Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 985: The Truth

Yu Gui was angry, hated and a little frightened, cold sweat burst out from behind his back.

Wang Chun glanced at him and said indifferently: "This is one of them. Now I will give you the opportunity to talk about it first. Instead, you can tell me about our county princess's temperament, characteristics, and preferences? Or, talk about something else with her." You can do anything related! According to what you said, you have lived with her for more than three months, so you don’t know anything, right? Don’t wait for me to say it later, and you find all kinds of reasons to quibble.”

Yu Gui opened his mouth, if it were in the county yamen court, he would say whatever was shameless, obscene, or yellow accented, trying his best to humiliate him, and take the matter between husband and wife Let's talk a lot, you can make people's faces turn red with embarrassment, and you can't wait to drill into the ground.

Not to mention that you still have the face to stand in front of him and confront him, it is a skill to hang yourself without being ashamed and angry!

But this is the capital city, the yamen of Shuntian Mansion, he dare not.

What he understood better was that even if he dared to, he would never have the chance to finish his sentence, and that Mr. Fu Yin with a paralyzed face and indifferent eyes would definitely ask someone to take him down and beat him up.

And the common people will question everything he said before.

In a place where everyone knew he was a rogue, he didn't care a bit if they said he was a rogue. But not here.

What he showed before was an infatuated, pitiful, kind-hearted man who was abandoned by his ruthless, enjoyment-seeking, and vain wife, absolutely positive.

If he showed his rascal side at this moment, wouldn't everything before have been in vain?

Who would believe him?

Therefore, he cannot humiliate Su Jin.

Besides, he didn't dare.

But in this way, what else can he say? Originally everything was fabricated by him, how could he tell the details of "getting along" with Su Jin?

Cold sweat began to break out on Yu Gui's forehead, and he tried to calm down and said, "What's there to say? At that time, she was losing her memory, her whole body was muddled, and she didn't have much energy. Later, later, she must have improved a lot, so she left gone."

Wang Chun sneered: "If you have nothing else to say, then I will!"

Yu Gui didn't answer.

Shuntian Prefecture Yin asked indifferently: "Yu Gui, do you have anything to add?"

Yu Gui became more and more overwhelmed and weak: "No, no."

Governor Shuntian: "Wangchun, tell me."

"Yes, my lord!" Wang Chun sneered: "Our county concubine can actually punch and kick a few times. Although she is not a master, ordinary three or five adult men can't take advantage of her! It's hard to say whether you can beat her or not. There is absolutely no suspense that she wants to get out of the way! Even if she loses her memory, it is impossible to forget this punching kung fu, right? Naturally, she can use it when she is in danger. Yu Gui, it’s not that I said a bad word, but If you are like this, I'm afraid you really can't get into the eyes of our princess. There are many men better than you. Even if the princess loses her memory at that time, she will never follow you. With her skills, there is no need to be wronged. .”

Yu Gui was startled: "You—"

The people were even more uproarious.

"Princess Dingjun still knows boxing skills? No wonder she is safe and sound while wandering outside!"

"It's too——couldn't it be fake?"

"Brother, what are you kidding! This matter has been heard by Datian, who dares to cheat? How can such a thing be faked?"

"That's right, do you think that King Dingjun and Princess Dingjun have no opponents? If you tell a lie at this moment, won't you be slapped in the face when you face it? You're lying when you're crazy!"

"Let me just say, King Dingjun has a high status, what kind of woman does he want? Since he loves Princess Chongding so much, how can Princess Dingjun be innocent? If that is the case, why does he wrong himself? Princess Dingjun has nothing to do with her." No father, no mother, no backer, Dingjun Wang has nothing to worry about!"

"That's right, it really was framed!"

"It's so vicious. Knowing that Princess Dingjun has been missing and wandering, and has no witnesses to prove her innocence, she resorted to such a trick to frame her. It's too vicious!"

"Hey, for the sake of power, nothing can be done!"

"Princess Dingjun is so pitiful!"

"It's really pitiful!"

Wangchun's eyes were like lightning, and he pressed on step by step: "The princess has a red mole the size of a mung bean on her left wrist, Yu Gui, you can't even tell this, and you still have the face to lie and spread rumors? You framed our county princess? Hurry up and tell the truth!"

Yu Gui was panicked and terrified. In the panic, he didn't even want to blurt out his words and force his words: "I, I certainly know that she has a red mole on her left wrist, but is it necessary to say such a small thing?"

"You're talking nonsense! You don't know at all. If I didn't tell you, how would you know? You're just playing a rascal!" Wang Chun was very angry.

Yu Gui settled down in his heart, and his tone became more determined: "Such a trivial matter is worth talking about? I just can't remember it for a while, how could I not know?"

If you don't know about it, you can't justify it. After all, a carmine mole the size of a mung bean on your wrist can be seen by anyone who is not blind.

Not to mention her husband who has been married to her for several months.

Yu Gui thought in his heart that he was lucky and also that he was unlucky.

Fortunately, this matter can be described, anyway, this maid has nothing to do with him. Unfortunately, how many special hobbies does this Princess Dingjun and this Su family have that others don't have? Can't she just quietly be a featureless woman? It made him terrified right now.

More importantly, neither he nor the person who bought him to do this at the beginning probably didn't expect the matter to get to this point, so he didn't tell him about Su's situation at all. A smear.

He didn't finish complaining about the luck in his heart, only saw Wangchun sneer and sneered, "Yu Gui, you are wrong, our county princess doesn't have any moles on her wrists, let alone red moles. I just lied to you." !Of course, you can also change your words and say that you remember it wrong!"

The surrounding audience roared with laughter.

Yu Gui's face turned pale.

"It's ridiculous!" Prince Jane was furious, slapped the table heavily and shouted angrily.

The startled Mr. Fu Yin slapped the gavel, and asked sharply, "You are so bold, why on earth do you want to slander the princess of Dingjun, and you don't invite it!"

Yu Gui shivered like falling into the ice cellar, stammering and holding on: "The villain, the villain is wronged! The villain, the villain is telling the truth, all-"

"You're still stubborn when you're about to die!" Mr. Fu Yin glanced at him contemptuously, and said coldly: "According to your confession, I just need to send someone to Dezhou Yun Township to investigate, and nothing can't be found. Yu Gui, If you don’t confess again, I will be severely punished! If you don’t teach you a lesson, as a warning to others, then everyone will follow suit in the future, wouldn’t it be a mess?”

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