Medical Martial God

Chapter 1119: Luo Tianshen recognizes counseling!

On Fengshen Mountain, the cloudy wind roared, and the waves of fire crisscrossed.

Ye Xuan's full-blown flames and the **** sea waves carried by Luo Tianshen swallowed each other, and waves of energy spread out from their mutually engulfing centers, raising a wave of wind pressure in all directions I want to devour everything around me.

The deep forest in the distance turned into an instant under the burning of Ye Xuan's flame, and withered instantly under the drowning of the **** waves of Luo Tianshen.

Waves of blood-colored waves were evaporated by Ye Xuan's Senbai flames, and a large number of Senbai flames were submerged by the scarlet ocean.


"Hmm ..."

With the sound of a huge explosion, a huge mushroom cloud was blooming on the sky. The horrible explosive power was spreading like a horror. The waves of Ye Xuan and Luo Tianshen could not help but be affected by the diffused energy. A black spit of blood sprayed out of his mouth, as if two shells were flying backwards.

However, at the moment when both of them were shaken out, they launched an attack on the other.

Luo Tianshen snapped a shot with Ye Xuan, and at this moment the sea of ​​blood behind him was condensed into a **** angry dragon and rushed towards Ye Xuan, swallowing away at him.

Ye Xuan smashed into Luo Tianshen, and the burning sea of ​​fire behind him at this moment condensed into a white fire dragon and rushed towards Luo Tianshen, biting at him.


Both shocked and repelled were unable to dodge their attacks on the opponent, and were hit by the Scarlet Rage and the White Fire Dragon at the same time, and a dull collision sounded.

Ye Xuan and Luo Tianshen sprayed a black blood again, pushed by the **** angry dragon and white fire dragon, and smashed into the distance at a faster speed.

"Hey ... pedaling ..."

Ye Xuan's body glide in the mid-air for nearly a kilometer and then backed up hundreds of steps before she stabilized her body.

At this moment, his shawl radiated, his upper body's defense was destroyed, his shirt shattered, his chest had a blood-colored dragon head print, and he was constantly dripping with blood, making him look weak and embarrassed. As the corners of his mouth flowed.

Ye Xuan stabilized his body, stretched out his palm and wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth. He looked down at the dragon's head print on his chest, his eyes flashed a cold light, and his body suddenly shook. The tyrant's body moves quietly, the chest injury is slowly healing, and the flowing blood has been stopped.

Subsequently, Ye Xuan raised his head and set his eyes on Luo Tianshen in the distance. His eyes were filled with undisguised warfare and enthusiasm, and there was a deep hidden excitement.

It's been a long time since he has met an opponent who can compete with him.

Compared to Ye Xuan's wolverine appearance, Luo Tianshen at this moment looks even more embarrassed.

His whole body was burnt by the flame of the Sky-Burning Fury cast by Ye Xuan, and his hair was burned a lot by the flame. The handsome face was like plastering the pot, the handsome figure was blackened, and the whole chest was even more black. He was hit by the flame white dragon, the sternum was broken, the chest was sunken, and the skin on the surface was burned, with a lot of blood flowing out, making him look like a savage.


"Unfortunately, Luo Tianshen has fallen!"

"Yeah, it looks terrible at the moment ..."

"True Nyima's horrific showdown, that guy almost defeated Luo Tianshen ..."

"This is definitely the most terrible look in Luo Tianshen's life!"

The energy on the sky is gradually dissipating, and people can see clearly what Luo Tianshen and Ye Xuan look like at the moment. They are all narrowing their pupils, widening their eyes, opening their mouths, and their faces are full of misunderstandings. There was a startling sound in his mouth.

Obviously, they did not expect that Luo Tianshen's appearance turned out to be so miserable that they could not recognize them.

"Boom!" Luo Tianshen's body shook, and his terrible energy spread across the body. He shattered all the dust and soot on his body, and the gas burst out, condensing into a blood-colored armor that wrapped his body, making him whole. A bit of image was restored.

He stretched out his palm and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He slammed a hand, a jade bottle emerged from his hand, and he lifted his head and drank the [Bayi Chinese Network] Xianlu Qiongmao. As a result, his originally weak breath was gradually restored, and the wounds on his body were slowly healing.

This fairy dew jelly is a fairy drink of the Chinese goddess. It is very expensive. Even many ordinary nirvana strongmen have to spend half of the net worth to take a sip. However, Luo Tianshen directly dried a bottle. One can imagine how profound this guy is.

"Miscellaneous, you have angered me completely! My Luo Tianshen's debut has never been as embarrassing as it is today, being forced to such a degree, but you are very good and excellent ... I recognize your strength, but ... Sorry, you must die today! "

Luo Tianshen looked up and stared at Ye Xuan coldly, and Moreng's words came out of his mouth.

Subsequently, Luo Tianshen turned his head and set his sights on the three Hengyun Zong Nirvana and Xiao Jinchen, Soul Tianyin, and said in a cold voice, "You have watched this drama for a long time, and you should start doing it! This kid has been hit hard now, and the rest is left to you! "

Hearing the words of Luo Tianshen, the three monks of Heng Yunzong, Xiao Jinchen, Soul Sky Voice, Ren Yuan could not help but look at each other.

They thought that Luo Tianshen would find a place to fight with Ye Xuan to die or die, but they did not expect that Luo Tianshen would simply not single out with Ye Xuan, but let them do it.

Nima, what does this mean?

Did your grandiose confession?

Isn't it time for you to use all your strength to hang the **** kid?

You let us do it, what about your face?

Of course, this is what everyone thinks, and they dare not speak these words out.

Even after hearing Xuan Luo's words, Ye Xuan couldn't help but stunned, and a lot of misunderstandings and puzzlements appeared on his face.

Your sister, Lao Tzu is playing very well, just now you are intrigued, what does it mean that you suddenly stopped playing?

"Hey ... shouldn't you ..."

Ye Xuan was about to speak, but was interrupted by Luo Tianshen's indifferent voice: "What are you doing without doing anything?"

"Luo Tianshen, you are too innocent, are you? You were still single-handedly with that kid, why should we do it now, are you afraid?"

Xiao Jinchen joked at this moment.

"That kid is a little tricky. If I want to kill him, I have to spend a lot of energy. This is not good for us to capture the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor. So I think it is better for everyone to work together."

Luo Tianshen's eyes flickered and he said saltily.

He did not beat Ye Xuan, nor was he afraid of Ye Xuan. Being an lord of Heng Yunzong, his IQ would not be low.

The battle against Ye Xuan just made him understand Ye Xuan's strength and reality. He was afraid that he would also be hit hard by killing Ye Xuan. At that time, he would lose the ability to protect himself and control the whole situation. If Xiao Jinchen, Soul Tianyin they started to deal with him, so the trouble is great, so he would only say so.

"Oh, I don't think that you, the grand master of the Hengyun Sect, will recognize him. In this case, we will kill the kid together!"

Ren Yuan and Jue Xian chuckled and set their eyes on Ye Xuan's body and said coldly.

Originally, they were still waiting for Luo Tianshen to defeat Ye Xuan and hurt them, but they were defeated, but now they are defeated, Luo Tianshen obviously guards them.

"So, let's do it!"

At the moment, Xiao Jinchen and Soul Tianyin said coldly.

"Do it!"

At the moment their words fell, all of them at this moment carried Ling Ye's killing intentions and slid towards Ye Xuan.

These guys really regarded Ye Xuan as a nail in their eyes, and anxious to get rid of him immediately.

"Damn, these guys are so shameless that they attacked ..."

"Now, I can only fight with them!"

Seeing this, Xiongba and Xue Tianhen's complexions could not help but change, and rushed out to Ye Xuan's side.

Looking at those siege Xiao Jinchen, Soul Tianyin and others, Ye Xuan's expression gradually became more dignified.

He thought that these guys were in their own separate ways, but it was a loose sand, but he did not expect to join forces to deal with him temporarily.

At the moment, Ye Xuan's eyes flashed and his thoughts moved, and the Eighteen Paper People were flying out of his Void Lord of the Rings, turning into a faithful guard, blocking him in front of him. Is spread out from their bodies.

The sudden emergence of the eighteen nirvana strongmen let those rushed Xiao Jinchen, Soul Tianyin, their faces could not help but change, Xiao Jinchen waved his hand sharply, originally carrying a powerful charge against Ye Xuan assaulted them and their bodies stopped quietly.

"Eighteen nirvana level niches?"

Looking at the eighteen figures in front of Ye Xuan's eyes, I felt the exhilarating breath emanating from them, especially when several of them have reached the completion of Nirvana, Xiao Jinchen and Luo Tianshen's faces became extremely difficult to look, Obviously did not expect Ye Xuan still has such a hand.

The immortal Emperor and the Emperor Qing were both confused and shocked. They looked at Ye Xuan's eighteen nirvanas in a dull look, their hearts were extremely depressed, and they did not know how to describe them.

Their strength has been greatly improved. They thought that they could easily kill Ye Xuan, but they did not expect Ye Xuan to be able to compete with Luo Tianshen ...

When they thought that the big guys could work together to make Ye Xuan dead, there was no place for burial, but this guy Ye Xuan summoned eighteen nirvana scenes.

This is nothing more than vomiting blood to them.

What kind of fortune did this **** guy get in this zero-degree virtual world?

After all, they feel that the good fortune they have gained is big enough.

Luo Tianshen looked at the eighteen nirvana scenes in front of Ye Xuan, and there was a faint tinge of light on his face. If Ye Xuan had just used this in his confrontation with him, wouldn't he be in big trouble? ?

"Fortunately, I didn't fight with this guy just now!"

At this moment, Luo Tianshen's heart even surged a bit of luck.

Not only them, but even Xinghai and Xiongba who were confused with Ye Xuan were shocked by Ye Xuan's hand.

That's eighteen nirvana realms, and with his own consciousness, he can move and fight independently.

Such a handwriting can not even come out of those young masters of the big door?

I have to say that Ye Xuan refreshed their cognition again and again.

If these guys paid attention to Ye Xuan ’s climbing from the beginning, they would be able to see Ye Xuan ’s eighteen nirvana, knowing that he had this card, but after they climbed up the mountain, they were busy learning about the heritage of Fengshentai. Where can I pay attention to Ye Xuan? I didn't know that Ye Xuan had such a card.

"Are you going to fight?"

Ye Xuan looked indifferently at Xiao Jinchen, Luo Tianshen and others, asking coldly.

Hit your sister!

It's hard to tell the outcome.

Even if they won, they lost a lot.

Moreover, the subsequent opening of the Battle of the Gods of the Back requires a certain number of people to reach the top of the mountain. Both people are almost dead. Finally, the Battle of the Gods of the Wool is opened!

"Hum, let you live a little longer!"

Xiao Jinchen, Soul Tianyin, Luo Tianshen and others looked at each other with a cold hum in the nose and said in a cold voice.

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