Medical Martial God

Chapter 1117: Kill God!

"Boy, if you are acquainted, now obediently give me a kneel and scratch your head for mercy. As a dog of mine, maybe God can spare you not to die!"

Luo Tianshen was full of blood, and hovering in the air, looking down at Ye Xuan, his mouth filled with a strong killing voice.

This was his warning to Ye Xuan. He used the power of blood to change himself and started to call himself God.

In the past, even the most powerful opponent had to kneel at his feet after seeing his exertion of bleeding veins, and Ye Xuan would be no exception.

"As much nonsense as ever!"

However, it was Ye Xuan's indifferent words that answered him.

The moment Ye Xuan's words fell, his eyes flashed coldly, and the dragon blade in his hand slashed out at Luo Tianshen.

The first explanation of the Dragon Blade: Dragon of God!


The next moment, a majestic sword turned into a ferocious dragon shadow and rushed towards Luo Tianshen with a sharp killing intention.

However, Luo Tianshen did not dodge at all, and even did not defend, let the dragon-shaped sword fall on him.

The dull collision sounded, and the dragon-shaped sword qi was smashed by Luo Tianshen's **** qi, and Luo Tianshen stood intact without any damage.

The Luotian **** at this moment, like the supreme god, is high above, despising the life.

"Last time, kneel and scratch your head for mercy, be a dog of God!"

Luo Tianshen stared indifferently at Ye Xuan and said coldly.

It was too cheap to kill Ye Xuan. He wanted Ye Xuan to be one of his dogs. He was called and tortured so that he could show his majesty.

Ye Xuan didn't speak anymore, but slammed his way. Three thousand dragons burst out and quickly wrapped his body, and the color of the flame and the color of his hair were turning white at the speed that the naked eye could see. The breath is skyrocketing at this moment.

White dragon form, open!

Enter the magic eighth realm, open!

Thunder status, open!

Dragon Race, open!

It only took a moment to break through the Yin Realm and reach the Yang Reality, and it continued to skyrocket.

Yang Reality Xiaocheng!

Yang Reality Dacheng!

The peak of yang reality!

Haven't stopped yet!

Yang Reality is Great!

Nirvana Realm!

Only at this moment did Ye Xuan's soaring breath stop, and a powerful breath spread out from Ye Xuan's body, and the surrounding air shook a trace of ripples.

Now Ye Xuan, who has increased his strength, can use his strength to raise his strength to Nirvana.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's breath soared exponentially, and the momentum and oppression were not much weaker than Luo Tianshen!

"What secret method does this guy show? It has raised the spiritual realm so much!"

"It was just the cultivation of the shadowy realm that I was suddenly elevated to Nirvana!"

"This secret method of ascension is too scary!"

"Just now he was able to fight Luo Tianshen without promoting Xiu Wei. Now that both sides have improved Xiu Wei and his strength, can he still compete with Luo Tianshen?"

Feeling Ye Xuan's soaring breath, watching him who looked like the King of Dawn, the people watching the battle were shocked, and the eyes looking at Ye Xuan were full of shock.

"This son, you must get rid of it!"

Xiao Jinchen, Soul Tianyin, Ren Yuan, Jue Xian, the four of them could see the dignity in each other's eyes.

A kid on the earth can reach a level that threatens them. If they don't get rid of them, they will be disturbed!

At present, Xiao Jinchen's eyes surged coldly, facing the soul Tianyin, Ren Yuan, and the immortal. They said, "After a while, depending on the situation, if the boy and Luo Tianshen are defeated, then we will directly give them all killed!"

"it is good!"

Hearing Xiao Jinchen's voice, Soul Sky Voice, Ren Yuan, Jue Xian and others nodded without a trace.

"My son's fighting power is too strong, and he can hit Luo Tianshen like this!"

Stars stared at Ye Xuan's breath, and couldn't help but admire it.

"It's really strong, it's better than the others ... we're holding back."

Hearing the words of the star mark, the bully nodded gently, a flash of shame flashed in his eyes.

He is not a talented person. To reach the point where he is today, it is all sweat and effort to enter Nirvana.

Now that he has seen Ye Xuan's fighting power, his knowledge of himself is undoubtedly clearer ...

He secretly warned himself that he would have to redouble his efforts in the future, so that he could follow Ye Xuan's footsteps and revenge.

"Heal as soon as possible. I can't help those guys in the back Xiao Jinchen will take action. By then we can at least delay for a while!"

Right now, the hegemon is quickly speaking.

Hearing the words of the hegemon, Star Scar nodded gently, no longer observing Ye Xuan and Luo Tianshen, but closed his eyes and healed.

"This is a good way to improve your strength. It is very suitable for the god!"

Feeling the rising atmosphere of Ye Xuan, Luo Tianshen smiled coldly, and Moran's words came out from his mouth.

At the moment his words fell, his feet moved at his feet, and his shape disappeared strangely into a **** stream toward Ye Xuan. The sword in his hand slammed toward Ye Xuanyi with a bright sword The sword was cut off.


The terrible **** sword exploded suddenly, as if a **** tiger rushed towards Ye Xuan, it was extremely fierce.

However, Ye Xuan was unmoved, and the dragon blade in his hand was also cut out with one stroke.

Reincarnation Sky Blade!

With Ye Xuan's action, six tangible sword qi and two invisible sword qi burst out from the dragon blade, whistling towards Luo Tianshen!

The six tangible sword qis collided with the Scarlet Tiger Sword in an instant, and the sound of a violent explosion erupted, and the energy of terror spread in all directions.

However, the two invisible sword qi passed through the center of the explosion, and they kept on attacking and killing Luo Tianshen.

Although these two invisible blades are very secretive, they are still acutely noticed by Luo Tianshen, and a beautiful lateral shift on the side of his body is to escape.

Ye Xuan took advantage of the star-movement method to appear in front of Luo Tianshen at this moment. His eyes flashed with cold light. The right-handed dragon blade carried Ling Yue's killing intention to Luo Tianshen's head. He beheaded, but was resisted by Luo Tianshen's slayer sword.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan gave a cold hum in his nose, a flash of murder in his eyes, and his left hand, full of majestic energy, was pressed sharply towards Luo Tianshen's chest, and a round of silver moon rose behind Ye Xuan.

The second martial art of Yin Yang Ba Ti Jue-Can Yue!

When a strong crisis came, Luo Tianshen flashed fiercely in the eyes and did not dodge. He also blasted out with a palm, and the gods behind him snarled and snarled against the sky with the same palm.

"Strike the palm of God!"


The next moment, the dull collision sounded loudly, and Ye Xuan and Luo Tianshen's palms were hard together.

The force of terror spread like a stormy wave in all directions. A wild wind sounded in this world. The moon behind Ye Xuan shattered, and a lot of dark blood sprayed from his mouth was shaken out.

Luo Tianshen also vomited blood and flew out, and the arm of God behind him cracked and made a terrible cry!

"Pedals ..."

Both Ye Xuan and Luo Tianshen were shocked by the terrible power of the two in the palm of the hand to glide hundreds of meters in midair before stabilizing their bodies.


"Is there anything wrong, Luo Tianshen, who has exerted his blood power, is only as good as the boy who fought?"

"This ... is this fake? That kid can fight the Luo Tian **** who exerts the power of bleeding to such an extent?"

"Luo Tianshen can't hold back that boy even by exerting his blood?"

"Nima, am I right? There are still people in the Hengyun world who are the opponents of the young master, and that guy is still from the earth?"

People watching the battle all around have been shocked by this scene. A thick mistake appeared on their faces, and a series of uproar came from their mouths ...

Obviously, they did not expect that even if Luo Tianshen had exerted the power of the blood, they could not completely crush Ye Xuan, but they only competed with Ye Xuan, which undoubtedly made them astray.

This is nothing else, but because Luo Tianshen's reputation in the Hengyun industry is too great, and his comprehensive strength is enough to rank among the top three in the young generation of Hengyun industry.

Because of this, people have high expectations for him.

However, now they see that Luo Tianshen has not been able to win Ye Xuan, a waste of the earth, so they are so shocked that some people even have some doubts about Luo Tianshen's strength.

"It is said that Luo Tianshen is almost invincible among the younger generation in the Hengyun industry, but why is he too late to take down a piece of earth waste, should his strength be blown out?"

"This strength is obviously inconsistent with fame ..."

"Yeah, I think so too ..."

Some people couldn't help but think.

Luo Tianshen didn't have any thoughts at the moment about what these guys were thinking about, but rushed towards Ye Xuan like a lunatic and launched a stormy attack on Ye Xuan.

After a long attack, this guy is completely angry.

His hands, elbows, fists, palms, legs, and the exquisite sword in his hand all turned into sharp killing weapons, the offensive was fierce and endless!

However, in the face of Luo Tianshen's storm-like attack, Ye Xuan did not have the slightest confusion, but responded calmly and calmly.

After all, what he excels at is close combat, coupled with his physical nirvana, and his melee ability is far beyond that of ordinary nirvana, so he is not afraid of attacks like Luo Tianshen at all, and he is even used to his attack rhythm.

"Asshole, how can this guy's defense be so powerful! Damn it!"

After a long attack, Luo Tianshen uttered a curse, and his fist carried a powerful force with Ye Xuan.

The terrible power roared, and Luo Tianshen's body and Ye Xuan were shocked and knocked out by powerful forces at the same time.

However, this time, Luo Tianshen did not continue to attack, but suspended in midair, watching Ye Xuan coldly.

The majestic radon condensed in his hands, and the void in front of him cracked, and a **** spear full of endless ancient breath was drawn from the void by him, so that the entire sky became red at this moment. Become a sea of ​​blood.

The killing **** behind Luo Tianshen even grew six arms, and six blood-colored spears appeared in his hand.


Luo Tianshen stared coldly at Ye Xuan, with a loud drink in his mouth, and threw the **** spear in his hand, throwing out the spear in his hand.

The spear breaks, the world changes color,

The wind is rolling, the end is coming!

"God kill!"

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