Medical Martial God

Chapter 1131: Don't want to die, just come!

"Ye Xuan, you mean and shameless guy has used a hidden weapon to hurt Sister Tianyin. My Mike Wu fights with you!"

On the ring, with a roar of anger, a contest began again.

Mike Wu, a disciple of Taishang Soul Sect, a strong man of Nirvana Realm, is also an admirer of Soul Sky Voice.

Ye Xuan actually used a hidden weapon to seriously hurt Soul Tianyin in his duel with Soul Tianyin. This is undoubtedly annoying him as Soul Tianyin admirer.

When the evil emperor pronounced the name of the next challenger, Mike Wu boarded the ring with endless anger, exhausted all his life's exhibitions and revealed his peak combat effectiveness to launch a siege to Ye Xuan.

The long sword in his hand was waving at high speed, and the sharp sword qi was sprayed out from the long sword, carrying Ling Zhi's killing intention to kill Ye Xuan.

Not only that, Mike Wu summoned the two heavenly enchantments he had made at one time, so that the two heavenly enchantments swept away towards Ye Xuan.

Even Mike Wu, the one who hesitated to burn his vitality and Shou Yuan, caused his momentum to skyrocket, and his attacks became increasingly fierce.

For a time, Mike Wu's popularity threw down Ye Xuan firmly, forcing Ye Xuan to retreat.

This guy's fighting power erupting at this moment, even the strongest in Nirvana's pinnacle, must retreat.

Mike Wu's heroic fighting style has seen a lot of people enthusiastically.

"it is good!"

"Good job!"

"Mike Wu, you are so handsome today!"

"Brother Wu, I adore you so much!"

The five major female disciples who didn't pay much attention to Mike Wu are now shining their eyes, looking at Mike Wu's gaze full of undisguised enthusiasm and worship, with excited shouts in his mouth.

Hearing those shouts and cheers, Mike Wu felt a pride in his heart, especially when he turned to look at the soul Tian Yin who meditated and healed. He even smiled and nodded at him, which made Mike Wu only felt that his life had reached its peak, never before.

Once upon a time, in the Zongmen's obscurity, he would be shouted and screamed by so many female disciples!

Once upon a time, he was as imposing as he is now!

Once upon a time, the unattainable soul Tianyin would nod to him with such a smile!

The pinnacle of life is nothing more than that.

For the charming smile of the goddess in his heart, Mike Wu had already decided that even if he was to save his life, he would give this earth boy a lesson.

Sister Tianyin, wait, my Mike Wu will avenge you!

"Soul Sect Secret: Soul Burning Dafa!"

Thoughts flashed in his heart, Mike Wu gritted his teeth, patted one hand on his chest, his mouth spit out black blood, and the whole body's soul power was burning with layers of flame, making him imposing Climbing even more ferocious and powerful.

Just a moment, this guy's momentum rose from Nirvana to Nirvana's peak, and his mother's ascended ...

"Nima, burning soulpower, is this guy crazy?"

"Can this guy be the legendary licking dog?"

Ye Xuan looked solemnly at Mike Wu's fierce attack, looking at his burning soul power and rising breath, his heart was very speechless.

The woman in Soul Tianyin slandered him maliciously, saying that he had conspired against her!

In the end, where did he think that the woman had just done that was to provoke everyone's anger and set the stage for the future.

If there is no slander of soul sky sound, there is absolutely no such crazy and desperate man in front of this guy named Mike Wu.

And Ye Xuan also saw his mother Tian Tianyin just smiling at Mike Wu ...

Laugh at your sister!


Do n’t you smile at him, is he so desperately crazy, so burns his soul?

Do n’t you **** know that this guy is a licking dog?

Obviously, this soul Tianyin is intentional!

Damn, lick the dog and the green tea!

At this moment, Ye Xuan's fear of soul Tianyin deepened a bit, this woman would really play with people.

And the more and more crazy Mike Wu also gave De Xuan a heart of anger and upset.

Isn't this **** good for you?

If you do n’t teach this guy a little lesson and come and kill a chicken and a monkey, I am afraid that the battles ahead may be more difficult and crazy.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan killed a trace of murder in his eyes, and his right hand was already placed on the dragon blade around his waist.

"Roar! Beautiful, Mike Wu, you are so handsome, I'm going to marry you ..."

"Mike Wu, you are too strong, kill him, kill that despicable kid ..."

"Oh my God, Brother Mike Wu is so strong ..."

"Brother Mike Wu, I have a question and want to ask you ..."

Looking at Mike Wu, who was becoming more and more crazy, the female disciples of the Five Sects looked even more worshipped and fanatical, with excited voices coming out of their mouths.

Where do they think that Mike Wu, who is usually unobtrusive, is so powerful that he can press Ye Xuanda.

Hearing the enchanting cheering around him, Mike Wu's face appeared thick intoxicated.

He is just a discreet disciple in Shangzongzong. He has been obscured and never shouted and cheered. Now he is shouted and supported by people. It feels so cool, he has completely fallen into it.

At the moment, his attacks are becoming more and more crazy and hard. Ye Xuan's eyes are full of undisguised killing intentions, and cold words in his mouth come out: "One sword to solve you! One sword to the soul!"

The moment Mike Wu's words fell, his majestic soul burned as much as he could and turned it into a huge flame and slashed down at Ye Xuan.

"Roar! A strong attack, a terrible soul power, that kid is dead!"

Looking at Mike Wu's soul-burning sword, a higher exclamation came out for a while.


However, at this moment, the dragon blade in Ye Xuan's hand suddenly emerged.

A ray of cold light flashed away, and the soul-burning sword that fell to Ye Xuan was instantly divided into two. Not only that, the figure of Mike Wu in the air was also quietly frozen ...

Then, under the gazing of people's confused and inexplicable eyes, a bloodline emerged from Mike Wu's abdomen, and his upper body and lower body gradually separated ...

All the shouts and cheers stopped abruptly at this moment.

"I ... am I going to die?"

Mike Wu looked in horror at his separated corpse with a hoarse voice in his mouth.

"Hmm ..."

The words fell, and a large amount of dark blood was sprayed from his mouth, dying with anger, and the corpse fell heavily on the platform.

The scene was dead!

Everyone looked at Mike Wu's icy corpse stunned for a long time.

Who would have thought that Mike Wu, who had just had the absolute upper hand, was killed in the next second.

"Master Mike Wu ... keke ..."

Soul Tianyin was grief-stricken, and quickly struggled to stand up and rush towards the ring, but she just stood up, but her mouth was sprayed with a black blood, looking painful and chaotic.

"Ye Xuan, you mean man, do you have anything to do with me, don't hurt my brother, sister, brother ... Ye Xuan, do you dare to die with me? Even my soul Tianyin is I will kill you if I can save my life, and take revenge for Brother Mike Wu ...

Just next to the female disciple's help, the soul Tianyin barely stabilized her body, pointed her finger at Ye Xuan and said angrily.

Ye Xuan was aggressive again.

This soul Tianyin is addictive to acting.

Such acting, his mother did not go to the film and television industry after mixing a film, I am sorry for her acting.

"Ahem ... Ye Xuan, don't hurt my brothers anymore. If you have any dissatisfaction, please come to me. I will never let my brothers be hurt again."

Apparently, Hun Tianyin felt that the acting was not enjoyable, and then he continued to speak with a look of weakness but full of integrity.

"Sister Tianyin, you ..."

"Sister Tianyin, you're very impatient!"

"Sister Tianyin, don't worry, this thing is wrapped up in us. If it's my turn to play for a while, I will kill this despicable mess at all costs!"

"Well, uncle can bear it, but I can't bear it ... kill that despicable kid!"

Hearing the words of the soul and heaven, the young disciples of the Five Great Sects felt only sadness and anger in their hearts.

As men, they now want a woman to come forward to protect them. To such an extent, what kind of man are they? They are so angry now.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan's mouth could not help but pumped, this soul Tianyin acting is too **** good, this is completely pulling hatred on him ...

Especially when they felt that those guys wanted to kill and wish to swallow themselves, Ye Xuan was speechless.

He knew that his method of killing chickens, tamarins and monkeys had failed completely ...

The battle that he will face next is getting more and more difficult ...

"The next challenger, Heng Yunzong Xinquan!"

At this moment, the evil emperor who finished the lottery read it.

"Ye Xuan, the dog thief, die!"

His words had just ended, and a handsome, tall, middle-aged man rushed to the ring with Ling Jian's intention of killing, pulled out his sword, threw his scabbard, and attacked Ye Xuan.

The sword rang and the cold light overflowed.

The huge sword-mang straightened Ye Xuan's throat.

As soon as this guy came up, his mother burned her vitality and Shouyuan, and the fire was full!

The sword stabbed, leaving a black line in the space where it passed, reaching the extreme.

It was just an instant that he rushed to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan's face was cold, his eyes flashed a murder, and the dragon blade in his hand suddenly came out of the sheath.


The knife light passed, and the middle-aged man's long sword quietly broke. The invisible knife light passed by his side, dividing his body into two.

"Ye Xuan wins, the next challenger, Aoyue Jianzong is greedy!"

There was no slight wave on the evil emperor's face, and he spoke again.

"Despicable man, suffer!"

The evil emperor's words had just ended, and a scream of endless killing rang out. A young Leng Jun rushed to the ring with endless killing intention.

Waiting for the evil emperor to announce the start of the fight, this guy was the first to launch an attack.

He burned vitality and Shou Yuan to make his own breath constantly strengthened, his whole body was surging, his long hair was automatic without wind, the monstrous sword exploded, and his hands shot against Ye Xuan with one hand!

Human sword skills: Canglong Jianxiao!


With this guy's palm shot, the bright dragon groan sounded and the earth trembled. At this moment, the sword qi surrounding him gathered together to form a dragon biting towards Ye Xuan.

The sky and the earth are changing, and the storm is surging!

When this guy came up, he killed him, leaving Ye Xuan speechless to the extreme.

All these **** mothers have Viagra, right?

In the face of this sword-like composition, Canglong Ye Xuan did not dare to carelessly.

Pull the knife sharply!

Daoguang shot!

I only heard the sound of "Pu La", and the Canglong who was facing him was divided from the middle of the dragon head along the dragon's ridge and cut into two.

The young man who attacked was also torn by Daoguang, split in two, and died quietly.

Ye Xuan's voice full of coldness and coercion sounded quietly at this moment.

"If you don't want to die, just come!"

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