She didn't expect to make trouble to this point, so she didn't make thorough preparations at all. There must be many loopholes. If Shuntian Mansion really thoroughly investigates

Princess Ning was so angry that she almost didn't slap her a few times. She has never seen such a stupid person before!

It's the right thing to do, but not in this way. It turned out to be self-defeating, but Nasu Clan completely blocked this road.

It is also very likely to cause a show!

Concubine Ning stared at Mrs. Lu Ershao, her eyes were full of disgust, and she said coldly: "You'd better pray that this matter can be fooled smoothly, otherwise, once you are found, the Ning Palace will never protect you! When the time comes, you should honestly stand up and accept the crime yourself! Brainless idiot!"

Mrs. Lu Ershao was frightened, her face was pale and terrified: "No, no, don't! Concubine mother, concubine mother! Please help me, save me, I, I don't want to die, woo woo woo."

How can Mrs. Lu Second Young Lady be as arrogant and arrogant as she used to be? Collapsing into a ball and kneeling on the ground crying, tears all over his face, he was really embarrassed.

Concubine Ning was so disgusted that she didn't want to take a second look, and said coldly: "Shut up! What are you screaming for? Don't you think it's not enough to make trouble? You go back and stay honestly with your servants in the yard for a while. You are not allowed to go anywhere, and you are not allowed to go out and inquire randomly, do you hear me?"

"Mother Concubine, please save me, save me!"

Mrs. Lu Ershao hurriedly nodded her head in agreement, and continued to plead bitterly. She hasn't lived enough yet, she still has a bright future to look forward to, looking forward to the day when King Ning will be able to succeed to the throne, and she will rise to the top, she doesn't want to die.

Concubine Ning only felt a headache, and she scolded "Idiot!" so many times in her heart, she was so stupid, why couldn't she understand what she said? Didn't you tell her to go back and wait obediently?

With this kind of idiot, Princess Ning doesn't even have the desire to explain.

Because many words can't be said clearly, but the words are not clear enough, and this idiot can't understand anything. That being the case, let's not talk about it.

Princess Ning waved her hand and ordered someone to forcibly pull Madam Lu Ershao down.

Concubine Ning told King Ning about this matter, King Ning was in a complicated mood.

He originally thought that this matter was caused by Prince Wu's Mansion, so he also got involved and added fuel to the flames.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that his daughter-in-law made it out to vent her personal anger.

It's no wonder that Yu Gui threw away his helmet and armor in just a moment in the courtroom and was defeated.

If this matter is found out on Lu's head, Prince Ning's Mansion must be inseparable from the relationship, which is impossible.

"Take good care of her in the future, and don't let her cause trouble again. Also, the Lu family should stay away!" King Ning said lightly.

Concubine Ning quickly nodded in response.

Marrying such a bad daughter-in-law made her regret to death.

Especially now that the Lu family is too busy to take care of themselves, it is almost useless to Prince Ning's Mansion, so there is no need to be polite.

Two days later, the case was closed.

Yu Gui died in the prison in Shuntian Mansion.

Yu Gui's death cut off all the clues.

There were not enough clues in the first place, so it was even more impossible to trace down.

After Prince Jian played Emperor Yuanfeng of the Ming Dynasty, the case was temporarily closed.

As a result, there was no splash, and Yu Gui's body was quietly disposed of and thrown into a mass grave.

Su Jin was very annoyed and unwilling to reconcile, "The governor of Shuntian is too useless. Doesn't he know that someone wants Yu Gui's life? Why don't you send more people to protect it! Isn't there Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment? Those two The prison here is much stronger than the one in Shuntian Mansion, right? Why can’t the place be moved! It’s so irritating!”

Qin Lang hugged her to comfort her: "Don't be angry, good boy, don't be angry, this time we have gained a lot, right?"

Su Jin looked up at him and said slowly, "I don't understand."

Qin Lang and she have been closely watching this matter. Prince Jane personally sat in the town, but ended up with such an unresponsive result, and the emperor actually accepted it, so that's it.

Although she had washed away her grievances, she still couldn't help herself!

The person behind the design is too vicious! She felt aggrieved if she didn't find out.

"A Jin," Qin Lang saw more thoroughly than her, sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "Prince Jian, Dali Siqing, and Shuntianfu Yi are in charge of this case, if you really want to save Yugui's life, you Do you think you can't keep it? Yu Gui must die, because the emperor doesn't want the current balance to be broken!"

Su Jin was stunned, "You, let me think about it! So, this matter was really done by Prince Ning's Mansion or Prince Wu's Mansion, or their joint efforts? No, I always feel that something is not right and it went smoothly. It is impossible for Yu Gui to be unprepared and leave such a big loophole to be defeated by Wang Chun in a few words."

Ning Wang and Wu Wang are all old foxes who have become fine. If they are so stupid, why are they fighting for the reserve?

Qin Lang showed undisguised admiration in his eyes, he kissed her lightly and said with a low smile, "My wife is really smart!"

Su Jin scolded him: "You can boast, why don't you say it quickly? What do you think you know?"

Qin Lang smiled: "I wanted to tell you! Think about what Yu Gui said, a middle-aged woman in her forties with a Beijing accent. Ah Jin, think about it, King Ning and King Wu are doing this. , let a mother-in-law go to contact a rascal? Oh, it's too cheap!"

Su Jin said "Ah!" with an expression of sudden realization, gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Lu! It's Mr. Lu's bastard!"

"I'm--I should have thought it was hers! She's the only one who would do such a thoughtless folly! That fool!"

Qin Lang also showed sarcasm in his eyes: "She is stupid. In fact, there is no need to re-trial. After thinking about it for a while, I know that it is her."

Mrs. Lu pretended to be smart, and was afraid of leaking the secret, so she sent Nanny Liu to do this job in person, and did not pretend to be someone else.

But she didn't know that this just exposed her.

The only ones who use a middle-aged nanny to do this will be female relatives. In the capital, there is no other person who has a grudge against Su Jin and will do this without thinking. Except for Mrs. Lu.

No wonder, the emperor would follow suit and settle the case. After further investigation, with the skills of Shuntian Fuyi and Dali Siqing, the truth can be found out easily.

Needless to say, with this number one suspect, as long as Liu Nanny is arrested and interrogated, can Liu Nanny be tougher than Shuntian Mansion?

At that time, Prince Ning's Mansion will definitely be involved, which the emperor does not want to see.

The emperor didn't care too much about Prince Ning's mansion. He is well aware of the open and secret struggles among the three palaces, and he is indulgent within a certain range.

However, this fight has to be fought with real skills.

It is too aggrieved for a Lu family to implicate the entire Prince Ning's mansion, the emperor will not be happy.

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