do you still expect him to look at you differently?

Bai Zhirui's already depressed and disturbed heart was even more confused.

"Why? You don't want to?" Qin Lang sneered: "Aren't you coming here for me in order to enter the scene and the courtyard? You don't listen to me?"

"I—" Bai Zhirui's face was pale, and tears welled up in her eyes. At first glance, she looked a bit like the charming beauty and frailty of the side concubine Bai. She choked up and said, "I really admire the king, why is the king like this? Humiliated to me? The king and concubine share weal and woe, and the love between husband and wife is unmatched by anyone, and I dare not. The place where I live, I only hope that I can see the king from time to time in the future, so I have no regrets in this life! Why is the king so cruel to me! Sooner or later there will be more women by the king's side, but they sincerely admire the king like me How many are there? Is it so difficult for the county king to keep me?"

Bai Zhirui spoke from the bottom of her heart, from the bottom of her heart, and before she finished speaking, she sobbed and burst into tears, and looked at Qin Lang with tears in her eyes.

She really did say these words from the bottom of her heart, there is absolutely no falsehood. She has long wanted to say something like this to Qin Lang or Su Jin, but she has never had the chance. But he didn't expect that Qin Lang would break into her boudoir quietly, and instead gave her a chance.

Qin Lang's eyes were still cold, and he said coldly: "Admiration? If I am not the king of the county today, but just a rural farmer from a poor background, would you still admire me?"

Bai Zhirui hesitated.

Qin Lang's eyes were full of sarcasm, no matter whether he is the county king or not, the only one who has always admired him and never left him is his A Jin.

Even if he has nothing from today, Ah Jin will not hesitate to accompany him to face any difficulties he should face.

Seeing Qin Lang's expression, Bai Zhirui blushed with embarrassment, and the affectionate confession just now seemed to be a joke, "You, the hypothesis you said does not exist, you are the king of the county! An ordinary countryman Farmer, it is impossible to have such achievements as you, besides, in my capacity, how can I know any country farmers, what you say is unfair to me."

She admired him, and he was the king of the county. What could such an assumption represent?

Qin Lang didn't even bother to give her a sarcastic look, "Do you take this medicine or not? If you want to enter Jingheyuan, you have to listen to me, otherwise, even if you enter, you think you can live the life you want ? Don’t forget who is in charge of the Jinghe courtyard!”

Bai Zhirui was not reconciled, she bit her lip and said, "Why can't it be me? Sooner or later there will be another woman by your side, at least, I am sincere to you!"

Qin Lang didn't bother to talk to her, "I'm the king of the county now, and there are many people who are sincere to me. Who do you think you are? I hate being plotted by people the most in my life. Do you know what happens to those who plot against me in the end? No one has a good death, you have to think about it yourself!"

Staring at her coldly, Qin Lang turned and left, and before she could make another sound, Qin Lang was gone in the blink of an eye.

Bai Zhirui was in a daze, then suddenly smiled, her eyes became more obsessed and soft.

He, he is not only handsome, but also has great martial arts skills, how can people not admire him?

She glanced at the pill he left on the table and crushed it without hesitation.

She won't take this medicine, once she takes it, she really has nothing left.

Perhaps, he was just testing her to see if she really had him in her heart? He is obviously the king of the county, but what he wants to do is to assume that he is not the king of the county. Isn't it absurd? she won't give up

Especially today, when she finally had the opportunity to open her heart and tell him what was in her heart, she would not give up.

There is no man who doesn't like being admired by a woman, and her admiration is really from the heart and sincere, he...will definitely understand her!

Even if he felt awkward for a while and hadn't turned the corner, she believed that he would understand.

Instead of being hit, Bai Zhirui's confidence skyrocketed.

Qin Lang went home and waited for two days without any movement from the Bai family, he couldn't help frowning, is Bai Zhirui an idiot? He threatened her like this and still wanted to come in?

Doesn't he seem like a nice guy? Is she delusional or something?

Since she wasn't moving, he might as well add more fire.

Qin Lang sneered, since he is so ignorant, he doesn't need to pay attention to the bottom line!

That night, the house where Bai Zhirui lived suddenly caught fire. Watching his house burn to ashes.

Afterwards, no matter how hard I checked, I couldn't find the cause of the fire. In short, the fire started so inexplicably. Perhaps, probably, it was because the girls forgot to extinguish the candles for a while?

Bai Zhirui's mother was very troubled, and sighed that the passing years were unlucky, how come things are not going well these days?

First, the girl went to live in the Qian Palace for a while, and the side concubine who was originally planned fell through and became a concubine with no status.

Although the side concubine is also a concubine, she still has a status, she can go out to banquets, and others have to come forward to salute and say hello when they see her.

Moreover, although the side concubine cannot wear a red wedding dress when she gets married, there are still serious weddings, and her natal family can accompany the dowry.

What is a concubine? A small sedan chair was lifted quietly and it was over. Don't even think about the dowry, at most you have a handful of banknotes in your arms and a box of jewelry in your hands.

There will be no wedding, and I will not be qualified to go out to meet guests in the future, and no one will salute and say hello. It's no different from a girl.

If the side concubine Bai hadn't explained what happened in detail, and said that she would definitely win the position of side concubine for Bai Zhirui in the future, the parents of the Bai family would never have agreed to do so.

Unexpectedly, the boudoir, where the daughter had lived for more than ten years, caught fire for no apparent reason before her daughter left the house!

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