Zhao Minglian was angry: "Otherwise, what do you think? Don't do porcelain work without diamonds! I advise you to play it safe in the future and stop doing it! You are not someone's opponent, so stop causing trouble!"

Mrs. Lu Second Young Madam threw herself on the table and burst into tears, "How, how, this! Wuwuwu. Su Shi, how could she be like this, how could she be like this!"

Zhao Minglian was annoyed hearing her cry, frowned, turned around and strode away.

Mrs. Lu Ershao cried and cried, suddenly got up and wiped away her tears, and hurried out with resentment on her face

Outside the gate of Prince Qian's Mansion, Mrs. Lu Ershao knelt there, full of embarrassment and panic, her eyes were red and swollen, tears were dripping with tears, she was as pitiful as she could be.

"Sister-in-law Wutang, it's my fault, it's all my fault! I apologize to you and apologize to you! You spared my father, mother and brother, please let them go! They are all innocent and Innocent! If you want to take revenge, take revenge on me, it has nothing to do with them!"

Mrs. Lu Ershao knelt there and cried and begged, even though this is the Mansion of Qian Wang, there were few pedestrians in the past, there were still many people poking their heads in the distance to watch the excitement.

The concierge of Prince Qian's mansion was sweating and pleading, how could Mrs. Lu Ershao care? She kept crying and begging, saying "Sister-in-law Wutang, please forgive me!", "I will apologize to sister-in-law Wutang!"

No matter how anxious the concierge was, he didn't dare to reach out to pull it, like ants on a hot pot.

Someone had already rushed to report to Princess Qian.

Princess Qian was furious when she heard the words, "I just don't know what it means!"

Those words were scolding Mrs. Lu Ershao and also Su Jin.

"Why don't you hurry up and invite the princess of Dingjun, and ask her to go over and solve this matter quickly! Also, prepare the car, this concubine is going to Prince Ning's mansion to have a good chat with the third sibling!"

Concubine Qian was furious. What has happened to the majestic Prince's Mansion? How stupid is Lu Shi? To do such a disregard for face! How could there be any trace of royal dignity!

She understands her intention, isn't it just to slap Su Shi's face on purpose, to embarrass Su Shi on purpose? But who taught her to make such a stupid move!

The Lu family quickly left Beijing within three days. All properties were cleaned up, and even Lu’s house was sold. Su Jin also had to express his admiration for Mr. Lu’s straightforwardness. Qin Lang and Qin Lang were also moved. one game.

The matter of the Lu family has been completely resolved. Mrs. Lu's second young lady has no backer, and she is not welcomed in Prince Ning's mansion, and she will be able to do nothing in the future. Su Jin is in a good mood.

The couple discussed it. After two or three days, when Qin Lang finished all the things that should be explained and arranged in the patrol camp, the two of them took their children to a hot spring villa outside the city to stay for five or six days to relax. .

Recalling that when they were in Wushui City, the two of them also went to the hot springs at Shuanghe Ranch for recreation. Thinking of that beautiful time, Qin Lang already felt itchy and looked forward to it.

And Su Jin also made a plan with great interest. In addition to soaking in hot springs, he also pestered him to promise to take him to the nearby forests for hunting, mountaineering, horseback riding, and fishing——the water is cold in winter, and the fish meat Firmer and more supple than ever.

Unexpectedly, before they left, people from the Lu family came to the door again.

After listening to the nanny who came from Princess Qian's side and said that Mrs. Lu Ershao was kneeling at the gate of Qian Wang's mansion to "plead guilty and apologize" to herself and beg herself to forgive her family, Su Jin almost thought that she had heard it wrong.

"." This person's brain circuit is indeed different from that of normal people!

Su Jin suddenly felt that even without herself, the Lu family would sooner or later be implicated and defeated by the second young lady. I don't know if Mr. Lu regretted marrying his daughter to the son of Prince Ning's mansion.

For a daughter like Mrs. Lu Ershao, the more she marries into a high family, the more trouble she will cause. She should marry low.

"Princess Princess, why don't you let the old slave go, and the old slave invite Mrs. Lu Ershao in!" Sister Zhong sighed.

Encountering Mrs. Lu Ershao who completely disregards decency is really dumbfounding and a headache.

Su Jin glanced at Nanny Zhong, she understood what Nanny Zhong meant.

Nanny Zhong was left behind by the old concubine, even Concubine Qian had to be polite to her on the face of it, and others would naturally not disrespect her.


"No need for Nanny Zhong," Su Jin laughed mockingly: "If it's someone else, as long as you open your mouth, Nanny, you will naturally give you some face, but this one outside is hard to say. Besides, the reason why she You made trouble at the gate of Prince Qian's Mansion just to sweep my face, how could you be willing to enter the mansion?"

Nanny Zhong was taken aback for a moment, she really never thought that Mrs. Lu Ershao would not give her face.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this might really be something that young lady would do.

Su Jin led a few maidservants out of the gate of Qianwang Mansion. Seeing the hatred in her eyes, Mrs. Lu Ershao kowtowed to her and begged her, "Sister-in-law Wutang, woo woo woo, if I have something If I did something wrong, please forgive me! Please let my family members go, they are all innocent, woo woo woo."

Su Jin said indifferently: "There are many things that the six younger brothers and sisters have done wrong! I'm sorry, I really can't forgive some of these things."

"You—" Mrs. Lu Ershao was taken aback, she was so ashamed, embarrassed and angry, she even forgot to cry, "Sister-in-law Wutang, what do you mean by this?"

Su Jin: "We are sisters-in-law, right? We are all from our own family. If we have something to say, can't we sit down and discuss it? Even if we can't, there are still elders! Please elders come forward and uphold justice. Just do whatever you want." , Isn’t it good? But what about you, the sixth younger brother? You ran to the gate of Qian Wang’s mansion and knelt, cried, and begged like this. My sister-in-law bullied you, don’t you think so?”

"But we are sisters-in-law. I'm in Qianwang's mansion and you are in Ning's mansion. How can I bully you? Our princess will definitely not allow it! Ning's mansion will definitely not allow me to be presumptuous!"

"Just saying what you did today is a big mistake. Tell me, how can I forgive you?"

Mrs. Lu Second Young Madam's face turned red and turned pale, she was extremely ashamed and angry, subconsciously followed Su Jin's words and said, "Then how can you forgive me?"

It seemed that something was wrong when she said this, she came back to her senses and added another sentence: "How can I let my natal family go!"

Su Jin smiled: "You get up first, I will forgive you!"

Second Young Madam Lu choked: "."

In an instant, countless pairs of eyes fell on her body, all looking at her.

She didn't have to look back one by one, she could feel the meaning of these gazes, and she felt even more annoyed.

Get up, or get up?


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