Medical Martial God

Chapter 1151: Death of Luo Tianshen (Part 2)

With the half-opening of the dragon blade, the burning flames that burned all broke out from the dragon blade without any warning. The fire wave spread around the dragon blade in all directions, making the entire sky turn into a flame at this moment. In the world, people seem to be in the hot stove.

The sudden devastating flame of Dragon Blade suddenly changed the face of Luo Tianshen, who had just laughed, and the unprecedented sense of life and death permeated his heart, making his hair all over his body.

He wanted to get rid of Ye Xuan's crazy retreat, but it was too late.

Because the dragon blade penetrated his body, and the hot flame released by the dragon blade had already rushed into his body, causing a lot of damage to his body, igniting him as a whole, making him a Living people.

"Oh no……"

Although Luo Tianshen's body has great life-recovery ability and no pain at all when the blood of God is fully opened, his body is drying up under the flame of the dragon blade at a speed visible to the naked eye. Zooming out, and he could only watch it all, making him look terrified, panic-stricken, and a cry of terror and despair in his mouth.

"No ... I don't want to die ... no ..."

Luo Tian's body collapsed, and he quickly pulled away from Ye Xuan. The whole was covered by flames, frantically scurrying and shouting in the sky, but it had no effect.

His body became drier with the burning of flames, his body became black in many places, and cracks spread out. Blood and flames continued to flow out, looking shocking.


"I want water! Who practices the water attribute method? Give me water and help me extinguish the flames on my body. Hurry up ..."

"Ah ... **** it, you guys move fast! \ '

Luo Tian's dignity rushed towards the personnel of the five sects with madness, and the voice of anxiety and corruption was heard in his mouth.

"Hmm ..."

"Boom boom boom ..."

Hearing Luo Tianshen's roar, someone suddenly performed martial arts of water attributes, summoning a water column to impact Luo Tianshen and pouring water on him.

"No, the water can't put out the fire on him ..."

"Damn, why is this happening?"

Unfortunately, these waters could not extinguish the flames on Luo Tianshen at all, but made the flames on his body burn more vigorously, so that the faces of the five major members could not help but change greatly, and anxiously shouted in their mouths.

"Ah ... no ... Ye Xuan, you **** ... I hurt so much ..."

Under the blazing flames, Luo Tianshen's blood was consumed completely, so that he no longer ignored the pain, the whole person's face became distorted because of the pain, kept on chasing and yelling.

"Xiao Luo, come to me!"

Seeing this, the five-element water elder's complexion was cold and cold.

Luo Tianshen had been burned by flames at this moment, and when he heard the words of the elder Five Elements Water, he rushed towards him.

The elder Shui looked cold, biting his teeth sharply, and twitching the seal. The basal ghost animal behind him opened his huge mouth, spit out a water bomb and blasted at Luo Tianshen, bombarding him.

"Boom ..."

The dull collision sounded loudly, and a shocking scene happened quietly.

Luo Tianshen, who was originally burned by flames, burst suddenly under the bombardment of water bombs, fragmented, and the bones of the whole body fell into pieces and fell from the air. He couldn't die again!

"Elder Water, you ... you killed Luo Tianshen!"

"Luo Tianshen died, was ... killed by Elder Water?"

"Brother Luo ..." Seeing this scene, the scene was suddenly silent, and everyone looked at the elder five-element water who was playing the water bombs blankly, and the words of astonishment came from his mouth.

Obviously, they did not expect such a solution.

"This ... this ... I ... I didn't kill him, I ... I just wanted to save him!"

The five-element water elder was also stunned, seeming a little helpless, and after a moment he quickly returned to God and quickly spoke.

"You ... you have to testify for me, Luo Tian really didn't kill me, I just wanted to save him with a water bomb, but I didn't expect his body had been completely burned by the flame ..."

Subsequently, Elder Water explained to the other four elders of the five elements.

Luo Tianshen is the genius of the Luo family in the Hengyun community. His status is extremely high. His death will inevitably make the Luo family angry. At that time, the Luo family will certainly trace the truth of Luo Tianshen's death ...

Once it is determined that Luo Tianshen killed him, even if he is the elder of the five majors, he may not be able to withstand the anger of Luo's family, and he will certainly come to him to speak.

"It's really nothing to do with it. Blame the kid if you blame it!"

"It was the kid who killed Luo Tianshen. It has nothing to do with Elder Water ..."

"Shui Lao, rest assured, I will testify for you!"

Hearing the words of Elder Five Elements Water, the other four elders of Five Elements spoke quickly after a brief shock.

As for the others, it was still a long time since they could recover from the death of Luo Tianshen.

Everyone stared at Luo Tianshen's burnt corpse burnt with flames, widened his eyes, narrowed his pupils, opened his mouth, and looked incredible.

This is Luo Tianshen, one of the most outstanding martial art geniuses in Hengyun. He bears supreme glory and reputation, but now he has fallen here and died so miserably.

You must know that Luo Tianshen is still laughing, everyone thinks he has won, that is the smile that belongs to Luo Tianshen's victory, but where would you think that things suddenly changed, Ye Xuan, who they thought was dying, launched a strong Counterattack, in the end, Luo Tianshen's death will end like this!

For the five majors, it is really difficult for them to understand and imagine.

"Blood ... Master Xueshuai ... Luo ... Luo Tianshen ... He's dead, what ... what should we do? Want ... to pass a book to that adult?"

The deputy general next to Xue Shuai was also shocked, staring blankly at Luo Tianshen's body, with a trembling voice in his mouth.

"No need, he's dealing with Nirvana ancestors at the moment, so don't be distracted! Let's suppress this for now!"

Xue Shuai's face was cold, his fists clenched, and his mouth was extremely cold.

In his opinion, Luo Tianshen is invincible, but even he did not expect that such a result will eventually be.

In the end Luo Tianshen died, but the boy named Ye Xuan was still alive.


"Xuan Ge is mighty, Xuan Ge is domineering! \ '

"Xuan Brother, he's so handsome!"

"Haha ... Xuan Ge won, it was Xuan Ge won!"

After a short shock, many earth monks headed by Ye Linger and Bi Linlin quickly returned to God after a short shock, and the words of excitement and excitement came from their mouths.

Ye Xuan was able to win, which is what they are most willing to see.

Looking at Ye Xuan who was slowly pulling the killing gun from his body in the air, their eyes were filled with indescribable excitement and excitement, as well as indescribable fanaticism and worship.

In their hearts, Ye Xuan once again created a myth, a miracle!

"Did Luo Tianshen die?"

Xiao Jinchen stared blankly at Luo Tianshen's body, which was also difficult to return to for a long time.

"It turned out that Luo Tianshen was defeated?"

The soul and sound of the sky are all stunned. The eyes looking at Ye Xuan are full of strange light, and there are murmurs in his mouth.

"I ... am I dreaming?"

Juexian was shocked and incredible, and some couldn't accept the immediate outcome.

After all, among them, his personal relationship with Luo Tianshen is the best. Now that Luo Tianshen is dead, he is unavoidably somewhat unacceptable.

"Unfortunately, we are still worried about Ah Xuan's guy, and that guy has solved his opponent. It seems that we can't hold back!"

Lin Feng, a mad monster, quietly breathed a sigh of relief, raised the dragon dragon sword in his hand, pointed at the immortal, and sneered and said, "The account between us should be calculated well!"


At the moment the crazy monster Lin Feng's words fell, he moved at his feet, his body was like lightning, and he rushed towards Lingxian with Ling Yue's killing intention.

"You want to die, I fulfill you!"

In the eyes of Juexian, the sword was waving in his hand, and a huge sword flew straight to the crazy monster Lin Feng.

"Yes, we can't hold back, Xiao Jinchen ... Come on!"

The divine Saint Dirk rubbed his fist, grinning at Xiao Jinchen, rushing out like a **** mad monster, waving his powerful fist and carrying wild force to attack Xiao Jinchen!

"Huh, I don't know if you can live or die, do you think you can deal with me?"

Xiao Jinchen's eyes flickered with cold light, a snort of disdain appeared in his nose, a flash of murder in his eyes, and his feet moved, his figure rushed towards the divine demon like a breeze, fighting with the divine devil.

"Although I don't like hitting women, it's a very difficult time!"

The beast demon Qin Qi stared coldly and indifferently at the soul sound, and looked coldly.


Soul Tianyin stretched out her white jade hand, stroking her forehead, and said with a smile.

"So ... don't blame me! You come out, little ape, little green!"

The beast monster Qin Qiao's eyes bloomed with his intentions, and his palm waved violently, the bright golden light and the dazzling green light flew out of his sleeve like lightning.



The earth-shaking dragon groan and wild roar sounded quietly. Under the gaze of people's eyes, Jinguang and Qingguang suddenly met the storm, turning into two giant beasts that crossed the sky and suspended in mid-air. Deeply shocked people's eyes.

"So ... that is the Titan King Ape?"

"Wu Chu, that is the legendary six-grade beast Akame Qinglong?"

"Nima, that guy even has two gods and the grade is so high?"

"No wonder people call him a beast, so this is the origin of his name?"

Looking at the two giant beasts that traverse the world, the shocking sound came from people's mouths.

They did not expect that the beast monster Qin Qiao would have two beasts.

"Damn, you picked the most difficult guy?"

Even Hun Tianyin's face could not be changed.

She thought that the beast monster Qin Qiao was the mad monster Lin Feng's weakest among them, but did not expect that this guy turned out to be a **** beast.

At this moment, Soul Tianyin's mood fell to the bottom of the valley.

I thought I picked a soft persimmon, but I picked a hard bone!

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