Medical Martial God

Chapter 1114: Seal God treasure stand!

Since there is inheritance on every Fengshen platform, then Ye Xuan will naturally not let this opportunity go easily.

Although Ye Xuan do not know what the inheritance on Fengshentai is, it should not be too bad to think about it. After all, Ye Xuanguang went to Fengshen Mountain to get the rewards, and he also got God's Wrath. It is not complete yet.

At present, Ye Xuan's gaze is that the thirty-six shadows sitting on the platform from the Fengshen platform slowly swept away, feeling their strength.

The strength of these 36 guys is extremely strong, and the weakest is Nirvana Realm. It is not Liu Feng that they can compare. Even the strength of five of them has reached the peak of Nirvana Realm. Two others Ye Xuan could not see the depth of their realm, which gave Ye Xuan an extremely strong sense of crisis.

Of course, Ye Xuan paid the most attention to the immortal emperor and the emperor.

However, these two guys don't seem to look at Ye Xuan at all now, neither have they looked at Ye Xuan.

It seems that I felt Ye Xuan's gaze. A large part of the figure sitting cross-legged on the thirty-six Fengshen stage slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Xuan indifferently. An invisible coercion quietly followed Their bodies spread out, causing a strong oppression.

"My son, if you want to get to Fengshentai, you must first pass those Fengshen pillars. Those Fengshen pillars are not mortal things, forming together to form a matrix. If you step on the wrong step, you will never lose it!"

The star mark seems to know a lot about this, and quickly explained to Ye Xuan: "After passing the test of Feng Shenzhu, you can go to the point to challenge the people above Feng Shentai!"

"Of these 36 people, Liu Yefeng's strength is the weakest. He is a casual practitioner who has achieved Nirvana. He is thinner than others and his son can challenge him at that time. ! I challenged him half a month ago and I was defeated by him! "

Xiongba also added at this moment.

Ye Xuan nodded slightly, but didn't say much but jumped forward and landed firmly on the starting Fengshen pillar.


When Ye Xuan fell on Fengshenzhu, a horrific force burst out suddenly. At this moment, all Fengshenzhu lit up a dazzling light, and Fengshenzhu began to move at high speed. They formed The matrix method is activated at this moment.

At this moment, each Fengshen pillar seemed to turn into a gigantic python roaring in the sky, and the sharp swords inserted next to them reflected the dazzling light, a dangerous breath quietly Spreading out from time to time makes people dare not take a step forward.

Fengshen psychedelic formation, one of the top lost formations, once a strong person stepped into it, they will fall into various illusions, eventually losing themselves completely and difficult to extricate themselves.

Looking at the changing Fengshenzhu in front of her eyes, there was no slight wave on Ye Xuan's face. When her mind moved, the ice and fire eyes opened quietly.

As the ice and fire yin and yang eyes opened, the sight in front of it changed again. The Fengshenzhu, which was originally a python, was restored to its original state, but there was a majestic flow of energy in each of the Fengshen pillars, including three The flow of energy in Fengshenzhu is the most turbulent.

"Should they be the eyes?"

Ye Xuan's eyes were narrowed, and there was a murmur of words in his mouth.

At the moment his words fell, the dragon blade in his hand suddenly came out of the sheath and chopped it out sharply.

A dazzling sword bloomed suddenly, bombarded towards one of the Fengshen pillars.

It's a pity that Dao Mang landed on that **** column but was bounced off by him, but Feng **** column was indifferent.

However, under the attack of Ye Xuan Dao Mang, the roots of the **** column were full of light, and an aura condensed python rushed out of the **** column, opening the blood basin and mouthing towards Ye Xuan. Come……

Seeing this, Ye Xuan's face remained the same. While moving to avoid the attack of the Aura python, the dragon blade in his hand once again sheathed, and all the blades containing the meaning of reincarnation were chopped out suddenly, toward the three sealed **** pillars. The bombardment left, the light of the formation was more vigorous, and those aura pythons attacked more fiercely.

"Master, don't launch an attack on Feng Shenzhu, it will absorb the energy of your attack into a matrix operation!"

"My son, this array contains the metaphysics of space, and can only calculate the foothold to pass ..."

Xiongba and Starscream both spoke quickly.

However, Ye Xuan ignored it, and the attack became more fierce and fierce. The dull collision sounds awakened the guys on Fengshen platform who had closed their eyes to realize the inheritance.

"Cut ... if you can't do it yourself, do you want to break the line with this strength?"

"Is this guy a fool, he has activated this formation completely!"

"This array is weird. Without the power of reincarnation, it can't be broken at all. It can only be carried on by its own strength! This guy's wanting to break the array is simply delusional!"

"This kid wants to break the battle, so innocent!"

Looking at Ye Xuan ’s outrageous way of breaking, there was a touch of play and abuse in the eyes of the guy on the Fengshen stage. There was an extremely disdainful voice in his mouth. Looking at Ye Xuan was like looking at a brain. Residual.

They are all those who successfully passed this formation. They know this formation very well. The stronger your attack, the stronger his counterattack, and the greater the power of the formation!

If you want to pass this array, you can only find the weak points in the formation method, and then withstand the attack of the formation method.

Forcibly breaking the line like Ye Xuan, in their eyes, they are trying to die.


While they were speaking, Ye Xuan had performed all his attacks, and the dragon blade in his hand made a clear sound in the scabbard.

"Kah Kah Kah Kah ..."

The moment Ye Xuan closed her sword, the sound of cracking like an eggshell sounded quietly.

With this sound continuously sounding, there were a few cracks appearing on the three Fengshen pillars that were attacked by Ye Xuan, and then burst into pieces under the watchful eyes of those guys in Fengshentai. .

The matrix method originally composed of Fengshenzhu collapsed at this moment, and those auras condensed pythons uttered an unwilling roar, gradually disappearing into the sight of everyone.


The ground trembled, spreading a hand-like thickness of cracks. People sitting cross-legged on the Fengshen platform even felt that the ground was moving. Their Fengshen platform moved out to the side, as if there was something to break through the ground. Out of the ordinary.

"Damn, what the **** did that kid do?"

"How do I feel that the energy in Fengshentai is rapidly flowing?"

"Asshole, what the **** is going on?"

"Mom, suddenly the line that I was just enlightening is gone?"

This sudden change has changed the face of the people on the Fengshen platform, and the voice of anxious and corrupt words came out of their mouths.

Xiongba and Xingchen were also shocked. Obviously, he did not expect Ye Xuan to make such a big noise. Wouldn't it completely offend the 36 guys on Fengshen Terrace?

If they vent their anger on Ye Xuan when they are angry, then it is over!

The three of them could never be the opponents of the thirty-six.

"Boy, what did you just do?"

A young man with fangs yanked out his sabre at his waist, pointed at Ye Xuan, and said coldly.

Ye Xuan didn't bother him at all, but stared indifferently at the cracked earth, his brows frowning tightly, he could feel the rushing energy in the ground.


Just then, a trembling dragon yin came from the ground.

With the sound of the dragon chanting, the pillars carved with golden dragons emerged from the ground. They combined to form a golden channel in front of Ye Xuan.

At the end of this passage, a table emitting golden light, surrounded by countless dragons, rises above the thirty-six Fengtai on the four sides, exuding the supreme majesty and deeply shaking people's eyes. .

On the stage surrounded by dragon spirit, dragons and phoenixes surround it, and the visions are full of implications, which are obviously higher grades than Fengshentai.

"So ... what's that?"

Looking at the rising platform, the people around them spoke with shocked faces.

Ye Xuan ignored the shocked and surprised people. Although his heart was full of shock and surprise, his performance was quite calm, and he stepped on the golden dragon pillar step by step towards the treasure platform.

Finally, sitting on the treasure table.

When Ye Xuan was sitting on the treasure table, the majestic dragon spirit was continuously poured into his body, not only that, but also the hot Phoenix flame sprayed out from the treasure table, facing Ye Xuan's The body is tempered.

This kind of feeling not only did not let Ye Xuan feel the slightest pain, but made him feel relieved, and his body made a crackling sound. His three thousand dragons in Dantian continuously absorbed dragon gas and fire. Gradually solidified, his breath became more and more powerful under the horrified gaze of people around him ...

"Longqi quenched!"

"Burning fire!"

Looking at Ye Xuan on the podium, the people around them finally came back from shock, their eyes were filled with greed and fiery, and there were excited words in their mouths.

"Damn ... the heritage on that throne is the most powerful!"

"Damn, this kid is a lucky shit!"

"Well, how can such a big opportunity let this kid get it, little mess, and roll it down for Lao Tzu!"

The next moment, these monks on the Fengshen platform all rushed towards Ye Xuan with a strong killing intention.

How could they not **** this opportunity.

"My son, be careful!"

This scene greatly changed the face of the two males, Starburst and Stars. They rushed under their feet, and they leapt out, blocking Ye Xuan and stopping those who attacked Ye Xuan.

"Hmm ..."

However, the two men, Xiongba and Starscar, were hit hard by stopping them for less than five breaths, spraying a lot of dark blood in their mouths.

After all, they only have two people, how could they be the opponents of this group of people.

Xiongba covered his chest, his eyes glanced coldly from the people around him, and finally fell on the handsome man headed by him, with a loud rumor in his mouth.

"Luotian, what are you doing?"

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