Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 970 Return to Beijing

Even Su Jin and Qin Lang didn't expect it to affect the whole body, and he still didn't feel that this series of changes in the capital had anything to do with him.

Su Jin just felt that he had given Zhao Mingan a hard time, and he was in a super happy mood.

Qin Lang was also very happy to see his daughter-in-law in a happy mood, and to see Zhao Mingan finally as quiet as a chicken.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and with Su Jin's support, Qin Lang was able to walk around the yard, much better than before.

Everyone was very happy, and finally they could leave for Beijing.

Su Jin and Qin Lang also miss the capital and their son, although they know that Princess Qian will not be so stupid to do anything to their son at this time, and King Qian will never allow it, but they have never been separated from their children for so long , how can you not want to?

There is also Mingyue Building and other businesses, I don't know what happened.

Because his family's retreat is closely related to business, Su Jin also pays more attention to his family's overt and secret businesses.

After three days of preparation, I finally set off and left this small town of Ewha.

Qin Lang took Su Jin's hand, "We parted that day. Before I left the capital, I never thought that we would return to Beijing together! Although I wish I could be with you day and night, I also hope that you will not come Pass this trip. Fortunately, you have a safe journey, otherwise, I will not forgive myself in this life!"

He stared at her with his eyes, and put his hands on her shoulders: "Promise me, you will never take such risks again. You only need to think about yourself and our son in everything!"

He wanted to say these words to Su Jin a long time ago, but he couldn't bear it. She came for him, but her recklessness made him extremely worried.

He was extremely contradictory and couldn't bear to blame her, but he had to say it. He was afraid that she would not have such good luck next time.

In fact, if Su Jin didn't move fast enough this time, the journey would not be so smooth!

She was too fast, and those who wanted to make trouble didn't even have time to arrange it.

This is what Qin Lang is most worried about. After all, this time it was a fluke.

Su Jin was stunned, with mixed emotions in his heart, and his eyes were slightly sour.

"Husband, I—"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help sobbing, Su Jin bit her lip to hold back, and nodded slightly with her drooping eyes, "Yeah".

She had never thought about these possibilities before, but when Qin Lang said it, she remembered it belatedly, and couldn't help but secretly feel a little scared.

If something really happened, she was not afraid of death, but what would he do if she died? What about their son? They can't do without her!

"I'll take care of you. If you promise me, you'll take care of yourself too. Aaron, our family must always be together, and no one should be left behind."

"Okay," Qin Lang gently hugged her into his arms, "We will."

At this moment, the goal in Qin Lang's heart was unprecedentedly clear and firm. For the safety of his wife and children, for their happiness, he must give it a go!

Su Jin and Qin Lang's party slowly entered Beijing along the canal waterway. Along the way, apart from the escort of Qin Lang's personal guards and the imperial guards brought by Eunuch Liang, plus the previous imperial guards and guards of honor, local officials greeted and sent them all the way to protect them. It's too tight.

The emperor specially issued an imperial decree, ordering the local officials along the way to carefully protect the Dingjun Wang and his wife. Who would dare to neglect the local officials? Who wasn't anxious and trembling and was already in place waiting for them to pass by?

On the face of Chaozhong Duoyi, the situation is calm, but in reality, the situation is dire. Why was King Dingjun assassinated this time? Even if it wasn't done by those two families, it definitely has something to do with them!

So, who knows if there will be any accidents in Dingjun Wang's trip to Beijing? Although the emperor specially issued an imperial decree for this purpose, the meaning of protection is self-evident. Normal people would not dare to deliberately confront the emperor at such a time, but what if?

What if there is a fool who does things without thinking, blinded by jealousy and messing around?

Can the officials not worry about it?

Every place was on standby, and the fleet of the county king and his party left their territory safely, and the local officials breathed a long sigh of relief, as if they were revived.

Su Jin and Qin Lang also understood that this was the emperor's intention to protect, otherwise there would be no need to issue such an imperial decree. Didn't Eunuch Liang bring someone here? Why make another will?

Both of them were a little moved.

Su Jin smiled and said: "I didn't expect the emperor to value you so much, let's think about it, this errand can be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

Qin Lang was also a little confused. In his impression, this aloof imperial grandfather had never been so kind to his grandchildren. So, what did he do? What made the imperial grandfather look at him differently? Why doesn't he have any impression?

Qin Lang couldn't figure it out, so he could only laugh and said: "The emperor values ​​it, so it's not a bad thing for us anyway!"

Zhao Ming'an was again depressed and jealous.

Obviously the three of them were traveling together, but he didn't believe that the imperial grandfather didn't know that he was there, but the decree only said that there must be no mistakes in the Huding county king and his wife's coming to Beijing, and he was not mentioned a word! How could he just ignore him like this!

He has no objection to mentioning Qin Lang alone, after all, he is the one who made the meritorious service and the one who was injured, but even that bitch Su Jin mentions it by the way, but why does he miss him?

He is the dignified heir of the Qian family, isn't he not as good as a woman from the Su family? Even the Su family mentioned it, but he missed him.

Among the three, his status was the most noble, but he was missed. Zhao Mingan felt as if he had been slapped in the face, feeling ashamed and hated, with burning pain.

Before entering Beijing, he could already imagine how those bastards in the capital would laugh at him when they saw him.

But it happened that the one who slapped him was the imperial grandfather who was so majestic and awe-inspiring. He didn't dare to blame the imperial grandfather. He hated Su Jin and Qin Lang even more. He simply didn't even bother to go out on the boat.

He was afraid that when he saw the couple, he would not be able to help but speak ill at each other or simply push Su Jin into the river.

This kind of thing is too cheap!

If he didn't show up, Su Jin and Qin Lang probably guessed the reason, and they couldn't wait to see him.

It's just that they won't know how aggrieved and annoyed Zhao Mingan is at the moment if they don't see each other again.

The emperor is protecting them, but also putting them on the fire.

"Back to Prince Qian's Mansion, you and Zhen'er should be more careful in the mansion on weekdays."

Su Jin nodded, "Yes", and said with a smile: "That's the only way, I won't cause trouble, and I'm not afraid that he will make trouble!"

There are still three or five days before they can return to Beijing, and both of them feel a little impatient.

However, the atmosphere in Prince Qian's Mansion in the capital is not very good.

Besides, on the day when Su Jin left the mansion, Nanny Zhong keenly sensed that something was wrong, so she immediately asked Nanny Zhuang and Qin Jiu and Qin Shi to take Zhen'er out of the mansion to find Gu Yunzheng.

Save the manuscript, save the manuscript, and still save the manuscript, but tomorrow can update 3! Go all out~~

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