Medical Martial God

Chapter 1159: The ultimate battle!

Looking at the three immortal emperors, the Qing Emperor, and the Sword Emperor Bazi, who were held by the Tianji treasure umbrella and endured by the poisonous fire, Ye Xuan's face could not see the slightest joy, and some were extremely solemn.

Because he was very clear that these were nothing to the immortal emperor and emperor. They could not threaten their lives and cause substantial harm to them, but they were temporarily trapped.

After all, each of them may have the Nirvana Tinder given to them by their ancestors, which can release Nirvana ancestral flames and inflame poisons, making them unable to pass into their bodies.

"Ten seconds, I only have ten seconds!"

Ye Xuan's heart counted on the time, her eyes flashed with wise light, and cold voices came from her mouth.

At the moment Ye Xuan's words fell, his body was full of energy, his hands quickly rushed, and the endless white magic was bursting out of the ground into nine white chains, like nine white pythons facing the immortal emperor, the emperor, and the sword emperor. The three of them tangled away.

Great Devil's Prison Lock!

With the shackles of the heavenly treasure umbrella, the immortal emperor, the Qing emperors, they were not able to escape the entanglement of this great prisoner's heavenly lock, and they were blocked immediately.

However, Ye Xuan's offensive did not end there.

His shape was like electricity, and he rushed out like lightning. At the moment of rushing out, he slammed the initial solution button of the dragon blade in his hand. They shrouded.

The first solution of the dragon blade-black and white dragon lock!

All of a sudden, the dense chains burst out from the dragon blades and merged with the white light to rush towards the undead immortal emperor, depriving them of their vision and swallowing all their perception.

When they returned to God, what appeared to them was a large white enchantment. Their entire body was bound and entangled with dense dragon chains, and the energy in their bodies was completely suppressed and could not be used.

"Damn, what the **** are these chains?"

The immortal Emperor tried to shake the chain, but found that he couldn't shake it at all, making him look ugly, and his mouth was filled with anxious words.

"This chain can inhibit the flow of energy in the body, and has a huge seal effect ... It is difficult to break free in a short time!"

The Qing Emperor was surrounded by cyan energy, and a Qinglian rose behind him wanted to break the chain, but it also had no effect.

"It must be that the three of us are working hard at the same time and concentrate the power at one point. If this continues to be dragged passively, the ghost knows what tricks the boy can play! I count three times, and the three of us will work hard to focus the power at the same time. One point! "

The sharp light in Jiandi Bazi's eyes flickered, and he did not hesitate to speak.




When the sword emperor counted up to the last number, the three of them exerted force at the same time, and the horrible force broke out and the chain crackled.

"Immortal Emperor, Qing Emperor, Ba Zi ... Your death is here!"

However, before they broke the chain, the cold voice sounded at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, the roar of the tiger howling dragon filled with endless fierceness suddenly sounded, and the terrible sound waves would drown the immortal emperor, the green emperor, and the sword emperor like a stormy sea, and drowned them arrogantly. Infused into their ears, their bodies involuntarily belched, their whole body boiled blood, their brains were blank, and their mouths were spit with dark blood.

Obviously this is the sixth martial arts tiger howl and the seventh martial arts dragon howl by Ye Xuan who launched the yin and yang power!

Of course, Ye Xuan's attack did not end because of this, but more fierce and coherent.

He was wearing a white magic armor, and his whole body was burning because of the fierce fierce **** flames strengthened by the eighth martial arts battle of Yin Yang Ba Ji Jue. He swooped down from the sky like a **** of war and waved his fist against the immortal Emperor. Down.

The moment he waved his fist and smashed down, a huge **** of **** appeared behind him, making him more imposing.

The first martial art of yin and yang domineering tactics-White Dragon Burning Sun!

God's Wrath First Form: Hand of Divine Punishment!

Tenjin Fury II: Earthquake!

The fourth form of anger of god: angry sword Qinghong!

Tenth Form of Wrath: Bury Thunder Dragon!

The next moment, the huge white boxing flaming burning flames smashed at the immortal Emperor.

The huge No. 1 God of God waved his huge fist at the immortal Emperor, the Qing Emperor, and the Sword Emperor.

Surrounded by thunder and lightning, the No. 2 Tianshen holding Zhentian Hammer waved the sledgehammer in his hands and smashed down at them.

The No. 3 heavenly **** exuding divine temperament held up the holy sword in his hand and slashed out at them.

The height of Baizhang is like the ancient giant spirit **** No. 4, holding a huge thunder dragon and pulling out at them.

Storms and waves swell for it, and heaven and earth change color.

Appearing in the immortal Emperor, the Qing Emperor, and the Emperor Sword Emperor are the scenes that are extremely thrilling, desperate and even suffocating.

Looking at the shouting fists and gods, they felt the power of destroying the heavens and the earth in their attacks. Their faces changed greatly, and they looked particularly anxious and ugly. The thick crisis of life and death pervaded their hearts, The hairs of their whole body could not help but stand upright.

They did not expect that Ye Xuan could still perform such a terrible and powerful attack after continuous struggle.

This series of attacks is more fierce and powerful than when he dealt with defeating Soul Sky Sound.

They wanted to escape, they wanted to dodge, but they were too late, their bodies were bound by chains, they couldn't do it, they could only watch the devastating attacks fall on them.

"Damn, that mess can still perform such a powerful attack ..."

"What? We can't dodge at all ..."

"Ye Xuan, don't think such an attack can kill us. I want you to look good in a while!"

The angry screams from the immortal emperor, the emperor, and the sword came out of their mouths.


However, before their words were spoken, they were swallowed up by a terrible and terrible attack.

Earthquake explosions rang, and all attacks fell on them.

The devastating energy burst out vertically, and the black and white dragon locks entangled their bodies were shattered. The entire white light enchantment was shattered like glass under the impact of this terrible energy.

The white light enchantment was broken, and what appeared in people's sight was a shocking scene.

They only saw a huge cloud of mushrooms covering a hundred miles blooming on the sky, tearing the white light enchantment as much as possible.

The violent energy whistled, causing the temperature in the whole world to rise suddenly, and countless people were sweating on the forehead.

Feng Shenshan is shaking, and people's bodies are shaking.

Under the shocking gaze of people, the two mountain peaks distant thousands of meters away were swept away from the mid-mountain by the horrible energy, and became two sections.

"Kacha Kacha ..."

The earth trembled, and the sound of the ground cracking continued to sound.

A dense forest not far away was swallowed up by the explosion and spreading waves of fire. Thousands of ancient trees were instantly destroyed and became bare ...

It is conceivable how powerful and terrifying the power of Ye Xuan's successive attacks combined.


In the center of the explosion, the three burnt figures were smashed to the ground like a fired shell.

Their bodies smashed on the ground, and huge noises erupted. The horrible energy whistled, causing Defeng Mountain to tremble constantly. The hard ground was continuously collapsing. It spread out from the center of their fall ...

At this moment, the entire Fengshen Mountain is like a major earthquake, and even the terrain has changed.

People's eyes are blurred, only the diffuse dust in front of them and the huge mushroom cloud generated by the explosion are rising in the sky.

"Hisse! What a terrible attack, so powerful destructive power ..."

"What just happened in that white light enchantment? The three scorched black figures that flew out are the immortal emperors, are they the emperors?"

"Such a terrible attack has completely surpassed Nirvana, and even the full-strength of the samsara!"

"The three figures just now are supposed to be immortal emperors, are they the emperors? The attack was released by Ye Xuan?"

"If Ye Xuan was released, would he be too powerful and horrible?"

Looking at the horrific and devastating vision, the people at the scene only felt that the scalp was numb, the back was cold, and a strong shocking voice came from their mouths.

They were really frightened by the vision of the heavens and earth created by such a horrible explosion.

As both Nirvana powerhouses, even if they are joint forces, I am afraid it will be difficult to create such a devastating attack.

"Look, there are people in the air!"

I don't know who the sharp-eyed person yelled, and everyone raised their heads involuntarily to look into the sky.

Appearing in their sight was a sacred figure wearing white magic armor, surrounded by white flames, and holding a **** flame that released endless murderous hands.

"It's that earth boy!"

"Damn, how could it be him?"

"So the three figures that were hit to the ground are the immortal emperors, the emperor them?"

"No way, how could that earth boy be so strong?"

Of course, when people saw the appearance of the figure in the air, everyone couldn't help but be taken aback. The disciples of the Five Schools couldn't help yelling.

"Haha ... Brother Xuan!"

"It's really Brother Xuan, so great!"

"Xuan Ge is uniting his strength to give the immortal Emperor their fatal blow. He won!"

"Xuan Ge is awesome, Xuan Ge is mighty!"

The earth monks were extremely excited after they recognized the figure, and the words of excitement were heard in their mouths.

"It turned out to be that guy [Penqudao] ..."

There were also touching smiles on the exquisite faces of the three men, Jin Yue, Han Yueqing, and Han Yuexue.

"Are you going to decide?"

Looking at the Ye Xuan holding the dragon blade high, the evil emperor frowned slightly and whispered.


At the moment his words fell, Ye Xuan waved the dragon blade in his hand and slashed down at the huge pit that burst out below.

Reincarnation Sky Blade!

In a short time, the nine tangible razor qi and the six invisible razor qi rushed towards the wolverine figure in the deep pit with an endless killing intention.

Everywhere the edge of the air passes, the space is torn into a bottomless mouth.

From a distance, it looks like the sky has been torn by nine tangible blades of air, with endless squalls blowing out.



"Do not……"

Finally, under the gaze of people's eyes, nine tangible blade qi and six invisible razor rushed into the ground.

The loud blast and the scream of desperation sounded quietly at this moment.

Fengshen Mountain is constantly trembling, terrifying energy erupts underground, and the hard ground is constantly sinking, as if the end is coming ...

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