Medical Martial God

Chapter 1138: Ye Xuan drums!

After breaking through the realm, Saint Diroc did not finally try to strike the thirty-six flood drums, but set his sights on the most central and most striking questioning drums.

He intends to try it out.

After all, he has completely sounded the thirty-six flood drums, and more than once, so far he has hit a total of 108 times, which means that he has struck the thirty-six flood drums three times in sequence.

Relying on the massive counter-shock force that erupted to quench the body, St. DeRoach completed a tempering of his own body, a breakthrough, and his strength was greatly improved.

So, now, Saint-Maurice Dirk wants to try the war drum.

After all, any one of the thirty-six flood drums can only earn one point, and only one drum can be awarded one hundred points.

Such a huge points gap is indeed tempting, and people can't help but want to try it.

At the moment, Diroc took a deep breath, walked to the war drum, and stared at it with a dignified look.

"Does this guy want to try hitting the drum of war?"

"It should be, so far no one has been able to sound this drum of war!"

"I don't know what's so strange about this drum of war?"

"I don't know if that guy will be able to sound the drum of war!"

Feeling the actions of Saint Dior Rock, people could not help but talk.

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed a dignity.

Then, under their gaze, Saint De Dior took a deep breath, his whole body energy was working, and the sound of bones in his body echoed to the utmost power of his whole body.

The next moment, he rushed out like a demon, struck the fist wrapped in powerful forces and slammed into the battle.

With this punch, Saint Democracy exerted all his strength and showed his strongest punches.

Under the gaze of people's eyes, the fist of Saint Moroccan finally fell on the questioning drum.


An extremely dull and thick drum sounded.

An indescribable force of terror broke out from the drum, an unprecedented crisis of life and death permeated Saint Diroc's heart, and his face changed dramatically. It was too late to dodge. Hit by the force of the shock.

The wild and wild forces smashed and smashed into the body of Saint Derock, causing him to spray a lot of dark blood in his mouth, and his body was pushed by a terrifying force like a kite with a broken line. Fly out on the stage.

Wherever his body passed, the flowing blood drew a gorgeous arc in mid-air.


Seeing this, Ye Xuan's face could not help but change, the wild power in the body whistled, the soles of the feet slammed, jumped forward, and flew out like lightning, catching the inverted Saint Dirk. .

If it wasn't for Ye Xuan's proclamation of the three thousand dragons when he caught the Diroque, I'm afraid he would be wounded by the anti-shock force carried by Diroque's body.

"How's it going?"

Even so, Ye Xuan held St. Diroc and flew hundreds of meters backwards to stabilize her figure.

"Ahem ... no ... it doesn't matter, then ... that asking Ding Drum is too ... terrible, the power of counter-shock is more than ten times its own attack power. Do not try easily ..."

St. Diroc stood up hard, stretched out his palm and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and a weak voice came out of his mouth.

Hearing the words of the Holy Devil, Ye Xuan secretly nodded, and nodded gently.

"Sacred Dirk scored 208 points!"

At this time, the evil emperor announced the current score of Saint Derock.


Hearing the evil emperor's announcement, the people at the scene could not help but take a breath.

You must know that the previous contestants only scored one point, and the highest score was two points. Today, the Saint De Dirok scored 208 points, which undoubtedly shocked everyone and made everyone who came behind the scene feel. There was a tremendous pressure.

Of course, the game continues with the passage of time, and people with a little name come to the stage to beat the drums, but the final result is far from being comparable to Saint Mortimer.

Some people beat the drums with the method of Saint Derock, and struck seven flood drums at once, but they were shocked and died on the spot because they couldn't bear the terrible reaction force.

Some people have given up on hitting the 36 drums of famine, and instead set the target on the drums of the war drums. They tried their best to ring the drums of the war drums, but they could not fight the drums of war drums because of their own attack power or some reasons. It sounded, but was seriously injured or even died on the spot by the horrible counter-shock force.

As the challengers continue to try, people dare not have the slightest sympathy for these thirty-six flood drums and the war drums.

Everyone's look was solemn.

Soon it was the immortal emperor's turn to appear, and many people were extremely looking forward to the performance of the immortal emperor.

Of course, this guy's performance did not disappoint people either. He was all struck by the thirty-six flood drums. Whenever the horrible reaction force came and devoured his body, he would have a golden flame from his A body emerged from the body to repair his body, making his injury heal at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

"Is that Nirvana ancestral fire, is Nirvana ancestor giving this guy strength?"

Looking at the burning flames on the immortal emperor, Ye Xuan said solemnly.

He knows that Nirvana Ancestral Fire has a powerful repair effect and recovery ability, which can be called horror and pervert!

This immortal Emperor was only able to have such a strong resilience after being rewarded by a Nirvana ancestor Nirvana. From this we can see how horrible and difficult the true Nirvana Ancestor will be.

Looking at the immortal emperor who completely gave up the defense of crazy drumming on the stage, Ye Xuan's eyes gradually became jealous. The five-element elders, Luo Tianshen, and Soul Tianyin all looked extremely dignified. Ugly.

After all, before entering the zero realm, the immortal emperor was still one of their five dogs.

Of course, continuous drumming and the repair of the Nirvana Tinder have huge consumption and limits.

When the immortal emperor sounded 120 drums of flood and drought, he stopped.

Later, he set his sights on the questioning war drum in front of him. As long as the questioning war drum is sounded, his points will be able to completely surpass the Holy Devil.

Taking a deep breath, he took a handful of elixir into his mouth, and then the immortal emperor exhausted his whole body with his fists and smashed at the questioning drum.

"Hmm ..."

The next moment, the fist of the immortal Emperor fell on the questioning drum, but unfortunately the questioning drum did not make a sound.

This result caused the immortal Emperor to be stunned, and he did not wait for any reaction. The horrible power burst out. His mouth sprayed a lot of dark blood. The body flew out like a dead dog from the point. He fell down, was seriously injured, and completely lost his combat effectiveness.

In the end, the Immortal Emperor won 120 points!

Soon, both the Emperor Qing and the Sword Emperor also appeared one after another, and they also achieved good results with the Nirvana Tinder Protector given by the Nirvana ancestors, which were 128 points and 126 points respectively.

These points were all they got from the drums of the flood, they didn't try it.

Subsequently, the five major elders of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth also appeared in succession.

Although they are very powerful, they can even be described as unfathomable, but their performance is not eye-catching. They have respectively obtained 100 points, 98 points, 96 points, 92 points and 88 points!

As for the questioning drum, they all tried, but they did not ring the questioning drum.

If you want to sound the drum of war, you don't just rely on your own attack power. I'm afraid there are other tricks ...

So far, Saint De Dirok's points ranked first, Qingdi's points ranked second, Sword Emperor ranked third, Immortal Emperor ranked fourth, followed by the five-element elders ...

With the passage of time, Juxian and Xiao Jinchen both made their debut.

The performance of these two guys is also quite average, earning 86 points and 82 points respectively.

The glorious record set by Saint Devil's Rock is like an insurmountable gap that cannot be crossed.

Looking at the rankings in the standings, Luo Tianshen and Soul Tianyin both looked dignified and felt a tremendous pressure at the same time!

"Next, Luo Tianshen!"

With the sound of the evil emperor, Luo Tianshen boarded a little general.

Looking at the thirty-six flood war drums and the war drum in front of him, Luo Tianshen took a deep breath, the energy in his body was flowing, the whole body was surrounded by light, and the ghost of the **** outside the body appeared and began to drum.

"Hmm ..."

An afterimage swept across the stage from the point, and the rapid sound of drums of drums sounded, and a tremendous amount of counter-shock energy exploded from the drums of war to Luo Tianshen at a super fast speed.

However, Luo Tianshen simply ignored it. He used his excellent stature to avoid these counter-attack attacks, and his fists slammed on the flood drum continuously.

Behind him was a dense counter-strike force that chased them like a series of tracking missiles.

However, regardless of whether Luo Tianshen opened the distance between them by virtue of his excellent body, he still struck the drum of war hard.

In a hurry, the rapid drum sounds on the entire Fengshen Mountain sounded continuously, as if thousands of horses rushed to the battlefield.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"Knocking so many war drums at once disregards all those counter-shock forces. When these counter-shock forces gather to complete and seal his retreat, will he not be afraid of being eventually killed by the counter-shock force?"

"These counter-shock forces cannot be avoided. Everyone who beats the drum must bear it. Locking the target to track. Is he not afraid that his body can't bear it when he plays so many drums at once?"

"Crazy man, this Luotian **** is also a madman ... but his body is so **** fast!"

People were shocked when they saw the Luotian **** turning into a streamer madly beating the flood drums.

When the thirty-six flood drums were beaten one hundred and thirty times, Luo Tianshen's retreat was completely sealed by a stream of anti-seismic force, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Looking at the Wuding War Drum next to him, the gracious light in Luo Tianshen's eyes flickered, and the slaying **** behind his teeth clenched his body, and then rushed toward the Wu Ding War drum at an extremely fast speed, while Luo Tianshen was holding The fist slammed into the drums.


The next moment, a dull voice sounded.

This is not the sound of Luo Tianshen's fist slamming on the stable battle drum, but the sound of the counter-shock force falling on the God of Slayer who protects his body.

The huge explosion sounded, the terrible power whistled, the slaying shadow of the **** was shattered on the spot, and the terrible force rushed into Luo Tianshen's body, the sound of bone fracture continued to sound, making him mouth A lot of dark blood was sprayed out, and the body flew out like a cannonball, and fell under the platform.

"130 points!"

Looking at the whole body of blood dripping, the whole body's bones were broken by several Luotian gods, the evil emperor shook his head gently and opened his face expressionlessly.

These guys have never found the mystery of these drums, and do not know the magic of war drums!

Although Luo Tianshen failed to ring the drums, his ranking of 130 points was not low, ranking second, which made the emperor's face very ugly. After all, he was second.

Then, the evil emperor glanced at the jade Jane extracted from his hands, and set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body, and said with a deep voice.

"Next, Ye Xuan!"

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