Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 987 Complicated mood

"Take care of the criminals, and don't make any mistakes. This king will enter the palace and report to the emperor!" Prince Jane left in a hurry.

Dali Temple Minister patted Shuntian Fu Yin on the shoulder, and then drifted away.

Although the people who watched the excitement outside the lobby felt a little unwilling to wait for the final result, they had watched a rare drama today, and since they had retreated, they also left one after another.

The servants, housekeepers, and followers of the big and powerful families also went to report to their masters.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Mei Jiuling, Zheng Guanqing, Su Jin and Qin Lang all heaved a sigh of relief and were happy for them.

Xu Rongyue even announced in a very high-profile manner that in order to celebrate the princess of the county clearing up her grievances and proving her innocence, she will give a 20% discount on the total price of all purchases at Mingyue Tower in the past three days. Moreover, Mingyuelou will launch three more new dishes this month!

Although those who can go to Mingyue Tower to spend are those who are not short of money, but the dishes in Mingyue Tower are expensive, and the minimum consumption is two to three hundred silver, so a 20% discount can be much cheaper.

What's more exciting is that three more new dishes will be launched, which is really great news for old gourmets!

Everyone in Prince Wu's Mansion and Prince Ning's Mansion felt much more complicated, and they didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

Ordinarily, she should be happy, because Su Jin has already washed away her grievances and rectified her name. It is impossible for anyone to use this as a fuss to attack her and Qin Lang in the future.

Qin Lang did not divorce her and married another wife who was well-matched and from a strong family background. This should be a good thing for them, but they don't seem to be very happy in their hearts.

It seems that it is not enough to say that it is disappointing. Although Qin Lang didn't affect his reputation because of this incident, he still couldn't get rid of Su Jin, right?

In the end, even they themselves were confused, they shouldn't have any feelings, they just felt that they were really bored.

Mrs. Lu Ershao didn't think it was so complicated, she was so angry that she cursed in the room and smashed a set of teacups.

Then Yu Gui was too useless, he was taken down in a few words, and everything was turned upside down.

Originally, she was thinking of seeing Su Jin's misfortune, thinking that after Su Jin's misfortune, she would humiliate her severely in front of her, and step her into the mud forever, but it turned out that instead of being unlucky, she completely rectified her name The experience of the period of disappearance.

After today's incident, who would dare to mention it, who would dare to suspect and question it in the future?

That bitch's luck is really outrageous, and he can turn over just like that!

Originally, she was clearly dead, but in the end, she was forced to walk out of a way out.

Did she play some kind of Gu on Qin Lang, ordinarily she said such a thing, causing a commotion, no matter it was true or not, as a man, he couldn't stand it no matter what? Qin Lang didn't say a word, and still chose to stand on her side and believe her. Is he still a man after all?

Mrs. Lu Ershao was jealous and hated in her heart.

Grandma Liu was crying, "Second Young Madam, Yu Gui recruited everything, old slave—"

"Shut up!" Mrs. Lu Er Shao gave her an angry look, and said coldly, "This is someone else's business. Let's take it as a matter of business and enjoy the fun. What else do you want to say?"

She was still angry at the moment. If it wasn't for Grandma Liu being so useless and finding someone with no skills, why did this result?

"Old slave—yes, the second young lady is right, this old slave is confused."

Mrs. Lu Ershao snorted, "What should I do on weekdays, don't think wildly, let alone get confused, you know?"

"Yes, yes, the old slave remembers!"

"Go down!"


Grandma Liu bowed and left anxiously.

Yu Gui didn't see her face, and no one would have thought it would be her. Just as the second young lady said, she should be calm and calm at this time, and she must not get confused.

Yu Gui just confessed that the person who communicated with him was a middle-aged woman with a capital accent, that's all, that's all.

Su Jin and Qin Lang had just returned to the mansion, and they were discussing how to make more delicious hot pot for dinner, so King Qian sent someone to call Qin Lang.

Sarcasm flashed across Qin Lang's eyes, and he said softly to Su Jin: "I'm going to see the father, you might as well go to the princess and say something."

Su Jin nodded.

This matter has been closed, and it is time to inform the elders.

Su Jin ordered Yin Zhu and others to prepare the ingredients. Tonight Jinghe and all the people in the courtyard will eat hot pot. Just pick up the best ingredients and prepare them, and send someone to Mingyue Tower to get the best hot pot base. All the accounts are hung in her account. on private accounts. Then he and Qin Lang went to meet people.

Su Jin was entangled in rumors, pushed to the forefront, seeing a dead end in front of him, and when he couldn't even get out of his body, Prince Qian's mansion coldly stayed out of the matter without saying a word, but actively prepared to abandon Su Jin and sacrifice her. Qin Lang is very clear about the preparations.

The more clear, the more disdainful.

For this group of people, every time he thought he had seen through their selfishness and ugliness, every time they could refresh the lower limit of selfishness and ugliness again.

Fortunately, in this life, he never had even the slightest hope for them.

His daughter-in-law didn't need them to take care of her at first, it was enough for him to take care of her and hurt her.

King Qian asked him what he wanted to say, and Qin Lang could figure it out without guessing. It is nothing more than taking advantage of the victory to pursue and show weakness to the emperor, in order to get more pity from the emperor.

It will be even more unexpected joy if we can track down the person behind the plot.

When Princess Qian saw Su Jin, she was in the same mood as Mrs. Lu Ershao, feeling overwhelmed and depressed.

Although Su Jin escaped unharmed, and Prince Qian's mansion also avoided being dragged into the water to be seen as a joke, Princess Qian was quite upset to see Su Jin jump out alive and well.

How can there be such, such annoying people in this world? No matter how hard you beat him, you can't kill her, but it's a blessing in disguise for her.

Feeling overwhelmed in her heart, Princess Qian didn't have much time to talk to Su Jin, and reluctantly comforted Su Jin with the gesture of a real mother-in-law, then sent her away.

Su Jin also treated her face-saving, so she got up and left.

Outside the main courtyard, I happened to see Mrs. Tian coming to pay his respects, and Aunt Cui also followed Tian's side to serve him.

Tian nodded slightly at her and said with a smile: "Congratulations to the second brother and sister for clearing up their grievances. The death is auspicious. The second brother and sister's luck has always been very good, which is really enviable!"

Su Jin smiled and said, "Thank you sister-in-law, this time is also a fluke!"

Tian said with a smile again: "Second brother and sister are humble, not everyone can have such a fluke, luck is also a skill!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Aunt Cui also smiled at Su Jin. When Tian entered the main courtyard, she deliberately lagged a few steps behind, whispered "Congratulations" to Su Jin, and said, "I wonder if the Princess of the County is free tomorrow? I can go to the Princess of the County to sit tomorrow." Sit down?"

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