Medical Martial God

Chapter 1157: Fighting Soul Tianyin [Six thousand characters big

"Ye Xuan?"

"Oh my god, it's Ye Xuan!"

"Ye Xuan, he appeared?"

"Haha ... Brother Xuan is back, the monster is saved!"

"Great, Brother Xuan finally appeared, we won!"

"Xuan Ge is mighty, Xuan Ge is domineering, Xuan Ge is invincible!"

Looking at the birth of the earth, standing in front of the beast demon Qin Qiao, crushing the energy spear into a straight body shape, many earth monks who were extremely anxious looked at this moment are all excited and excited, with excited words in their mouths The sound came out.

"Huh, I know Axuan's guy will appear ..."

The mad monster Lin Feng, who had a worried face, and the night goddess, Anina, took a long sigh of relief at this moment.

The star marks, domineering, Ye Linger, and Bi Linlin finally dangled from the big stone hanging in their hearts.

Hidden smiles appeared on the faces of Queen Medusa and Xue Tianchen hidden in the crowd.

Even in that thrilling scene just now, they all rushed to worry about the situation of the beast monster Qin Qiao.

Fortunately, Ye Xuan appeared in time to resolve the crisis.

"Damn, that kid didn't die!"

"I thought the five-element elder had severely wounded the kid without killing him, and no longer had any combat power. I didn't expect this guy to jump out again!"

"This **** kid is really an undead Xiaoqiang!"

"Yeah, but look at him at the moment, he should be wounded, he can't be Tianyin's opponent at all, he just jumped out at this time just to die!"

"That is, don't worry, this guy will die terribly."

As for the disciples of the five main schools, their fists clattered, and Ye Xuan's eyes were full of resentment and anger, and the words of gritted teeth came out of his mouth.

Obviously, they were very dissatisfied and angry about Ye Xuan's sudden appearance.

However, to many of them, Ye Xuan rushed out at this time to die in vain.

Xueshuai and the three vice generals flashed cold eyes, staring coldly at the drilled Ye Xuan, and said nothing.

"Axuan, your kid appears, if you don't come out again, my life will be gone!"

Looking at the sharp figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, the beast monster Qin Qiao first filled his face with a smile, and a weak voice came out of his mouth.

"How's it all right?"

Ye Xuan turned his head and took off two Erjin needles to perform the anti-sky thirteen needles and the nine-variable fixed soul needles to pierce the beast demon Qin Kou's body to heal him.

"Don't worry, I can't die yet, just drag you back and didn't solve this woman!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, a helpless smile appeared on the face of Warcraft Qin Qi, and a shameful voice came from his mouth.

"This woman is not simple. Even her strength is far above Luo Tianshen. Even if I do n’t have enough confidence in her, you can drag her to now. It ’s great that Afeng's two guys won't make fun of you. Let me handle the rest here, you go down and rest! "

Ye Xuan lifted the beast monster Qin Qi from the ground and patted his shoulder.

"Okay! Then watch out for yourself ..."

The beast monster Qin Qiao nodded gently, dragging his injured body to the outside of the battlefield ...

"Want to leave? Is it possible?"

Seeing this, a icy cold light flashed in the soul Tianyin's eyes, and the thoughts moved, and the soul chant and the war **** chant turned into two streamers to get rid of the entanglement of the mutant wolf king and pursue the beast demon Qin hunt at super fast speed. And go.


Ye Xuan looked cold, with a humming noise in his nose, the stars moved under his feet, and his body suddenly disappeared into place.

When his body reappeared, he was already in front of the soul and war gods, and his hands carried powerful powers and smashed against them.


"Hmm ..."

The dull collision sound and the sound of vomiting blood rang out, and the soul eater and the **** of war were hit by Ye Xuan's fist and flew out like two artillery shells, gliding for hundreds of meters to stabilize their figure.

They did not attack Ye Xuan again, but appeared beside Soul Tianyin, standing respectfully behind her.

Soul Tianyin suspended in mid-air, staring coldly at Ye Xuan, with a cold light shining in his eyes, and a cold voice in his mouth came out: "I never thought you would have such a powerful power after the battle with the Five Elements Elder ... I look down on you! "

"I also look down upon you. A woman is practicing sculpting and has so many motives, aren't you afraid that no one will ask in the end?"

Ye Xuan yawned, and stretched a lazy waist, ignoring the murderous cold gaze of Hun Tianyin, said unhurriedly.

"No more nonsense, now only two of us are in this decisive battle. The ultimate victor will be me! The champion of deity, the Dragon Emperor inherits me."

Soul Tianyin struck with one hand and stepped forward. The powerful breath burst out suddenly, and the space behind her quietly shattered to reveal black holes, and the sharp arrows that exuded the coldness of the forest were Quietly emerged, exuding a cold glare.

"Go to death, meteor arrow rain!"

Afterwards, Soul Tianyin waved his hand, and the dense arrows turned into a stream of lights and attacked Ye Xuan, sealing his retreat to death.


Seeing this, Ye Xuan didn't care, smiled coldly, the dragon blade in his hand trembled, and the sheath suddenly appeared.

A majestic sword blast burst out from the dragon blade without warning, as if the crescent rushing towards the clouds and attacked the soul Tianyin.

The dense arrow rain quietly shattered and annihilated under the majestic wild sword air, and the whole sky seemed to be divided into two by this sword air.

This is the Haotian sword released by Haotian Badao, and its lethality can be called prehistoric.

Looking at the sword smash that smashed the arrow rain and left the attack unabated, Soul Tianyin's eyes flashed with a cold light, and she moved with one hand and stunned her. A huge star shield appeared to her. .

Astral Shield!


The next moment, the dull collision sounded, and the wild sword fell on the Star Shield. The horrible power burst out. Although it failed to shatter the Star Shield, it shook the soul sky sound. It took a long distance to stabilize the figure.

Hold your body in shape and look at Ye Xuan below. The soul of Tianyin's eyes flashes with a dignified light. The sword in the sword just now is extremely terrifying, making her feel like being in a tsunami, if not starlight Aegis guards, I am afraid that her entire body and consciousness will be swallowed up by the sword, and swallowed by the sword.

"It's a strong sword, but it won't hurt me!"

Hun Tianyin stared indifferently at Ye Xuan, took out a pair of gloves carved with the Phoenix badge from the storage ring and put it in his hand, saying, "I always wanted to be a gentle and intellectual woman, so I have n’t fight with these gloves for a long time, let you **** fist today! "

"Phoenix bloodline, open it for me!"

At the moment of the discourse of Soul Tianyin, her body trembled, and the phoenix on her fist seemed to come alive, and she uttered a tweet, and the wild and wild energy burst out from the body of Soul Tianyin Behind her, a huge phoenix ghostly emerged quietly, and a hot golden flame was burned on her fist, making her look incomparable in valour and sacredness!

"This is ... the blood of the Phoenix?"

"Phoenix nirvana gold body?"

"What a terrifying physical power, I feel the blood in my whole body has been greatly suppressed!"

"It is rumored that Sister Tianyin is from the Phoenix family, and the blood of Phoenix is ​​flowing in the body. I did not expect that the rumor was really true!"

"So terrifying, is Sister Tianyin so strong?"

"At this moment, Tianyin Shimei feels cool, like the Phoenix God of War!"

Looking at the sacred soul sounds surrounded by phoenixes and burning golden flames all over the body, the five disciples had a strong shock and enthusiasm on their faces, and there were shocking words in their mouths.

"Phoenix bloodline? This soul Tianyin is hidden deep enough! However, this is only fun to add a little more difficulty to the kid ..."

Even the evil emperor was shocked by the blood of the Phoenix revealed by the soul Tianyin, a smile appeared on the old face, and a calm voice came from his mouth.

"Ye Xuan, haven't you also practiced practice, is it a physical practice? Come on, let me see how long you can hold on to my fist!"

Soul Tianyin's phoenix flames burned all over his body, rubbing his fists, grinning at Ye Xuan, revealing two hundred white teeth.

At this moment, she completely lost her sexual perception and tenderness, and it felt like a war-hardy **** of war.

"Is the blood of the Phoenix?"

Ye Xuan stared peacefully at Soul Tianyin, feeling the powerful blood pressure brought by her body, and a voice of indifferent voice came out of her mouth: "Since you insist on being a man, then I will fully satisfy you It's up! "

"Bloom, big demon world!"

At the moment Ye Xuan's words fell, his right hand, which was burned by the blazing spirit, was pressed toward the ground like lightning.


The terrible magic gas burst out suddenly. The hard earth broke down at this moment. The monstrous magic gas and a large number of magic gas columns burst out from the ground and attacked the soul sky sound. Her dense retreat was complete. Blocked.

"Hehe ... the eagle worm trick!"

Seeing this, a disdainful sneer appeared on the soul Tianyin's face, and her body moved at a high speed, quickly avoiding the magic pillars that attacked her. Even if some magic pillars could not dodge, she was fisted. The powerful force he carried shattered.

From a distance, a huge enchantment of enchantment envelops Ye Xuan and Soul Tianyin, and a large number of columns of enemies burst out from the ground to siege against Soul Tianyin, while Soul Tianyin evades with interest It seems that these magic pillars are not in the eyes at all.

"Ye Xuan, you only have this ability? Is this your ultimate means? If you only do this, you will fail miserably and die ugly."

Easily dodging a column of magic gas, Soul Tianyin looked down at Ye Xuan, and sneered open.

"Is it?"

Hearing the words of Soul Tianyin, looking at her cold and miserable appearance, Ye Xuan's eyes flickered with cold light, her body trembled violently, her hair turned white at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the magical energy and column of magical energy released also All turned white at this moment, more white magic gas and white magic gas column burst out from the ground and merged together to form nine white dragons, opening their huge mouths and biting towards the soul Tianyin.

Great Devil's Prison Lock!

At this moment Ye Xuan has fully opened the white dragon form.

Jiutou Bailong rushed out too fast. Even the high-speed movement of Hun Tianyin was caught up by them instantly, making Hun Tianyin's face ugly and flashing impatience in his eyes.

"Since you can't hide it, destroy them all!"

At the moment when Soul Tianyin's words fell, her eyes flashed coldly, and her fist wrapped by the flame of Phoenix was smashed out like lightning.

Bang Bang!

The dull collision sounded, and Nine-Headed White Dragon broke and collapsed under the fist of soul sky sound.

However, when Soul Tianyin looked down again, he found that Ye Xuan did not know when it had disappeared strangely.

"Damn, what about that kid?"

Soul Tianyin looked ugly, and could not help uttering a curse.

"The sixth martial arts tiger yin of yin and yang overlords!"

"The seventh martial arts dragon roar of Yin Yang Ba Ti Jue!"


"Alas! \ '

However, her words had just ended, the roar of the dragon and the roar of the tiger sounded without warning at this moment, and the terrifying sound wave poured into her ears, causing her dizziness. Dizzy, a brief blank appeared in his mind.

"Soul Tianyin, where are you looking? The first martial art of Yin Yang Ba Ji Jue, Bailong Burning Sun!"

The cold voice sounded in Hun Tianyin's ears, which made Dean Tianyin's face change. She turned her head hard and looked at the fist of the sound, but Ye Xuan didn't know when to appear behind her and scream Fists slammed at her.

Nightmare Eye!

This sudden change made Dehun Tianyin's face change greatly, but his nightmare eyes that were trying to dodge Ye Xuan's eyebrows suddenly appeared and bloomed invisible light, making Dehun Tianyin's figure suddenly solidified!


At the moment when Soul Tianyin was lost, Ye Xuan's fist full of endless power was hit **** her belly, and the dull collision sounded loudly!

"Hmm ..."

Soul Tianyin's face was white, and a large amount of dark blood sprayed out of his mouth like a cannonball.

Apparently, he was not badly injured under Ye Xuan's raid.

However, Ye Xuan's attack didn't mean to stop, but rushed out, and pursued at this moment.

The moment Ye Xuan rushed out, his hands were jealous, and the majestic energy burst out from his body, and behind him was a golden **** full of majesty.

Some of them slammed their fists at Soul Tianyin, some smashed their hammers at Soul Tianyin, and some waved the golden sword in their hands to slash down at Soul Tianyin.

God's Wrath First Form: Hand of Divine Punishment!

Tenjin Fury II: Earthquake!

The fourth form of anger of god: angry sword Qinghong!

At this moment, Ye Xuan looked extremely sacred and fierce, and cast out all three moves of Tenjin's wrath at one time.

In the face of the wrath of the gods, the battered soul Tianyin could not dodge at all, but he could only slam his teeth to spur the blood and strength in his body to spur his strongest defense means-Phoenix Ancient Bell!

In a moment, an ancient bell surrounded by a phoenix shrouded the body of the soul Tianyin.


When the Phoenix Ancient Bell was formed, the first celestial **** that rushed out with a huge fist smashed on the Phoenix Ancient Bell, and a shocking ancient dragon bell rang out.

However, the ancient bell of Fenghuang did not break down because of this, but blocked the first form of the god's wrath, but the fine cracks appeared on the surface of the ancient bell of Fenghuang.


At this time, the second **** of heaven shook the celestial hammer and hit the fissure ancient bell full of cracks.

A huge explosion sounded loudly, and the cracked Phoenix Bell finally failed to withstand this terrible power and turned into fragments of the sky. The soul sound was also severely damaged, and a lot of dark blood was sprayed in his mouth. Fall down more quickly.

At this time the third **** of heaven rushed out, and he held up the invincible holy sword with his hands and slashed down at the soul Tianyin.

"Damn, Phoenix will not kill your hands!"

The thick crisis of life and death permeated the soul Tianyin's heart, her face changed greatly, she sprayed a lot of blood in her mouth, her hands surrounded by golden light, turned into two wildly violently towards the God's cut holy sword and blocked it. Give it a grip.

"Hmm ..."

Even so, the horrible sword gas carried by the holy sword also tore the defensive armor on the surface of Soul Tianyin's body, leaving a bottomless mouth on her body, which caused her to be severely damaged, and a large amount of spray was sprayed into her mouth. Blood, smashed towards the earth at a faster speed under the wild power of the holy sword.


Soul Tianyin's body slammed heavily on the ground, a huge explosion sounded, and the power of terror erupted. The entire earth was trembling at this moment. A huge pit and a huge trench cut by the holy sword emerged. Out.

However, Ye Xuan's attack is still not over.

Soul Tianyin is an extremely difficult opponent. How can he give Soul Tianyin a chance when he has the advantage?

At the moment, Ye Xuan's majestic soul force burst out, condensing into the sky into a huge palms, pressing violently towards the bottomless pit below.

At the same time, Ye Xuan's left hand Han Bing and his right hand were scorching fire, smashing into the deep pit below!

The third martial art of yin and yang power: burial of souls!

The fourth martial art of yin and yang tyrants: ice and fire!


Under the shocking gaze of countless people, the huge soul giant hand pressed into the deep pit, and two energy **** containing the power of ice and fire quickly burst into the deep pit and burst open.

The dust is flying, the dust is splashing, the energy is vertical and horizontal, the earth is shaking!

At this moment, people feel like a huge earthquake, and the whole Fengshen Mountain seems to be shaking and shaking.

"Snoring, snoring ..."

Ye Xuan stood in the air, panting heavily, but his gaze was staring at the deep and deep pit of energy below, dare not have the slightest intention.

After all, he wasn't sure if that soul Tianyin was dead!

However, under such horrible continuous attacks by Ye Xuan, even if the woman did not die, she was seriously injured.

"Hisse, that guy is too heartbroken, even such a fierce attack against a woman!"

"Well, this guy's mother is a pervert, attacking so fiercely ..."

"Soul ... Sister Tianyin will not die?"

"Well, smelly man, even hit a woman!"

"Is this guy a man? He should even fight such a beautiful sister Tianyin!"

"Sister Tianyin, don't worry about it!"

Ye Xuan ’s crazy attack deeply shocked many people at the scene. All of them were wide-eyed, and their mouths were wide open, staring blankly at the huge incomparable deep pit and the diffuse dust. There was a lot of talk.

"That guy's attack is too strong ... Soul Tian Yin is really too big!"

The blood handsome looked ugly, his fists clenched, and the words of gnashing his teeth came out.

He hated iron and steel!

Seeing that Soul Tianyin was about to win, but unexpectedly, Ye Xuan was seized by the opportunity to beat him for a moment.

"If the soul sound is not big enough, and you don't despise Ye Xuan's missed opportunity because of a sudden attack on Ye Xuan's serial attack, then she and the boy named Ye Xuan may still have a battle, and the victory is in the fifth Now, I am afraid ... "

The female vice general in red next to Xue Shuai also looked dignified and ugly.

"That guy's attack and beyond Nirvana's attack range reached the level of reincarnation. Even if Soul Tianyin has the blood of Phoenix, I'm afraid it's very fierce!"

The other vice general also looked ugly.

While they were talking, the dust in the center of the battlefield gradually dispersed, revealing the situation inside.

The whole body was shattered, and the sounds of dying souls appeared in people's sight.

At this moment, the soul tianyin no longer had the previous arrogance, like the goddess's posture, the whole body and flesh were blurred, and even the face was destroyed, which caused a shiver involuntarily.

"Okay ... very ... very ... keke ... Ye Xuan, I admire your means, but I'm not so easily beaten by you, Phoenix Golden Body, Phoenix Nirvana!"

Soul Tianyin resisted the severe pain from his body, stood up hard, stared resentfully at Ye Xuan, and Moreng's words came out of his mouth.

At the moment her words fell, her blood was full of power, surrounded by golden light, and her injuries were healed at a rate visible to the naked eye, and a large amount of necrotic flesh fell off her ...


Seeing that Soul Tianyin's injury was about to recover, a bright golden sword light burst out from behind her, pierced through her back, pierced her heart, and pierced her chest. Out!

"Sister Tianyin!"

"Sister Tianyin!"


This sudden change caused the faces of the five majors to change greatly, and anxiously speaking was heard in their mouths.

Some people wanted to rescue, but were stopped by the coercion released by the evil emperor.

Under their horrified gaze, three burning flames emerged behind Soul Tianyin, one of them holding the golden sword to pierce Soul Tianyin's body.

"Well ... keke ... sword ... the sword emperor ... is you? How can you ... you didn't die?"

Soul Tianyin resisted the severe pain from his body, and turned his head to look at the three figures appearing behind him. His pupils could not help but shrink, his mouth was filled with astonishment and incredible words.

"Oh ... the grandfather gave us eternal life, how could we die? Since this time, it has been hard for you, soul heaven sound!"

"Your mission is over, rest in peace!"

Sword Emperor Ba Zi was very satisfied with the expression on Hun Tianyin's face. A smile appeared on his face, and his tongue was licked to lick the corner of his mouth. There was a cold and indifferent voice in his mouth.


The moment his words fell, he waved the palm of the sword holding the sword vigorously, and the terrible sword exploded, tearing Soul Tianyin's body in half.

The sword emperor Ba Zi slowly put the blood-stained long sword into the scabbard, staring indifferently at the mouthful of Ye Xuan, grinning.

"Ye Xuan, you worked hard to eliminate many enemies. In order to express our gratitude, the three of us will send you to Huangquan!"

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