Qin Lang turned his head to Su Jin and said with a smile: "You go back first, I have to go to the palace to see the emperor."

Because Qin Lang is an imperial envoy, he has to advance to the palace to renew the order, and then he can return to the palace.

Su Jin nodded: "Don't be brave. Although your injury is no longer serious, you have to take care of it. Don't let the wound open. A second injury will be very troublesome."

Qin Lang patted her shoulder lightly, with a warm smile: "Don't worry!"

It was late November, and it was especially cold in the north. Qin Lang personally put on a cloak for Su Jin and helped her into the carriage of Prince Qian's Mansion, before he walked with Eunuch Liang and General Lu.

Eunuch Liang laughed and teased: "The relationship between Prince Ding and Princess Princess is really enviable!"

Qin Lang couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips, and he didn't feel ashamed to speak brazenly at all: "The main reason is that my concubine is so kind, how could I be willing to treat her badly?"

Eunuch Liang laughed out loud.

General Lu also made fun of it with a smirk, and his heart is based on Princess Dingjun's superb medical skills. However, no generals, no matter who they marry, will not treat her badly. After all, King Dingjun is lucky.

Qin Lang and his party went into the palace to renew the decree without mentioning it, Su Jin's heart was like an arrow, thinking of his son, he missed him like crazy, and he was full of guilt.

It's not that she didn't worry about leaving such a small child in Qian Wang's mansion, but when she heard that Qin Lang's life was dying, how could she wait?

Nanny and Nanny Zhong can both do it, plus Gu Yunzheng and Sister Xu, Zhen'er will be fine!

When Su Jin returned to Jingheyuan, everyone was very happy.

Seeing Nanny Zhuang, Wang Chun's reaction, Luo Weiyun was both surprised and happy, as if she didn't know what she was today, she couldn't help asking in amazement.

In fact, Nanny Zhuang and the others really didn't know.

Of course, the news of Su Jin and Qin Lang's return was sent back to the mansion a few days earlier, but how could Princess Qian deliberately send someone to tell the people in Jingheyuan?

It's enough that she doesn't come to trouble Jingheyuan.

In the absence of Su Jin and Qin Lang, everyone in the Jinghe courtyard kept a low schedule. Unless necessary, they would not even leave the gate of the Jinghe courtyard for fear of being caught by Princess Qian.

Therefore, no news was heard.

Su Jin felt a little unhappy, and couldn't say anything, so she smiled and said, "Forget it, it's better than anything else that the county king and I have come back safely."

"That's right, the princess of the county is wise!" Nanny Zhuang smiled and asked for warmth, lest Su Jin would be unhappy.

Su Jin hurriedly asked about Zhen'er, Madam Zhuang's expression froze, she was busy comforting Su Jin first, and then explained the matter in detail.

"It's all because the old slave is useless, the old slave—"

"Nurse, don't say that," Su Jin laughed after hearing this, "It's because I didn't think carefully. Fortunately, you and Nanny Zhong played it by ear. I can rest assured that Zhen'er is with Sister Xu! Sister Xu will definitely take care of him." Well done!"

No matter what, it's better than following Princess Qian.

Nanny Zhuang, Nanny Zhong and others were relieved, and hurriedly sent someone to fetch Zhen'er back.

It turned out that Zhen'er was brought back by Qin Lang, and it was a coincidence that the two met at the gate of the mansion. Zhen'er immediately went crazy when he saw his father, waving his hands and yelling "Daddy!", struggling desperately Wanting to run towards Qin Lang, the maids could hardly catch him.

Qin Lang laughed, opened his arms and lifted him up, and kissed him a few times, the little guy was so happy that he couldn't stop giggling.

The father and the father just entered the Jinghe courtyard from the gate of the mansion. The father and the father chatted, talked and laughed all the way and were very affectionate. Qin Lang's personal guards were all terrified and their faces turned pale with fright.

The king of the county was seriously injured before, and I don't know if it will cause any impact.

Seeing the father and son coming back affectionately, Su Jin couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, and greeted them with a smile.

The little guy was happier seeing his mother than seeing his father, so he turned to his mother's embrace without hesitation. Qin Lang embraced the mother and son together, and the family of three returned to the house affectionately.

After a lot of excitement and intimacy, Su Jin waved his hand and released the reward.

Everyone in the Jinghe Courtyard took double shares, and each of the servants in Prince Qian's mansion counted as one, and all rewarded five taels of silver.

Counting hundreds of people, it is another huge sum of money.

Su Jin didn't even blink his eyes.

The family of three was reunited, and she was very happy. Moreover, I also want to disgust Princess Qian.

To hide the news and not inform Jing Heyuan, this thing is really not appreciated.

Princess Qian soon found out that Su Jin was throwing money in the mansion again, her face turned black with anger, she slapped the coffee table next to her and said bitterly: "This Su family has to fight against me like this, doesn't it?" ? The bitch!"

The light mother didn't dare to say anything.

When the princess is angry with the princess of Dingjun, her mood is the most unstable. At this time, it is better to keep quiet and be a transparent person.

"Leave her alone," Princess Qian said with a sneer, "Since she rewarded her, she saved a lot of money from the Duke, so the Duke simply won't reward him!"

Having said that, Princess Qian was still very aggrieved.

Compared to silver, how can she compare to Su Jin? However, Su Jin was disobedient, not to mention handing over the money, he would not share a share of the benefits.

If the public wants to reward, it can't be less than five taels, right? How much will that cost? Do you want to celebrate the new year?

Simply don't give up.

Although the servants will be dissatisfied in their hearts and will look down on her as a princess, but so what? Who dares to speak out!

Princess Qian felt that she was really aggrieved by being a mother-in-law, and her majesty was completely discredited in front of her daughter-in-law.

In the evening, there was a reception banquet in the main hall. Qin Lang went there with his wife and children. King Qian had a pleasant face, with smiles all over his face.

The servants who were serving were also all smiling, and subconsciously became more courteous to King Dingjun and Princess Dingjun.

No matter how frustrated Princess Qian was, how much Zhao Mingan endured and endured so that he could not shake his face and get angry on the spot, Su Jin Qin Lang was in a very happy mood, and ate the dinner very happily.

Thinking back to the reception banquet that the two had just returned to the mansion, it was a world of difference.

After nearly a year of hard work, no one in this palace of Qian Wang is qualified to show them face.

Even if Zhao Ming'an turned his face into a pig's liver, he didn't dare to ridicule them.

Zhen'er hadn't seen her mother for a long time, she was so sticky, Su Jin coaxed him to sleep and put him down gently, only then did he have time to check Qin Lang's body.

Qin Lang let her sit down and smiled and said: "Actually, there is no need. In the palace, the imperial grandfather called the imperial doctor to check me carefully. I have recovered very well!"

"I'm worried." Su Jin ignored him, and her slender fingers caught his pulse lightly.

Qin Lang smiled helplessly, so he had to let her.

After a thorough inspection, Su Jinxuan relaxed his heart, and said with a light smile: "It seems that the emperor really loves your grandson!"

Otherwise, it is so easy to meet the monarch? Standing and kneeling at the same time, a good person can suffer enough, let alone an injured person?

Desperately three more! There will be more explosions

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