Medical Martial God

Chapter 1105: Blood Queen!

"Say, why did you help me?"

In the resting pavilion, Ye Xuan sat on the bench looking indifferently at Xue Tong, who had just shot in front of him, with a calm voice in his mouth.

He didn't think Xue Tong just wanted to help him, obviously she had a purpose to help him.

Of course, if Xue Tong said it was because he was too handsome and he liked him, then maybe he would believe that he was lost, after all, he has always been very confident in his face.

What's more, Xue Tong's strength is not high. She can come here, obviously not so simple on the surface.

"Ye son, I want to follow you, and I implore Ye to accept it!"

Xue Tong took a deep look at Ye Xuan, and then seemed to have made some kind of decision. He knelt in a respectful fist to Ye Xuan and opened his face frankly.

"That's why you helped me?"

Ye Xuan was unmoved, still calm.

"The son-in-law is a hero, and the talent for practice is even more extraordinary. He possesses great luck. Xue Tong just saw through the illusion of the son-in-law, knowing that it was the son-in-law's test for our group of casual repairs, so he came forward. She was in front of the son, and she wanted to get a good impression from the son, at the same time, she wanted to follow him, and asked the son to keep it! "

Seeing Ye Xuan was unmoved, Xue Tong continued to open his fists.

"Did you see my illusion?"

Hearing Xue Tong's words, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed a look of surprise.

"Without concealing the son, Xue Tong is quite good at illusion, but ..." Xue Tong hesitated and whispered.

Only as she spoke, there was a gloom and complexity in her eyes.

"Why would you want to follow me? I'm just a nether monk!"

Ye Xuan thought for a while and asked Shen.

"Although the son is now low-level, his combat power is particularly horrible. He can even fight with the Nirvana strongman, and the son has a great luck, and his future achievements will not be low ... Following the son, Xue Tong can also There is a good future. "Xue Tong's eyes stared at Ye Xuan, his eyes were full of sincerity and sincerity.

"That reason is not enough, and your worth ..."

However, Ye Xuan shook his head gently.

"My son, I don't hide it. My past practice was to achieve great success in reincarnation, because it caused a particularly terrible enemy. When I was about to break through to immortality, the enemy came to the door, but I was eventually betrayed by the family and abandoned. The enemy was badly wounded, repaired and fell into the realm of seal, and became a slave to others. After hundreds of years of slavery, I spent countless efforts to escape. In order to avoid the enemy ’s opportunity, I came to this earth and wanted to touch Luck, I hope to be able to resume my cultivation and lift off my seal ... "

"However, my enemies are too strong. Even if my strength is restored to the peak, it is impossible to avenge revenge. The son has great luck and will have great opportunities in the future spiritual path. It will be a powerful party, and I will be able to avenge myself with the help of my son! "

Xue Tong may really want to rely on Ye Xuan, and did not conceal his life and secrets, and told his entire past.

Hearing Xue Tong's words, Ye Xuan was secretly surprised. Obviously, she did not expect that this woman had such a past, and she was once a figure of great reincarnation.

However, she was severely hit, her realm fell, she was repaired as a seal, and it was impossible to recover to the peak.

The strongest level of reincarnation can be regarded as a strong party, have their own arrogance, even if the realm is dropped, repaired as a seal, they will never easily follow others and serve others. This Xue Tong has been enslaved for a hundred years, and her own pride has already been smoothed out, otherwise she would not have been mixed with these monks, nor could she plead for Ye Xuan in such a low voice.

One hundred years of slavery has made people scalp just thinking about it. Xue Tong's past may be miserable to the extreme.

Ye Xuan could not help feeling sympathy for Xue Tong's experience, after all, he had similar experiences.

However, this does not mean that he is about to accept this Xue Tong and let her stay with him.

In the face of Xue Tong's persistent anticipation, Ye Xuan reached out and grasped Xue Tong's wrist, took her pulse, and carefully felt the state of her body.

After a while, Ye Xuan retracted his palm, shook his head gently, and said lightly: "Sorry, the injury in your body is too serious, and the meridians in your body are all destroyed. It is too difficult to repair, basically it is a waste. I don't think you have enough value ... and I don't even think about getting paid. "

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Xue Tong's face was pale and pale, and the whole person looked particularly disheartened.

When she fled, she was instructed by an expert, saying that she would meet a noble person who changed her destiny on earth, so she spared no effort to cross the stars and came here thousands of miles.

Through a series of observations, plus her proficient methods of looking, she found that Ye Xuan had a great fortune, and felt that the noble person who changed her destiny in the senior population was Ye Xuan. Sincerely trusted, but did not expect to be rejected.

As Ye Xuan said, her entire meridian is destroyed, and it is basically impossible to recover, and she has become worthless.

Otherwise, she will not fall to such a point.

After speaking, Ye Xuan took a deep look at Xue Tong, stood up and walked away.

"My son, I know the mystery of these steps, which will allow you to successfully climb Fengshen Mountain ..."

Looking at the back of Ye Xuan's departure, Xue Tong clenched his jade hand and gritted his teeth.

This is her only value.

"No, I can do it myself ..."

However, Ye Xuan's footsteps did not stop.

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Xue Tong's face was even paler, and a miserable smile appeared on his face ...

Yeah, Ye Xuan is a man with great fortune and extraordinary talent. How could he not reach the top of Fengshen Mountain?

"Master, the blood on your woman is not simple. It is extremely rare even in the universe. If you take her as a slave, it will be very helpful for your future!"

However, at this time the demon Barbara jumped out at this time and landed on Ye Xuan's shoulder.

"The blood on her?"

Hearing the words of the demon Barbara, Ye Xuan didn't frown, leaving a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Yes, if I read it correctly, she should have the rare undead blood in the universe."

Demon Barbara carefully looked at Xue Tong and nodded gently.

"Immortal bloodline?" Ye Xuan's eyes were more confused.

"Undead blood is extremely scarce in the universe. Only when the Witches and the Undead are combined can they have a one in 100 billion chance of being born, with an undead body and endless longevity, and her blood can heal any injury and accelerate the recovery of the injury. . That is to say, if the host leaves this woman with her, if she awakened the undead blood that day, then it is your medical kit, even if it is injured by the eyes, it can be treated and recovered. "

The demon Barbara said excitedly.

Ye Xuan's face was full of surprise, and clearly did not expect Xue Tong's unactivated undead blood to be so scary and powerful.

If she were to be with her, wouldn't it be equivalent to staying in the spring while playing games.

"Are you sure she has undead blood?"

Ye Xuan asked quickly.

"It's 100% sure. Just when you first checked her physical condition, my demon Barbara checked her all over her body. She has great potential in the future, becoming a master, even a domain master. The strong are indifferent. "

The demon Barbara nodded slightly and said with certainty.

He was more and more admired by his own way of fortune, and he was more sure about Ye Xuan who was the one with great fortune. Otherwise, how could he even meet the guys with immortal blood flowing on him.

The demon Barbara was already determined to give the host a good deal.

On hearing that, Ye Xuan's eyes flickered, and he nodded, and he couldn't help walking, and stopped.

Turning his head, looking at the desolation, Xuetong with a pale face, Ye Xuan sighed softly, and said lightly, "Do you really want to follow me?"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Xue Tong, who had lost her heart and had no faith at all, suddenly slumped and quickly returned to her mind: "Xue Tong is willing to swear to follow the son, only to ask the son to avenge me!"

"How strong is your enemy now?"

Ye Xuan frowned, hesitating, Shen Shen asked.

"At that time he was the pinnacle of immortality. I am afraid that his talent has reached immortality ... However, the host does not need to worry and worry, no matter how many years I can wait, only the host promises to be willing to I can take revenge. "

Xue Tong thought about it, and gritted his teeth.

"Okay, I promise! However, I have no words to say, I need to take a martial vow. From now on, your life is mine!"

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, and said indifferently.

"I Xuetong took an oath of martial arts. From now on, my life belongs to the son of Xuan Xuan, and he will swear to follow him.

Ye Xuan's words gave De Xuetong's face a ecstatic expression, and he quickly made a martial arts oath.

At the moment of taking the martial arts oath, Xue Tong only felt that the power that had been pressing her suddenly disappeared. The whole thing was light, and she felt very comfortable.

She knew it was her luck that had changed invisibly at this moment.

This made her more convinced by the words of the senior man, that Ye Xuan was the noble she hit.

Ye Xuan also felt that his body seemed to be blessed by an invisible power. He wanted to explore, but this power disappeared.

"Xue Tong meets the son!"

After taking the martial arts oath, Xue Tong knelt down against Ye Xuan on one knee and opened his fists.

"Take these healing dandan and spirit stones first. I will find ways to reshape your meridians and internal injuries. As for your seal, I will also find ways to help you lift ..."

Looking at Xue Tong, Ye Xuan groaned for a moment, handed a storage ring to Xue Tong, and said lightly.

"Thank you son!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Xue Tong was ecstatic and thanked him quickly and respectfully.

Suffering from a serious injury, a seal, low strength, and falling from the realm, she is indeed a poor man, lacking healing elixir and spirit stone. These things Ye Xuan gave her are very useful ...

Ye Xuan nodded slightly and walked towards the climbing stairs. He seemed to think of something. He stepped forward and turned to face Xue Tong.

"From now on you will be renamed Blood Ji!"

"Blood Concubine, obey!"

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